/* libhttpd.c - HTTP protocol library
** Copyright © 1995,1998,1999,2000,2001 by Jef Poskanzer <jef@mail.acme.com>.
** All rights reserved.
** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
** are met:
** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
**    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
**    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
**    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include "config.h"
#include "version.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <memory.h>
#endif /* HAVE_MEMORY_H */
#include <pwd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
//#include <syslog.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <StorageDefs.h>
#include <GraphicsDefs.h>
#include <osreldate.h>
#endif /* HAVE_OSRELDATE_H */
# include <dirent.h>
# define NAMLEN(dirent) strlen((dirent)->d_name)
# define dirent direct
# define NAMLEN(dirent) (dirent)->d_namlen
#  include <sys/ndir.h>
# endif
# ifdef HAVE_SYS_DIR_H
#  include <sys/dir.h>
# endif
# ifdef HAVE_NDIR_H
#  include <ndir.h>
# endif
extern char* crypt( const char* key, const char* setting );
#include "libhttpd.h"
//#include "mmc.h"
//#include "timers.h"
#include "match.h"
#include "tdate_parse.h"
#include "../PoorManServer.h"
#include "../PoorManLogger.h"
#define STDIN_FILENO 0
#ifndef SHUT_WR
#define SHUT_WR 1
#ifndef HAVE_INT64T
typedef long long int64_t;
typedef int socklen_t;
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
#define timezone  _timezone
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#error no NONBLOCK
/* Forwards. */
static void check_options( void );
static void free_httpd_server( httpd_server* hs );
//static int initialize_listen_socket( httpd_sockaddr* saP );
static void add_response( httpd_conn* hc, char* str );
static void send_mime( httpd_conn* hc, int status, char* title, char* encodings, char* extraheads, char* type, off_t length, time_t mod );
static void send_response( httpd_conn* hc, int status, char* title, char* extraheads, char* form, char* arg );
static void send_response_tail( httpd_conn* hc );
static void defang( char* str, char* dfstr, int dfsize );
#ifdef ERR_DIR
static int send_err_file( httpd_conn* hc, int status, char* title, char* extraheads, char* filename );
#endif /* ERR_DIR */
#ifdef AUTH_FILE
static void send_authenticate( httpd_conn* hc, char* realm );
static int b64_decode( const char* str, unsigned char* space, int size );
static int auth_check( httpd_conn* hc, char* dirname  );
static int auth_check2( httpd_conn* hc, char* dirname  );
#endif /* AUTH_FILE */
static void send_dirredirect( httpd_conn* hc );
static int hexit( char c );
static void strdecode( char* to, char* from );
static void strencode( char* to, int tosize, char* from );
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_1
static int tilde_map_1( httpd_conn* hc );
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_1 */
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_2
static int tilde_map_2( httpd_conn* hc );
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_2 */
static int vhost_map( httpd_conn* hc );
static char* expand_symlinks( char* path, char** freethis, char** restP, int no_symlink_check, int tildemapped );
static char* bufgets( httpd_conn* hc );
static void de_dotdot( char* file );
static void init_mime( void );
static void figure_mime( httpd_conn* hc );
static void cgi_kill2( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP );
static void cgi_kill( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP );
#endif /* CGI_TIMELIMIT */
static int ls( httpd_conn* hc );
//static char* build_env( char* fmt, char* arg );
static char* hostname_map( char* hostname );
#endif /* SERVER_NAME_LIST */
static int really_start_request( httpd_conn* hc, struct timeval* nowP );
static void make_log_entry( httpd_conn* hc, struct timeval* nowP );
static int check_referer( httpd_conn* hc );
static int really_check_referer( httpd_conn* hc );
static int sockaddr_check( httpd_sockaddr* saP );
static size_t sockaddr_len( httpd_sockaddr* saP );
static int my_snprintf( char* str, size_t size, const char* format, ... );
#ifndef HAVE_ATOLL
static long long atoll( const char* str );
