 * Copyright 2006-2011, Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
 * Authors:
 *		Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de
 *		Clemens Zeidler, haiku@clemens-zeidler.de
 *		Fredrik Holmqvis, fredrik.holmqvist@gmail.com
 *		Alexander von Gluck, kallisti5@unixzen.com
#include "radeon_hd.h"
#include "sensors.h"
#include "AreaKeeper.h"
#include "driver.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <boot_item.h>
#include <driver_settings.h>
#include <util/kernel_cpp.h>
#include <vm/vm.h>
#	define TRACE(x...) dprintf("radeon_hd: " x)
#	define TRACE(x) ;
#define ERROR(x...) dprintf("radeon_hd: " x)
//	#pragma mark -
mapAtomBIOS(radeon_info &info, uint32 romBase, uint32 romSize)
	TRACE("%s: seeking AtomBIOS @ 0x%" B_PRIX32 " [size: 0x%" B_PRIX32 "]\n",
		__func__, romBase, romSize);
	uint8* rom;
	// attempt to access area specified
	area_id testArea = map_physical_memory("radeon hd rom probe",
	if (testArea < 0) {
		ERROR("%s: couldn't map potential rom @ 0x%" B_PRIX32
			"\n", __func__, romBase);
		return B_NO_MEMORY;
	// check for valid BIOS signature
	if (rom[0] != 0x55 || rom[1] != 0xAA) {
		uint16 id = rom[0] + (rom[1] << 8);
		TRACE("%s: BIOS signature incorrect @ 0x%" B_PRIX32 " (%X)\n",
			__func__, romBase, id);
		return B_ERROR;
	// see if valid AtomBIOS rom
	uint16 romHeader = RADEON_BIOS16(rom, 0x48);
	bool romValid = !memcmp(&rom[romHeader + 4], "ATOM", 4)
		|| !memcmp(&rom[romHeader + 4], "MOTA", 4);
	if (romValid == false) {
		// FAIL : a PCI VGA bios but not AtomBIOS
		uint16 id = rom[0] + (rom[1] << 8);
		TRACE("%s: not AtomBIOS rom at 0x%" B_PRIX32 "(%X)\n",
			__func__, romBase, id);
		return B_ERROR;
	info.rom_area = create_area("radeon hd AtomBIOS",
		(void**)&info.atom_buffer, B_ANY_KERNEL_ADDRESS,
		romSize, B_NO_LOCK,
	if (info.rom_area < 0) {
		ERROR("%s: unable to map kernel AtomBIOS space!\n",
		return B_NO_MEMORY;
	memset((void*)info.atom_buffer, 0, romSize);
		// Prevent unknown code execution by AtomBIOS parser
	memcpy(info.atom_buffer, (void*)rom, romSize);
		// Copy AtomBIOS to kernel area
	// validate copied rom is valid
	romHeader = RADEON_BIOS16(info.atom_buffer, 0x48);
	romValid = !memcmp(&info.atom_buffer[romHeader + 4], "ATOM", 4)
		|| !memcmp(&info.atom_buffer[romHeader + 4], "MOTA", 4);
	if (romValid == true) {
		ERROR("%s: AtomBIOS verified and locked\n", __func__);
	} else
		ERROR("%s: AtomBIOS memcpy failed!\n", __func__);
	return romValid ? B_OK : B_ERROR;
static status_t
radeon_hd_getbios(radeon_info &info)
	TRACE("card(%ld): %s: called\n", info.id, __func__);
	uint32 romBase = 0;
	uint32 romSize = 0;
	uint32 romMethod = 0;
	status_t mapResult = B_ERROR;
	// first we try to find the AtomBIOS rom via various methods
	for (romMethod = 0; romMethod < 3; romMethod++) {
		switch(romMethod) {
			case 0:
				// TODO: *** New ACPI method
				ERROR("%s: ACPI ATRM AtomBIOS TODO\n", __func__);
			case 1:
				// *** Discreet card on IGP, check PCI BAR 0
				// On post, the bios puts a copy of the IGP
				// AtomBIOS at the start of the video ram
				romBase = info.pci->u.h0.base_registers[PCI_BAR_FB];
				romSize = 256 * 1024;
				if (romBase == 0 || romSize == 0) {
					ERROR("%s: No base found at PCI FB BAR\n", __func__);
				} else {
					mapResult = mapAtomBIOS(info, romBase, romSize);
			case 2:
				// *** PCI ROM BAR
