* Copyright 2002-2017, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Copyright 2001-2002, Travis Geiselbrecht. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the NewOS License.
# include "fssh_api_wrapper.h"
# include "OpenHashTable.h"
# include "list.h"
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <fs_cache.h>
# include <KernelExport.h>
# include <NodeMonitor.h>
# include <debug.h>
# include <lock.h>
# include <OpenHashTable.h>
# include <util/AutoLock.h>
# include <vfs.h>
# include <vm/vm.h>
using namespace FSShell;
# define user_strlcpy(to, from, len) (strlcpy(to, from, len), FSSH_B_OK)
//#define TRACE_ROOTFS
# define TRACE(x) dprintf x
# define TRACE(x)
namespace {
struct rootfs_stream {
mode_t type;
struct stream_dir {
struct rootfs_vnode* dir_head;
struct list cookies;
mutex cookie_lock;
} dir;
struct stream_symlink {
char* path;
size_t length;
} symlink;
struct rootfs_vnode {
struct rootfs_vnode* all_next;
ino_t id;
char* name;
timespec modification_time;
timespec creation_time;
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
struct rootfs_vnode* parent;
struct rootfs_vnode* dir_next;
struct rootfs_stream stream;
struct VnodeHash {
typedef ino_t KeyType;
typedef rootfs_vnode ValueType;
size_t HashKey(KeyType key) const
return key;
size_t Hash(ValueType* vnode) const
return vnode->id;
bool Compare(KeyType key, ValueType* vnode) const
return vnode->id == key;
ValueType*& GetLink(ValueType* value) const
return value->all_next;
typedef BOpenHashTable<VnodeHash> VnodeTable;
struct rootfs {
fs_volume* volume;
dev_t id;
rw_lock lock;
ino_t next_vnode_id;
VnodeTable* vnode_list_hash;
struct rootfs_vnode* root_vnode;
// dircookie, dirs are only types of streams supported by rootfs
struct rootfs_dir_cookie {
struct list_link link;
mutex lock;
struct rootfs_vnode* current;
int32 iteration_state;
// directory iteration states
enum {
// extern only to make forward declaration possible
extern fs_volume_ops sVolumeOps;
extern fs_vnode_ops sVnodeOps;
} // namespace
static timespec
bigtime_t time = real_time_clock_usecs();
timespec tv;
tv.tv_sec = time / 1000000;
tv.tv_nsec = (time % 1000000) * 1000;
return tv;
static ino_t
get_parent_id(struct rootfs_vnode* vnode)
if (vnode->parent != NULL)
return vnode->parent->id;
return -1;
static struct rootfs_vnode*
rootfs_create_vnode(struct rootfs* fs, struct rootfs_vnode* parent,
const char* name, int type)
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode;
vnode = (rootfs_vnode*)malloc(sizeof(struct rootfs_vnode));
if (vnode == NULL)
return NULL;
memset(vnode, 0, sizeof(struct rootfs_vnode));
if (name != NULL) {
vnode->name = strdup(name);
if (vnode->name == NULL) {
return NULL;
vnode->id = fs->next_vnode_id++;
vnode->stream.type = type;
vnode->creation_time = vnode->modification_time = current_timespec();
vnode->uid = geteuid();
vnode->gid = parent ? parent->gid : getegid();
// inherit group from parent if possible
if (S_ISDIR(type)) {
mutex_init(&vnode->stream.dir.cookie_lock, "rootfs dir cookies");
return vnode;
static status_t
rootfs_delete_vnode(struct rootfs* fs, struct rootfs_vnode* v, bool force_delete)
// cant delete it if it's in a directory or is a directory
// and has children
if (!force_delete && (v->stream.dir.dir_head != NULL || v->dir_next != NULL))
return EPERM;
// remove it from the global hash table
if (S_ISDIR(v->stream.type))
return 0;
/*! Makes sure none of the dircookies point to the vnode passed in. */
static void
update_dir_cookies(struct rootfs_vnode* dir, struct rootfs_vnode* vnode)
struct rootfs_dir_cookie* cookie = NULL;
while ((cookie = (rootfs_dir_cookie*)list_get_next_item(
&dir->stream.dir.cookies, cookie)) != NULL) {
MutexLocker cookieLocker(cookie->lock);
if (cookie->current == vnode)
cookie->current = vnode->dir_next;
static struct rootfs_vnode*
rootfs_find_in_dir(struct rootfs_vnode* dir, const char* path)
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode;
if (!strcmp(path, "."))