#endif /* HAVE_ATOLL */
/* This global keeps track of whether we are in the main process or a
** sub-process.  The reason is that httpd_write_response() can get called
** in either context; when it is called from the main process it must use
** non-blocking I/O to avoid stalling the server, but when it is called
** from a sub-process it wants to use blocking I/O so that the whole
** response definitely gets written.  So, it checks this variable.  A bit
** of a hack but it seems to do the right thing.
//static int sub_process = 0;
static void
check_options( void )
#if defined(TILDE_MAP_1) && defined(TILDE_MAP_2)
//    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "both TILDE_MAP_1 and TILDE_MAP_2 are defined" );
	exit( 1 );
#endif /* both */
static void
free_httpd_server( httpd_server* hs )
	if ( hs->binding_hostname != (char*) 0 )
		free( (void*) hs->binding_hostname );
	if ( hs->cwd != (char*) 0 )
		free( (void*) hs->cwd );
	if ( hs->cgi_pattern != (char*) 0 )
		free( (void*) hs->cgi_pattern );
	if ( hs->charset != (char*) 0 )
		free( (void*) hs->charset );
	if ( hs->p3p != (char*) 0 )
		free( (void*) hs->p3p );
	if ( hs->url_pattern != (char*) 0 )
		free( (void*) hs->url_pattern );
	if ( hs->local_pattern != (char*) 0 )
		free( (void*) hs->local_pattern );
	free( (void*) hs );
		char* hostname, httpd_sockaddr* sa4P, httpd_sockaddr* sa6P,
		unsigned short port, char* cgi_pattern, int cgi_limit, char* charset,
		char* p3p, int max_age, char* cwd, int no_log, FILE* logfp,
		int no_symlink_check, int vhost, int global_passwd, char* url_pattern,
		char* local_pattern, int no_empty_referers )
	httpd_server* hs;
	static char ghnbuf[256];
	char* cp;
	hs = NEW( httpd_server, 1 );
	if ( hs == (httpd_server*) 0 )
		//	syslog( LOG_CRIT, "out of memory allocating an httpd_server" );
		return (httpd_server*) 0;
	if ( hostname != (char*) 0 )
		hs->binding_hostname = strdup( hostname );
		if ( hs->binding_hostname == (char*) 0 )
			//	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "out of memory copying hostname" );
			return (httpd_server*) 0;
		hs->server_hostname = hs->binding_hostname;
		hs->binding_hostname = (char*) 0;
		hs->server_hostname = (char*) 0;
		if ( gethostname( ghnbuf, sizeof(ghnbuf) ) < 0 )
			ghnbuf[0] = '\0';
		if ( ghnbuf[0] != '\0' )
			hs->server_hostname = hostname_map( ghnbuf );
#endif /* SERVER_NAME_LIST */
		if ( hs->server_hostname == (char*) 0 )
			hs->server_hostname = SERVER_NAME;
#else /* SERVER_NAME */
			if ( ghnbuf[0] != '\0' )
				hs->server_hostname = ghnbuf;
#endif /* SERVER_NAME */
	hs->port = port;
	if ( cgi_pattern == (char*) 0 )
	hs->cgi_pattern = (char*) 0;
		/* Nuke any leading slashes. */
		if ( cgi_pattern[0] == '/' )
		hs->cgi_pattern = strdup( cgi_pattern );
		if ( hs->cgi_pattern == (char*) 0 )
			//	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "out of memory copying cgi_pattern" );
			return (httpd_server*) 0;
		/* Nuke any leading slashes in the cgi pattern. */
		while ( ( cp = strstr( hs->cgi_pattern, "|/" ) ) != (char*) 0 )
			(void) strcpy( cp + 1, cp + 2 );
	hs->cgi_limit = cgi_limit;
	hs->cgi_count = 0;
	hs->charset = strdup( charset );
	hs->p3p = strdup( p3p );
	hs->max_age = max_age;
	hs->cwd = strdup( cwd );
	if ( hs->cwd == (char*) 0 )
		//	syslog( LOG_CRIT, "out of memory copying cwd" );
		return (httpd_server*) 0;
	if ( url_pattern == (char*) 0 )
		hs->url_pattern = (char*) 0;
		hs->url_pattern = strdup( url_pattern );
		if ( hs->url_pattern == (char*) 0 )
			//	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "out of memory copying url_pattern" );
			return (httpd_server*) 0;
	if ( local_pattern == (char*) 0 )
		hs->local_pattern = (char*) 0;
		hs->local_pattern = strdup( local_pattern );
		if ( hs->local_pattern == (char*) 0 )
			//	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "out of memory copying local_pattern" );
			return (httpd_server*) 0;
	hs->no_log = no_log;
	hs->logfp = (FILE*) 0;
	httpd_set_logfp( hs, logfp );
	hs->no_symlink_check = no_symlink_check;
	hs->vhost = vhost;
	hs->global_passwd = global_passwd;
	hs->no_empty_referers = no_empty_referers;
	/* Initialize listen sockets.  Try v6 first because of a Linux peculiarity;