				// Enable ROM decoding for PCI BAR rom
				uint32 pciConfig = get_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4);
				pciConfig |= PCI_rom_enable;
				set_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4, pciConfig);
				uint32 flags = get_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4);
				if ((flags & PCI_rom_enable) != 0)
					TRACE("%s: PCI ROM decode enabled\n", __func__);
				romBase = info.pci->u.h0.rom_base;
				romSize = info.pci->u.h0.rom_size;
				if (romBase == 0 || romSize == 0) {
					ERROR("%s: No base found at PCI ROM BAR\n", __func__);
				} else {
					mapResult = mapAtomBIOS(info, romBase, romSize);
				// Disable ROM decoding
				pciConfig &= ~PCI_rom_enable;
				set_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4, pciConfig);
		if (mapResult == B_OK) {
			ERROR("%s: AtomBIOS found using active method %" B_PRIu32
				" at 0x%" B_PRIX32 "\n", __func__, romMethod, romBase);
		} else {
			ERROR("%s: AtomBIOS not found using active method %" B_PRIu32
				" at 0x%" B_PRIX32 "\n", __func__, romMethod, romBase);
	if (mapResult == B_OK) {
		info.shared_info->rom_phys = romBase;
		info.shared_info->rom_size = romSize;
	} else
		ERROR("%s: Active AtomBIOS search failed.\n", __func__);
	return mapResult;
static status_t
radeon_hd_getbios_ni(radeon_info &info)
	TRACE("card(%ld): %s: called\n", info.id, __func__);
	uint32 bus_cntl = read32(info.registers + R600_BUS_CNTL);
	uint32 d1vga_control = read32(info.registers + AVIVO_D1VGA_CONTROL);
	uint32 d2vga_control = read32(info.registers + AVIVO_D2VGA_CONTROL);
	uint32 vga_render_control
		= read32(info.registers + AVIVO_VGA_RENDER_CONTROL);
	uint32 rom_cntl = read32(info.registers + R600_ROM_CNTL);
	// enable the rom
	write32(info.registers + R600_BUS_CNTL, (bus_cntl & ~R600_BIOS_ROM_DIS));
	// disable VGA mode
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D1VGA_CONTROL, (d1vga_control
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D2VGA_CONTROL, (d2vga_control
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_VGA_RENDER_CONTROL,
		(vga_render_control & ~AVIVO_VGA_VSTATUS_CNTL_MASK));
	write32(info.registers + R600_ROM_CNTL, (rom_cntl | R600_SCK_OVERWRITE));
	// try to grab the bios via PCI ROM bar
	// Enable ROM decoding for PCI BAR rom
	uint32 pciConfig = get_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4);
	pciConfig |= PCI_rom_enable;
	set_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4, pciConfig);
	uint32 flags = get_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4);
	if (flags & PCI_rom_enable)
		TRACE("%s: PCI ROM decode enabled\n", __func__);
	uint32 romBase = info.pci->u.h0.rom_base;
	uint32 romSize = info.pci->u.h0.rom_size;
	status_t result = B_OK;
	if (romBase == 0 || romSize == 0) {
		ERROR("%s: No AtomBIOS location found at PCI ROM BAR\n", __func__);
		result = B_ERROR;
	} else {
		result = mapAtomBIOS(info, romBase, romSize);
	if (result == B_OK) {
		ERROR("%s: AtomBIOS found using disabled method at 0x%" B_PRIX32
			" [size: 0x%" B_PRIX32 "]\n", __func__, romBase, romSize);
		info.shared_info->rom_phys = romBase;
		info.shared_info->rom_size = romSize;
	// Disable ROM decoding
	pciConfig &= ~PCI_rom_enable;
	set_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4, pciConfig);
	// restore regs
	write32(info.registers + R600_BUS_CNTL, bus_cntl);