return dir;
if (!strcmp(path, ".."))
return dir->parent;
for (vnode = dir->stream.dir.dir_head; vnode; vnode = vnode->dir_next) {
if (!strcmp(vnode->name, path))
return vnode;
return NULL;
static status_t
rootfs_insert_in_dir(struct rootfs* fs, struct rootfs_vnode* dir,
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode)
// make sure the directory stays sorted alphabetically
struct rootfs_vnode* node = dir->stream.dir.dir_head;
struct rootfs_vnode* last = NULL;
while (node != NULL && strcmp(node->name, vnode->name) < 0) {
last = node;
node = node->dir_next;
if (last == NULL) {
// the new vnode is the first entry in the list
vnode->dir_next = dir->stream.dir.dir_head;
dir->stream.dir.dir_head = vnode;
} else {
// insert after that node
vnode->dir_next = last->dir_next;
last->dir_next = vnode;
vnode->parent = dir;
dir->modification_time = current_timespec();
notify_stat_changed(fs->id, get_parent_id(dir), dir->id,
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_remove_from_dir(struct rootfs* fs, struct rootfs_vnode* dir,
struct rootfs_vnode* removeVnode)
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode;
struct rootfs_vnode* lastVnode;
for (vnode = dir->stream.dir.dir_head, lastVnode = NULL; vnode != NULL;
lastVnode = vnode, vnode = vnode->dir_next) {
if (vnode == removeVnode) {
// make sure all dircookies dont point to this vnode
update_dir_cookies(dir, vnode);
if (lastVnode)
lastVnode->dir_next = vnode->dir_next;
dir->stream.dir.dir_head = vnode->dir_next;
vnode->dir_next = NULL;
dir->modification_time = current_timespec();
notify_stat_changed(fs->id, get_parent_id(dir), dir->id,
return B_OK;
static bool
rootfs_is_dir_empty(struct rootfs_vnode* dir)
return !dir->stream.dir.dir_head;
/*! You must hold the FS write lock when calling this function */
static status_t
remove_node(struct rootfs* fs, struct rootfs_vnode* directory,
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode)
// schedule this vnode to be removed when it's ref goes to zero
bool gotNode = (get_vnode(fs->volume, vnode->id, NULL) == B_OK);
status_t status = B_OK;
if (gotNode)
status = remove_vnode(fs->volume, vnode->id);
if (status == B_OK) {
rootfs_remove_from_dir(fs, directory, vnode);
notify_entry_removed(fs->id, directory->id, vnode->name, vnode->id);
if (gotNode)
put_vnode(fs->volume, vnode->id);
return status;
static status_t
rootfs_remove(struct rootfs* fs, struct rootfs_vnode* dir, const char* name,
bool isDirectory)
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode;
status_t status = B_OK;
WriteLocker locker(fs->lock);
vnode = rootfs_find_in_dir(dir, name);
if (!vnode)
else if (isDirectory && !S_ISDIR(vnode->stream.type))
else if (!isDirectory && S_ISDIR(vnode->stream.type))
status = B_IS_A_DIRECTORY;
else if (isDirectory && !rootfs_is_dir_empty(vnode))
if (status != B_OK)
return status;
entry_cache_remove(fs->volume->id, dir->id, name);
return remove_node(fs, dir, vnode);
// #pragma mark -
static status_t
rootfs_mount(fs_volume* volume, const char* device, uint32 flags,
const char* args, ino_t* _rootID)
struct rootfs* fs;
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode;
status_t err;
TRACE(("rootfs_mount: entry\n"));
fs = (rootfs*)malloc(sizeof(struct rootfs));
if (fs == NULL)
return B_NO_MEMORY;
volume->private_volume = fs;
volume->ops = &sVolumeOps;
fs->volume = volume;
fs->id = volume->id;
fs->next_vnode_id = 1;
rw_lock_init(&fs->lock, "rootfs");
fs->vnode_list_hash = new(std::nothrow) VnodeTable();
if (fs->vnode_list_hash == NULL
|| fs->vnode_list_hash->Init(ROOTFS_HASH_SIZE) != B_OK) {
err = B_NO_MEMORY;
goto err2;
// create the root vnode
vnode = rootfs_create_vnode(fs, NULL, ".", S_IFDIR | 0777);
if (vnode == NULL) {
err = B_NO_MEMORY;
goto err3;
vnode->parent = vnode;
fs->root_vnode = vnode;
publish_vnode(volume, vnode->id, vnode, &sVnodeOps, vnode->stream.type, 0);
*_rootID = vnode->id;
return B_OK;
delete fs->vnode_list_hash;
return err;
static status_t
rootfs_unmount(fs_volume* _volume)
struct rootfs* fs = (struct rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
TRACE(("rootfs_unmount: entry fs = %p\n", fs));