	 ** like some other systems, it has magical v6 sockets that also listen for
	 ** v4, but in Linux if you bind a v4 socket first then the v6 bind fails.
	/*if ( sa6P == (httpd_sockaddr*) 0 )
	  hs->listen6_fd = -1;
	  hs->listen6_fd = initialize_listen_socket( sa6P );
	  if ( sa4P == (httpd_sockaddr*) 0 )
	  hs->listen4_fd = -1;
	  hs->listen4_fd = initialize_listen_socket( sa4P );*/
	/* If we didn't get any valid sockets, fail. */
	/*if ( hs->listen4_fd == -1 && hs->listen6_fd == -1 )
	  free_httpd_server( hs );
	  return (httpd_server*) 0;
	/* Done initializing. */
//    if ( hs->binding_hostname == (char*) 0 )
//	syslog(
//	    LOG_NOTICE, "%.80s starting on port %d", SERVER_SOFTWARE,
//	    (int) hs->port );
//    else
//	syslog(
//	    LOG_NOTICE, "%.80s starting on %.80s, port %d", SERVER_SOFTWARE,
//	    httpd_ntoa( hs->listen4_fd != -1 ? sa4P : sa6P ),
//	    (int) hs->port );
	return hs;
httpd_initialize_listen_socket( httpd_sockaddr* saP )
	int listen_fd;
	int on/*, flags*/;
	/* Check sockaddr. */
	if ( ! sockaddr_check( saP ) )
		//	syslog( LOG_CRIT, "unknown sockaddr family on listen socket" );
		return -1;
	/* Create socket. */
	listen_fd = socket( saP->sa.sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
	if ( listen_fd < 0 )
//	syslog( LOG_CRIT, "socket %.80s - %m", httpd_ntoa( saP ) );
		poorman_log("can't create socket.\n", false, INADDR_NONE, RED);
		return -1;
	(void) fcntl( listen_fd, F_SETFD, 1 );
	/* Allow reuse of local addresses. */
	on = 1;
	if ( setsockopt(
				listen_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*) &on,
				sizeof(on) ) < 0 )
		/*syslog( LOG_CRIT, "setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR - %m" )*/;
	/* Bind to it. */
	if ( bind( listen_fd, &saP->sa, sockaddr_len( saP ) ) < 0 )
		//	syslog(
		//	    LOG_CRIT, "bind %.80s - %m", httpd_ntoa( saP ) );
		poorman_log("can't bind to socket.\n", false, INADDR_NONE, RED);
		(void) close( listen_fd );
		return -1;
	/* Start a listen going. */
	if ( listen( listen_fd, LISTEN_BACKLOG ) < 0 )
		//	syslog( LOG_CRIT, "listen - %m" );
		poorman_log("can't listen to socket.\n", false, INADDR_NONE, RED);
		(void) close( listen_fd );
		return -1;
	/* Use accept filtering, if available. */
#if ( __FreeBSD_version >= 411000 )
#define ACCEPT_FILTER_NAME "httpready"
#define ACCEPT_FILTER_NAME "dataready"
		struct accept_filter_arg af;
		(void) bzero( &af, sizeof(af) );
		(void) strcpy( af.af_name, ACCEPT_FILTER_NAME );
		(void) setsockopt(
				listen_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ACCEPTFILTER, (char*) &af, sizeof(af) );
#endif /* SO_ACCEPTFILTER */
	return listen_fd;
httpd_set_logfp( httpd_server* hs, FILE* logfp )
	if ( hs->logfp != (FILE*) 0 )
		(void) fclose( hs->logfp );
	hs->logfp = logfp;
httpd_terminate( httpd_server* hs )
	httpd_unlisten( hs );
	if ( hs->logfp != (FILE*) 0 )
		(void) fclose( hs->logfp );
	free_httpd_server( hs );
httpd_unlisten( httpd_server* hs )
    if ( hs->listen4_fd != -1 )
	(void) close( hs->listen4_fd );
	hs->listen4_fd = -1;
    if ( hs->listen6_fd != -1 )
	(void) close( hs->listen6_fd );
	hs->listen6_fd = -1;