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D1VGA_CONTROL, d1vga_control);
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D2VGA_CONTROL, d2vga_control);
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_VGA_RENDER_CONTROL, vga_render_control);
	write32(info.registers + R600_ROM_CNTL, rom_cntl);
	return result;
static status_t
radeon_hd_getbios_r700(radeon_info &info)
	TRACE("card(%ld): %s: called\n", info.id, __func__);
	uint32 viph_control = read32(info.registers + RADEON_VIPH_CONTROL);
	uint32 bus_cntl = read32(info.registers + R600_BUS_CNTL);
	uint32 d1vga_control = read32(info.registers + AVIVO_D1VGA_CONTROL);
	uint32 d2vga_control = read32(info.registers + AVIVO_D2VGA_CONTROL);
	uint32 vga_render_control
		= read32(info.registers + AVIVO_VGA_RENDER_CONTROL);
	uint32 rom_cntl = read32(info.registers + R600_ROM_CNTL);
	// disable VIP
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_VIPH_CONTROL,
		(viph_control & ~RADEON_VIPH_EN));
	// enable the rom
	write32(info.registers + R600_BUS_CNTL, (bus_cntl & ~R600_BIOS_ROM_DIS));
	// disable VGA mode
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D1VGA_CONTROL, (d1vga_control
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D2VGA_CONTROL, (d2vga_control
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_VGA_RENDER_CONTROL,
		(vga_render_control & ~AVIVO_VGA_VSTATUS_CNTL_MASK));
	write32(info.registers + R600_ROM_CNTL, (rom_cntl | R600_SCK_OVERWRITE));
	// try to grab the bios via PCI ROM bar
	// Enable ROM decoding for PCI BAR rom
	uint32 pciConfig = get_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4);
	pciConfig |= PCI_rom_enable;
	set_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4, pciConfig);
	uint32 flags = get_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4);
	if (flags & PCI_rom_enable)
		TRACE("%s: PCI ROM decode enabled\n", __func__);
	uint32 romBase = info.pci->u.h0.rom_base;
	uint32 romSize = info.pci->u.h0.rom_size;
	status_t result = B_OK;
	if (romBase == 0 || romSize == 0) {
		ERROR("%s: No AtomBIOS location found at PCI ROM BAR\n", __func__);
		result = B_ERROR;
	} else {
		result = mapAtomBIOS(info, romBase, romSize);
	if (result == B_OK) {
		ERROR("%s: AtomBIOS found using disabled method at 0x%" B_PRIX32
			" [size: 0x%" B_PRIX32 "]\n", __func__, romBase, romSize);
		info.shared_info->rom_phys = romBase;
		info.shared_info->rom_size = romSize;
	// Disable ROM decoding
	pciConfig &= ~PCI_rom_enable;
	set_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4, pciConfig);
	// restore regs
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_VIPH_CONTROL, viph_control);
	write32(info.registers + R600_BUS_CNTL, bus_cntl);
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D1VGA_CONTROL, d1vga_control);
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D2VGA_CONTROL, d2vga_control);
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_VGA_RENDER_CONTROL, vga_render_control);
	write32(info.registers + R600_ROM_CNTL, rom_cntl);
	return result;
static status_t
radeon_hd_getbios_r600(radeon_info &info)
	TRACE("card(%ld): %s: called\n", info.id, __func__);
	uint32 viph_control = read32(info.registers + RADEON_VIPH_CONTROL);
	uint32 bus_cntl = read32(info.registers + R600_BUS_CNTL);
	uint32 d1vga_control = read32(info.registers + AVIVO_D1VGA_CONTROL);