// release the reference to the root
put_vnode(fs->volume, fs->root_vnode->id);
// delete all of the vnodes
VnodeTable::Iterator i(fs->vnode_list_hash);
while (i.HasNext()) {
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode = i.Next();
rootfs_delete_vnode(fs, vnode, true);
delete fs->vnode_list_hash;
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_sync(fs_volume* _volume)
TRACE(("rootfs_sync: entry\n"));
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_lookup(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _dir, const char* name, ino_t* _id)
struct rootfs* fs = (struct rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* dir = (struct rootfs_vnode*)_dir->private_node;
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode;
TRACE(("rootfs_lookup: entry dir %p, name '%s'\n", dir, name));
if (!S_ISDIR(dir->stream.type))
ReadLocker locker(fs->lock);
// look it up
vnode = rootfs_find_in_dir(dir, name);
if (!vnode)
status_t status = get_vnode(fs->volume, vnode->id, NULL);
if (status != B_OK)
return status;
entry_cache_add(fs->volume->id, dir->id, name, vnode->id);
*_id = vnode->id;
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_get_vnode_name(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _vnode, char* buffer,
size_t bufferSize)
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode = (struct rootfs_vnode*)_vnode->private_node;
TRACE(("rootfs_get_vnode_name: vnode = %p (name = %s)\n", vnode,
strlcpy(buffer, vnode->name, bufferSize);
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_get_vnode(fs_volume* _volume, ino_t id, fs_vnode* _vnode, int* _type,
uint32* _flags, bool reenter)
struct rootfs* fs = (struct rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode;
TRACE(("rootfs_getvnode: asking for vnode %Ld, r %d\n", id, reenter));
if (!reenter)
vnode = fs->vnode_list_hash->Lookup(id);
if (!reenter)
TRACE(("rootfs_getnvnode: looked it up at %p\n", vnode));
if (vnode == NULL)
_vnode->private_node = vnode;
_vnode->ops = &sVnodeOps;
*_type = vnode->stream.type;
*_flags = 0;
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_put_vnode(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _vnode, bool reenter)
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode = (struct rootfs_vnode*)_vnode->private_node;
TRACE(("rootfs_putvnode: entry on vnode 0x%Lx, r %d\n", vnode->id, reenter));
return B_OK; // whatever
static status_t
rootfs_remove_vnode(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _vnode, bool reenter)
struct rootfs* fs = (struct rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode = (struct rootfs_vnode*)_vnode->private_node;
TRACE(("rootfs_remove_vnode: remove %p (0x%Lx), r %d\n", vnode, vnode->id,
if (!reenter)
if (vnode->dir_next) {
// can't remove node if it's linked to the dir
panic("rootfs_remove_vnode: vnode %p asked to be removed is present in "
"dir\n", vnode);
rootfs_delete_vnode(fs, vnode, false);
if (!reenter)
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_create(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _dir, const char* name, int omode,
int perms, void** _cookie, ino_t* _newID)
return B_BAD_VALUE;
static status_t
rootfs_open(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _v, int openMode, void** _cookie)
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode = (rootfs_vnode*)_v->private_node;
if (S_ISDIR(vnode->stream.type) && (openMode & O_RWMASK) != O_RDONLY)
if ((openMode & O_DIRECTORY) != 0 && !S_ISDIR(vnode->stream.type))
// allow to open the file, but it can't be done anything with it
*_cookie = NULL;
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_close(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _vnode, void* _cookie)
TRACE(("rootfs_close: entry vnode %p, cookie %p\n", _vnode->private_node,
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_free_cookie(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _v, void* _cookie)
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_fsync(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _v)