	uint32 d2vga_control = read32(info.registers + AVIVO_D2VGA_CONTROL);
	uint32 vga_render_control
		= read32(info.registers + AVIVO_VGA_RENDER_CONTROL);
	uint32 rom_cntl = read32(info.registers + R600_ROM_CNTL);
	uint32 general_pwrmgt = read32(info.registers + R600_GENERAL_PWRMGT);
	uint32 low_vid_lower_gpio_cntl
		= read32(info.registers + R600_LOW_VID_LOWER_GPIO_CNTL);
	uint32 medium_vid_lower_gpio_cntl
		= read32(info.registers + R600_MEDIUM_VID_LOWER_GPIO_CNTL);
	uint32 high_vid_lower_gpio_cntl
		= read32(info.registers + R600_HIGH_VID_LOWER_GPIO_CNTL);
	uint32 ctxsw_vid_lower_gpio_cntl
		= read32(info.registers + R600_CTXSW_VID_LOWER_GPIO_CNTL);
	uint32 lower_gpio_enable
		= read32(info.registers + R600_LOWER_GPIO_ENABLE);
	// disable VIP
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_VIPH_CONTROL,
		(viph_control & ~RADEON_VIPH_EN));
	// enable the rom
	write32(info.registers + R600_BUS_CNTL, (bus_cntl & ~R600_BIOS_ROM_DIS));
	// disable VGA mode
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D1VGA_CONTROL, (d1vga_control
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D2VGA_CONTROL, (d2vga_control
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_VGA_RENDER_CONTROL,
		(vga_render_control & ~AVIVO_VGA_VSTATUS_CNTL_MASK));
	write32(info.registers + R600_ROM_CNTL,
	write32(info.registers + R600_GENERAL_PWRMGT,
		(general_pwrmgt & ~R600_OPEN_DRAIN_PADS));
	write32(info.registers + R600_LOW_VID_LOWER_GPIO_CNTL,
		(low_vid_lower_gpio_cntl & ~0x400));
	write32(info.registers + R600_MEDIUM_VID_LOWER_GPIO_CNTL,
		(medium_vid_lower_gpio_cntl & ~0x400));
	write32(info.registers + R600_HIGH_VID_LOWER_GPIO_CNTL,
		(high_vid_lower_gpio_cntl & ~0x400));
	write32(info.registers + R600_CTXSW_VID_LOWER_GPIO_CNTL,
		(ctxsw_vid_lower_gpio_cntl & ~0x400));
	write32(info.registers + R600_LOWER_GPIO_ENABLE,
		(lower_gpio_enable | 0x400));
	// try to grab the bios via PCI ROM bar
	// Enable ROM decoding for PCI BAR rom
	uint32 pciConfig = get_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4);
	pciConfig |= PCI_rom_enable;
	set_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4, pciConfig);
	uint32 flags = get_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4);
	if (flags & PCI_rom_enable)
		TRACE("%s: PCI ROM decode enabled\n", __func__);
	uint32 romBase = info.pci->u.h0.rom_base;
	uint32 romSize = info.pci->u.h0.rom_size;
	status_t result = B_OK;
	if (romBase == 0 || romSize == 0) {
		ERROR("%s: No AtomBIOS location found at PCI ROM BAR\n", __func__);
		result = B_ERROR;
	} else {
		result = mapAtomBIOS(info, romBase, romSize);
	if (result == B_OK) {
		ERROR("%s: AtomBIOS found using disabled method at 0x%" B_PRIX32
			" [size: 0x%" B_PRIX32 "]\n", __func__, romBase, romSize);
		info.shared_info->rom_phys = romBase;
		info.shared_info->rom_size = romSize;
	// Disable ROM decoding
	pciConfig &= ~PCI_rom_enable;
	set_pci_config(info.pci, PCI_rom_base, 4, pciConfig);
	// restore regs
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_VIPH_CONTROL, viph_control);
	write32(info.registers + R600_BUS_CNTL, bus_cntl);
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D1VGA_CONTROL, d1vga_control);
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D2VGA_CONTROL, d2vga_control);
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_VGA_RENDER_CONTROL, vga_render_control);
	write32(info.registers + R600_ROM_CNTL, rom_cntl);
	write32(info.registers + R600_GENERAL_PWRMGT, general_pwrmgt);
	write32(info.registers + R600_LOW_VID_LOWER_GPIO_CNTL,
	write32(info.registers + R600_MEDIUM_VID_LOWER_GPIO_CNTL,
	write32(info.registers + R600_HIGH_VID_LOWER_GPIO_CNTL,
	write32(info.registers + R600_CTXSW_VID_LOWER_GPIO_CNTL,
	write32(info.registers + R600_LOWER_GPIO_ENABLE, lower_gpio_enable);
	return result;
static status_t
radeon_hd_getbios_avivo(radeon_info &info)
	TRACE("card(%ld): %s: called\n", info.id, __func__);
	uint32 sepromControl = read32(info.registers + RADEON_SEPROM_CNTL1);
	uint32 viphControl = read32(info.registers + RADEON_VIPH_CONTROL);
	uint32 busControl = read32(info.registers + RV370_BUS_CNTL);
	uint32 d1vgaControl = read32(info.registers + AVIVO_D1VGA_CONTROL);
	uint32 d2vgaControl = read32(info.registers + AVIVO_D2VGA_CONTROL);
	uint32 vgaRenderControl
		= read32(info.registers + AVIVO_VGA_RENDER_CONTROL);
	uint32 gpioPadA = read32(info.registers + RADEON_GPIOPAD_A);
	uint32 gpioPadEN = read32(info.registers + RADEON_GPIOPAD_EN);
	uint32 gpioPadMask = read32(info.registers + RADEON_GPIOPAD_MASK);
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_SEPROM_CNTL1,
		((sepromControl & ~RADEON_SCK_PRESCALE_MASK)
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_GPIOPAD_A, 0);
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_GPIOPAD_EN, 0);
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_GPIOPAD_MASK, 0);
	// disable VIP
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_VIPH_CONTROL,
		(viphControl & ~RADEON_VIPH_EN));
	// enable the ROM
	write32(info.registers + RV370_BUS_CNTL,
		(busControl & ~RV370_BUS_BIOS_DIS_ROM));
	// disable VGA
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D1VGA_CONTROL,
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D2VGA_CONTROL,
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_VGA_RENDER_CONTROL,
		(vgaRenderControl & ~AVIVO_VGA_VSTATUS_CNTL_MASK));
	uint32 romBase = info.pci->u.h0.rom_base;
	uint32 romSize = info.pci->u.h0.rom_size;
	status_t result = B_OK;
	if (romBase == 0 || romSize == 0) {
		ERROR("%s: No AtomBIOS location found at PCI ROM BAR\n", __func__);
		result = B_ERROR;
	} else {
		result = mapAtomBIOS(info, romBase, romSize);
	if (result == B_OK) {
		ERROR("%s: AtomBIOS found using disabled method at 0x%" B_PRIX32
			" [size: 0x%" B_PRIX32 "]\n", __func__, romBase, romSize);
		info.shared_info->rom_phys = romBase;
		info.shared_info->rom_size = romSize;
	// restore registers
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_SEPROM_CNTL1, sepromControl);
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_VIPH_CONTROL, viphControl);
	write32(info.registers + RV370_BUS_CNTL, busControl);
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D1VGA_CONTROL, d1vgaControl);
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_D2VGA_CONTROL, d2vgaControl);
	write32(info.registers + AVIVO_VGA_RENDER_CONTROL, vgaRenderControl);
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_GPIOPAD_A, gpioPadA);
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_GPIOPAD_EN, gpioPadEN);
	write32(info.registers + RADEON_GPIOPAD_MASK, gpioPadMask);
	return result;
static uint32
radeon_hd_pci_bar_mmio(uint16 chipsetID)
	if (chipsetID < RADEON_BONAIRE)
		return 2;
		return 5;