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_read(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _vnode, void* _cookie,
off_t pos, void* buffer, size_t* _length)
return EINVAL;
static status_t
rootfs_write(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
off_t pos, const void* buffer, size_t* _length)
TRACE(("rootfs_write: vnode %p, cookie %p, pos 0x%Lx , len %#x\n",
vnode, cookie, pos, (int)*_length));
return EPERM;
static status_t
rootfs_create_dir(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _dir, const char* name,
int mode)
struct rootfs* fs = (rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* dir = (rootfs_vnode*)_dir->private_node;
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode;
TRACE(("rootfs_create_dir: dir %p, name = '%s', perms = %d\n", dir, name,
WriteLocker locker(fs->lock);
vnode = rootfs_find_in_dir(dir, name);
if (vnode != NULL)
TRACE(("rootfs_create: creating new vnode\n"));
vnode = rootfs_create_vnode(fs, dir, name, S_IFDIR | (mode & S_IUMSK));
if (vnode == NULL)
return B_NO_MEMORY;
rootfs_insert_in_dir(fs, dir, vnode);
entry_cache_add(fs->volume->id, dir->id, name, vnode->id);
notify_entry_created(fs->id, dir->id, name, vnode->id);
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_remove_dir(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _dir, const char* name)
struct rootfs* fs = (rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* dir = (rootfs_vnode*)_dir->private_node;
TRACE(("rootfs_remove_dir: dir %p (0x%Lx), name '%s'\n", dir, dir->id,
return rootfs_remove(fs, dir, name, true);
static status_t
rootfs_open_dir(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _v, void** _cookie)
struct rootfs* fs = (struct rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode = (struct rootfs_vnode*)_v->private_node;
struct rootfs_dir_cookie* cookie;
TRACE(("rootfs_open: vnode %p\n", vnode));
if (!S_ISDIR(vnode->stream.type))
return B_BAD_VALUE;
cookie = (rootfs_dir_cookie*)malloc(sizeof(struct rootfs_dir_cookie));
if (cookie == NULL)
return B_NO_MEMORY;
mutex_init(&cookie->lock, "rootfs dir cookie");
ReadLocker locker(fs->lock);
cookie->current = vnode->stream.dir.dir_head;
cookie->iteration_state = ITERATION_STATE_BEGIN;
list_add_item(&vnode->stream.dir.cookies, cookie);
*_cookie = cookie;
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_free_dir_cookie(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _vnode, void* _cookie)
struct rootfs_dir_cookie* cookie = (rootfs_dir_cookie*)_cookie;
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode = (rootfs_vnode*)_vnode->private_node;
struct rootfs* fs = (rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
ReadLocker locker(fs->lock);
list_remove_item(&vnode->stream.dir.cookies, cookie);
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_read_dir(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _vnode, void* _cookie,
struct dirent* dirent, size_t bufferSize, uint32* _num)
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode = (struct rootfs_vnode*)_vnode->private_node;
struct rootfs_dir_cookie* cookie = (rootfs_dir_cookie*)_cookie;
struct rootfs* fs = (rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* childNode = NULL;
const char* name = NULL;
struct rootfs_vnode* nextChildNode = NULL;
TRACE(("rootfs_read_dir: vnode %p, cookie %p, buffer = %p, bufferSize = %d, "
"num = %p\n", _vnode, cookie, dirent, (int)bufferSize, _num));
ReadLocker locker(fs->lock);
MutexLocker cookieLocker(cookie->lock);
int nextState = cookie->iteration_state;
switch (cookie->iteration_state) {
childNode = vnode;
name = ".";
nextChildNode = vnode->stream.dir.dir_head;
nextState = cookie->iteration_state + 1;
childNode = vnode->parent;
name = "..";
nextChildNode = vnode->stream.dir.dir_head;
nextState = cookie->iteration_state + 1;
childNode = cookie->current;
if (childNode) {
name = childNode->name;
nextChildNode = childNode->dir_next;
if (!childNode) {
// we're at the end of the directory
*_num = 0;
return B_OK;
dirent->d_dev = fs->id;
dirent->d_ino = childNode->id;
dirent->d_reclen = strlen(name) + sizeof(struct dirent);