radeon_hd_init(radeon_info &info)
	TRACE("card(%ld): %s: called\n", info.id, __func__);
	ERROR("%s: card(%ld): "
		"Radeon %s 1002:%" B_PRIX32 "\n", __func__, info.id,
		radeon_chip_name[info.chipsetID], info.pciID);
	// *** Map shared info
	AreaKeeper sharedCreator;
	info.shared_area = sharedCreator.Create("radeon hd shared info",
		(void**)&info.shared_info, B_ANY_KERNEL_ADDRESS,
		ROUND_TO_PAGE_SIZE(sizeof(radeon_shared_info)), B_FULL_LOCK,
	if (info.shared_area < B_OK) {
		ERROR("%s: card (%ld): couldn't map shared area!\n",
			__func__, info.id);
		return info.shared_area;
	memset((void*)info.shared_info, 0, sizeof(radeon_shared_info));
	// *** Map Memory mapped IO
	AreaKeeper mmioMapper;
	const uint32 pciBarMmio = radeon_hd_pci_bar_mmio(info.chipsetID);
	info.registers_area = mmioMapper.Map("radeon hd mmio",
	if (mmioMapper.InitCheck() < B_OK) {
		ERROR("%s: card (%ld): couldn't map memory I/O!\n",
			__func__, info.id);
		return info.registers_area;
	// *** Populate frame buffer information
	if (info.chipsetID >= RADEON_CEDAR) {
		if ((info.chipsetFlags & CHIP_APU) != 0
			|| (info.chipsetFlags & CHIP_IGP) != 0) {
			// Evergreen+ fusion in bytes
				= read32(info.registers + CONFIG_MEMSIZE) / 1024;
		} else {
			// Evergreen+ has memory stored in MB
				= read32(info.registers + CONFIG_MEMSIZE) * 1024;
	} else if (info.chipsetID >= RADEON_R600) {
		// R600-R700 has memory stored in bytes
			= read32(info.registers + CONFIG_MEMSIZE) / 1024;
	} else {
		// R420 - R600 cards
		if ((info.chipsetFlags & CHIP_IGP) != 0) {
			// NB_TOM holds amount of ram stolen for GPU
			uint32 tom = read32(info.registers + RADEON_NB_TOM);
				= (((tom >> 16) - (tom & 0xffff) + 1) << 16);
			write32(info.registers + RADEON_CONFIG_MEMSIZE,
		} else {
				= read32(info.registers + RADEON_CONFIG_MEMSIZE);
			if (info.shared_info->graphics_memory_size == 0) {
				// known bug if video memory == 8MB
				info.shared_info->graphics_memory_size = 8192;
				write32(info.registers + RADEON_CONFIG_MEMSIZE,
					info.shared_info->graphics_memory_size * 1024);
	uint32 barSize = info.pci->u.h0.base_register_sizes[PCI_BAR_FB] / 1024;
	// if graphics memory is larger then PCI bar, just map bar
	if (info.shared_info->graphics_memory_size == 0) {
		// we can recover as we have PCI FB bar, but this should be fixed
		ERROR("%s: Error: found 0MB video ram, using PCI bar size...\n",
		info.shared_info->frame_buffer_size = barSize;
	} else if (info.shared_info->graphics_memory_size > barSize) {
		TRACE("%s: shrinking frame buffer to PCI bar...\n",
		info.shared_info->frame_buffer_size = barSize;
	} else {
			= info.shared_info->graphics_memory_size;
	TRACE("%s: mapping a frame buffer of %" B_PRIu32 "MB out of %" B_PRIu32
		"MB video ram\n", __func__, info.shared_info->frame_buffer_size / 1024,
		info.shared_info->graphics_memory_size / 1024);
	// *** Framebuffer mapping
	AreaKeeper frambufferMapper;
	info.framebuffer_area = frambufferMapper.Map("radeon hd frame buffer",
		info.shared_info->frame_buffer_size * 1024,
	if (frambufferMapper.InitCheck() < B_OK) {
		ERROR("%s: card(%ld): couldn't map frame buffer!\n",
			__func__, info.id);
		return info.framebuffer_area;
	// Turn on write combining for the frame buffer area
		info.pci->u.h0.base_registers[PCI_BAR_FB], B_MTR_WC);
	info.shared_info->frame_buffer_area = info.framebuffer_area;