if (dirent->d_reclen > bufferSize)
return ENOBUFS;
int nameLength = user_strlcpy(dirent->d_name, name,
bufferSize - sizeof(struct dirent));
if (nameLength < B_OK)
return nameLength;
cookie->current = nextChildNode;
cookie->iteration_state = nextState;
*_num = 1;
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_rewind_dir(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _vnode, void* _cookie)
struct rootfs_dir_cookie* cookie = (rootfs_dir_cookie*)_cookie;
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode = (rootfs_vnode*)_vnode->private_node;
struct rootfs* fs = (rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
ReadLocker locker(fs->lock);
MutexLocker cookieLocker(cookie->lock);
cookie->current = vnode->stream.dir.dir_head;
cookie->iteration_state = ITERATION_STATE_BEGIN;
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_ioctl(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _v, void* _cookie, uint32 op,
void* buffer, size_t length)
TRACE(("rootfs_ioctl: vnode %p, cookie %p, op %d, buf %p, length %d\n",
_volume, _cookie, (int)op, buffer, (int)length));
return B_BAD_VALUE;
static bool
rootfs_can_page(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _v, void* cookie)
return false;
static status_t
rootfs_read_pages(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _v, void* cookie, off_t pos,
const iovec* vecs, size_t count, size_t* _numBytes)
static status_t
rootfs_write_pages(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _v, void* cookie, off_t pos,
const iovec* vecs, size_t count, size_t* _numBytes)
static status_t
rootfs_read_link(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _link, char* buffer,
size_t* _bufferSize)
struct rootfs_vnode* link = (rootfs_vnode*)_link->private_node;
if (!S_ISLNK(link->stream.type))
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if (link->stream.symlink.length < *_bufferSize)
*_bufferSize = link->stream.symlink.length;
memcpy(buffer, link->stream.symlink.path, *_bufferSize);
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_symlink(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _dir, const char* name,
const char* path, int mode)
struct rootfs* fs = (rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* dir = (rootfs_vnode*)_dir->private_node;
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode;
TRACE(("rootfs_symlink: dir %p, name = '%s', path = %s\n", dir, name, path));
WriteLocker locker(fs->lock);
vnode = rootfs_find_in_dir(dir, name);
if (vnode != NULL)
TRACE(("rootfs_create: creating new symlink\n"));
vnode = rootfs_create_vnode(fs, dir, name, S_IFLNK | (mode & S_IUMSK));
if (vnode == NULL)
return B_NO_MEMORY;
rootfs_insert_in_dir(fs, dir, vnode);
vnode->stream.symlink.path = strdup(path);
if (vnode->stream.symlink.path == NULL) {
rootfs_delete_vnode(fs, vnode, false);
return B_NO_MEMORY;
vnode->stream.symlink.length = strlen(path);
entry_cache_add(fs->volume->id, dir->id, name, vnode->id);
notify_entry_created(fs->id, dir->id, name, vnode->id);
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_unlink(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _dir, const char* name)
struct rootfs* fs = (rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* dir = (rootfs_vnode*)_dir->private_node;
TRACE(("rootfs_unlink: dir %p (0x%Lx), name '%s'\n", dir, dir->id, name));
return rootfs_remove(fs, dir, name, false);
static status_t
rootfs_rename(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _fromDir, const char* fromName,
fs_vnode* _toDir, const char* toName)
struct rootfs* fs = (rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* fromDirectory = (rootfs_vnode*)_fromDir->private_node;
struct rootfs_vnode* toDirectory = (rootfs_vnode*)_toDir->private_node;
TRACE(("rootfs_rename: from %p (0x%Lx, %s), fromName '%s', to %p "
"(0x%Lx, %s), toName '%s'\n", fromDirectory, fromDirectory->id,
fromDirectory->name != NULL ? fromDirectory->name : "NULL",
fromName, toDirectory, toDirectory->id,
toDirectory->name != NULL ? toDirectory->name : "NULL",
// Prevent renaming /boot, since that will stop everything from working.
// TODO: This should be solved differently. Either root should still be
// able to do this or a mechanism should be introduced that does this
// at the VFS level, for example by checking nodes for a specific
// attribute.
if (fromDirectory->id == 1 && strcmp(fromName, "boot") == 0)
return EPERM;
WriteLocker locker(fs->lock);
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode = rootfs_find_in_dir(fromDirectory, fromName);
if (vnode == NULL)
// make sure the target is not a subdirectory of us
struct rootfs_vnode* parent = toDirectory->parent;
while (parent != NULL && parent != parent->parent) {
if (parent == vnode)
return B_BAD_VALUE;
parent = parent->parent;
struct rootfs_vnode* targetVnode = rootfs_find_in_dir(toDirectory, toName);
if (targetVnode != NULL) {
// target node exists, let's see if it is an empty directory
if (S_ISDIR(targetVnode->stream.type)
&& !rootfs_is_dir_empty(targetVnode))
return B_NAME_IN_USE;
// so we can cleanly remove it
entry_cache_remove(fs->volume->id, toDirectory->id, toName);
remove_node(fs, toDirectory, targetVnode);
// we try to reuse the existing name buffer if possible
if (strlen(fromName) < strlen(toName)) {
char* nameBuffer = strdup(toName);
if (nameBuffer == NULL)
return B_NO_MEMORY;
vnode->name = nameBuffer;
} else {
// we can just copy it
strcpy(vnode->name, toName);
// remove it from the dir
entry_cache_remove(fs->volume->id, fromDirectory->id, fromName);
rootfs_remove_from_dir(fs, fromDirectory, vnode);
// Add it back to the dir with the new name.
// We need to do this even in the same directory,
// so that it keeps sorted correctly.
rootfs_insert_in_dir(fs, toDirectory, vnode);
entry_cache_add(fs->volume->id, toDirectory->id, toName, vnode->id);
notify_entry_moved(fs->id, fromDirectory->id, fromName, toDirectory->id,
toName, vnode->id);
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_read_stat(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _v, struct stat* stat)
struct rootfs* fs = (rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode = (rootfs_vnode*)_v->private_node;
TRACE(("rootfs_read_stat: vnode %p (0x%Lx), stat %p\n", vnode, vnode->id,
// stream exists, but we know to return size 0, since we can only hold
// directories
stat->st_dev = fs->id;
stat->st_ino = vnode->id;
if (S_ISLNK(vnode->stream.type))
stat->st_size = vnode->stream.symlink.length;
stat->st_size = 0;
stat->st_mode = vnode->stream.type;
stat->st_nlink = 1;
stat->st_blksize = 65536;
stat->st_blocks = 0;
stat->st_uid = vnode->uid;
stat->st_gid = vnode->gid;
stat->st_atim.tv_sec = real_time_clock();
stat->st_atim.tv_nsec = 0;
stat->st_mtim = stat->st_ctim = vnode->modification_time;
stat->st_crtim = vnode->creation_time;
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_write_stat(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _vnode, const struct stat* stat,
uint32 statMask)
struct rootfs* fs = (rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode = (rootfs_vnode*)_vnode->private_node;
TRACE(("rootfs_write_stat: vnode %p (0x%Lx), stat %p\n", vnode, vnode->id,