		= info.pci->u.h0.base_registers[PCI_BAR_FB];
	// Pass common information to accelerant
	info.shared_info->deviceIndex = info.id;
	info.shared_info->pciID = info.pciID;
	info.shared_info->pciRev = info.pci->revision;
	info.shared_info->chipsetID = info.chipsetID;
	info.shared_info->chipsetFlags = info.chipsetFlags;
	info.shared_info->dceMajor = info.dceMajor;
	info.shared_info->dceMinor = info.dceMinor;
	info.shared_info->registers_area = info.registers_area;
		info.deviceName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
		radeon_chip_name[info.chipsetID], MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
	// *** AtomBIOS mapping
	// First we try an active bios read
	status_t biosStatus = radeon_hd_getbios(info);
	if (biosStatus != B_OK) {
		// If the active read fails, we try a disabled read
		if (info.chipsetID >= RADEON_CAICOS)
			biosStatus = radeon_hd_getbios_ni(info);
		else if (info.chipsetID >= RADEON_RV770)
			biosStatus = radeon_hd_getbios_r700(info);
		else if (info.chipsetID >= RADEON_R600)
			biosStatus = radeon_hd_getbios_r600(info);
		else if (info.chipsetID >= RADEON_RS600)
			biosStatus = radeon_hd_getbios_avivo(info);
		// else legacy_read_disabled_bios
	if (biosStatus != B_OK) {
		// *** very last resort, shadow bios VGA rom
		ERROR("%s: Can't find an AtomBIOS rom! Trying shadow rom...\n",
		// This works as long as the primary card is what this driver
		// is loaded for. Multiple cards may pose the risk of loading
		// the wrong AtomBIOS for the wrong card.
		uint32 romBase = 0xC0000;
		uint32 romSize = 128 * 1024;
			// what happens when AtomBIOS goes over 128Kb?
			// A Radeon HD 6990 has a 128Kb AtomBIOS
		if (mapAtomBIOS(info, romBase, romSize) == B_OK) {
			ERROR("%s: Found AtomBIOS at VGA shadow rom\n", __func__);
			// Whew!
			info.shared_info->rom_phys = romBase;
			info.shared_info->rom_size = romSize;
			biosStatus = B_OK;
	// Check if a valid AtomBIOS image was found.
	if (biosStatus != B_OK) {
		ERROR("%s: card (%ld): couldn't find AtomBIOS rom!\n",
			__func__, info.id);
		ERROR("%s: card (%ld): exiting. Please open a bug ticket"
			" at haiku-os.org with your /var/log/syslog\n",
			__func__, info.id);
		// Fallback to VESA (more likely crash app_server)
		return B_ERROR;
	info.shared_info->has_rom = (biosStatus == B_OK) ? true : false;
	info.shared_info->rom_area = (biosStatus == B_OK) ? info.rom_area : -1;
	// *** Pull active monitor VESA EDID from boot loader
	edid1_info* edidInfo
		= (edid1_info*)get_boot_item(EDID_BOOT_INFO, NULL);
	if (edidInfo != NULL) {
		TRACE("card(%ld): %s found VESA EDID information.\n", info.id,
		info.shared_info->has_edid = true;
		memcpy(&info.shared_info->edid_info, edidInfo, sizeof(edid1_info));
	} else {
		TRACE("card(%ld): %s didn't find VESA EDID modes.\n", info.id,
		info.shared_info->has_edid = false;
	TRACE("card(%ld): %s completed successfully!\n", info.id, __func__);
	TRACE("card(%ld): GPU thermal status: %" B_PRId32 "C\n", info.id,
		radeon_thermal_query(info) / 1000);
	return B_OK;
radeon_hd_uninit(radeon_info &info)
	TRACE("card(%ld): %s called\n", info.id, __func__);

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V547 Expression 'biosStatus == ((int) 0)' is always true.

V547 Expression 'biosStatus == ((int) 0)' is always true.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.