// we cannot change the size of anything
if (statMask & B_STAT_SIZE)
return B_BAD_VALUE;
WriteLocker locker(fs->lock);
if ((statMask & B_STAT_MODE) != 0) {
vnode->stream.type = (vnode->stream.type & ~S_IUMSK)
| (stat->st_mode & S_IUMSK);
if ((statMask & B_STAT_UID) != 0)
vnode->uid = stat->st_uid;
if ((statMask & B_STAT_GID) != 0)
vnode->gid = stat->st_gid;
if ((statMask & B_STAT_MODIFICATION_TIME) != 0)
vnode->modification_time = stat->st_mtim;
if ((statMask & B_STAT_CREATION_TIME) != 0)
vnode->creation_time = stat->st_crtim;
notify_stat_changed(fs->id, get_parent_id(vnode), vnode->id, statMask);
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_create_special_node(fs_volume* _volume, fs_vnode* _dir, const char* name,
fs_vnode* subVnode, mode_t mode, uint32 flags, fs_vnode* _superVnode,
ino_t* _nodeID)
struct rootfs* fs = (rootfs*)_volume->private_volume;
struct rootfs_vnode* dir = (rootfs_vnode*)_dir->private_node;
struct rootfs_vnode* vnode;
WriteLocker locker(fs->lock);
if (name != NULL) {
vnode = rootfs_find_in_dir(dir, name);
if (vnode != NULL)
vnode = rootfs_create_vnode(fs, dir, name, mode);
if (vnode == NULL)
return B_NO_MEMORY;
if (name != NULL)
rootfs_insert_in_dir(fs, dir, vnode);
_superVnode->private_node = vnode;
_superVnode->ops = &sVnodeOps;
*_nodeID = vnode->id;
if (subVnode == NULL)
subVnode = _superVnode;
status_t status = publish_vnode(fs->volume, vnode->id,
subVnode->private_node, subVnode->ops, mode, flags);
if (status != B_OK) {
if (name != NULL)
rootfs_remove_from_dir(fs, dir, vnode);
rootfs_delete_vnode(fs, vnode, false);
return status;
if (name != NULL) {
entry_cache_add(fs->volume->id, dir->id, name, vnode->id);
notify_entry_created(fs->id, dir->id, name, vnode->id);
return B_OK;
static status_t
rootfs_std_ops(int32 op, ...)
switch (op) {
return B_OK;
return B_OK;
return B_ERROR;
namespace {
fs_volume_ops sVolumeOps = {
// the other operations are not supported (indices, queries)
fs_vnode_ops sVnodeOps = {
NULL, // io()
NULL, // cancel_io()
NULL, // get_file_map()
/* common */
NULL, // fs_set_flags()
NULL, // select
NULL, // deselect
NULL, // fs_link()
NULL, // fs_access()
/* file */
/* directory */
&rootfs_close, // same as for files - it does nothing, anyway
/* attribute directory operations */
NULL, // open_attr_dir
NULL, // close_attr_dir
NULL, // free_attr_dir_cookie
NULL, // read_attr_dir
NULL, // rewind_attr_dir
/* attribute operations */
NULL, // create_attr
NULL, // open_attr
NULL, // close_attr
NULL, // free_attr_cookie
NULL, // read_attr
NULL, // write_attr
NULL, // read_attr_stat
NULL, // write_attr_stat
NULL, // rename_attr
NULL, // remove_attr
/* support for node and FS layers */
NULL, // get_super_vnode,
} // namespace
file_system_module_info gRootFileSystem = {
"file_systems/rootfs" B_CURRENT_FS_API_VERSION,
"rootfs", // short_name
"Root File System", // pretty_name
0, // DDM flags
NULL, // identify_partition()
NULL, // scan_partition()
NULL, // free_identify_partition_cookie()
NULL, // free_partition_content_cookie()
↑ V547 Expression 'nameLength < ((int) 0)' is always false.