/* Conditional macro to allow two alternate forms for use in the built-in
** error pages.  If EXPLICIT_ERROR_PAGES is defined, the second and more
** explicit error form is used; otherwise, the first and more generic
** form is used.
#define ERROR_FORM(a,b) b
#define ERROR_FORM(a,b) a
static char* ok200title = "OK";
static char* ok206title = "Partial Content";
static char* err302title = "Found";
static char* err302form = "The actual URL is '%.80s'.\n";
static char* err304title = "Not Modified";
char* httpd_err400title = "Bad Request";
char* httpd_err400form =
    "Your request has bad syntax or is inherently impossible to satisfy.\n";
#ifdef AUTH_FILE
static char* err401title = "Unauthorized";
static char* err401form =
    "Authorization required for the URL '%.80s'.\n";
#endif /* AUTH_FILE */
static char* err403title = "Forbidden";
static char* err403form =
    "You do not have permission to get URL '%.80s' from this server.\n";
static char* err404title = "Not Found";
static char* err404form =
    "The requested URL '%.80s' was not found on this server.\n";
char* httpd_err408title = "Request Timeout";
char* httpd_err408form =
    "No request appeared within a reasonable time period.\n";
static char* err500title = "Internal Error";
static char* err500form =
    "There was an unusual problem serving the requested URL '%.80s'.\n";
static char* err501title = "Not Implemented";
static char* err501form =
    "The requested method '%.80s' is not implemented by this server.\n";
char* httpd_err503title = "Service Temporarily Overloaded";
char* httpd_err503form =
    "The requested URL '%.80s' is temporarily overloaded.  Please try again later.\n";
/* Append a string to the buffer waiting to be sent as response. */
static void
add_response( httpd_conn* hc, char* str )
    size_t len;
    len = strlen( str );
    httpd_realloc_str( &hc->response, &hc->maxresponse, hc->responselen + len );
    (void) memmove( &(hc->response[hc->responselen]), str, len );
    hc->responselen += len;
/* Send the buffered response. */
httpd_write_response( httpd_conn* hc )
    /* If we are in a sub-process, turn off no-delay mode. */
    /*if ( sub_process )
	httpd_clear_ndelay( hc->conn_fd );*/
    /* Send the response, if necessary. */
    if ( hc->responselen > 0 )
	(void) httpd_write_fully( hc->conn_fd, hc->response, hc->responselen );
	hc->responselen = 0;
/* Set no-delay / non-blocking mode on a socket. */
httpd_set_ndelay( int fd )
    int flags, newflags;
    flags = fcntl( fd, F_GETFL, 0 );
    if ( flags != -1 )
	newflags = flags | (int) O_NDELAY;
	if ( newflags != flags )
	    (void) fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, newflags );
/* Clear no-delay / non-blocking mode on a socket. */
httpd_clear_ndelay( int fd )
    int flags, newflags;
    flags = fcntl( fd, F_GETFL, 0 );
    if ( flags != -1 )
	newflags = flags & ~ (int) O_NDELAY;
	if ( newflags != flags )
	    (void) fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, newflags );
static void
send_mime( httpd_conn* hc, int status, char* title, char* encodings, char* extraheads, char* type, off_t length, time_t mod )
    time_t now, expires;
    const char* rfc1123fmt = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT";
    char nowbuf[100];
    char modbuf[100];
    char expbuf[100];
    char fixed_type[500];
    char buf[1000];
    int partial_content;
    int s100;
    hc->status = status;
    hc->bytes_to_send = length;
    if ( hc->mime_flag )
	if ( status == 200 && hc->got_range &&
	     ( hc->last_byte_index >= hc->first_byte_index ) &&
	     ( ( hc->last_byte_index != length - 1 ) ||
	       ( hc->first_byte_index != 0 ) ) &&
	     ( hc->range_if == (time_t) -1 ||
	       hc->range_if == hc->sb.st_mtime ) )
	    partial_content = 1;
	    hc->status = status = 206;
	    title = ok206title;
	    partial_content = 0;
	    hc->got_range = 0;
	now = time( (time_t*) 0 );
	if ( mod == (time_t) 0 )
	    mod = now;
	(void) strftime( nowbuf, sizeof(nowbuf), rfc1123fmt, gmtime( &now ) );
	(void) strftime( modbuf, sizeof(modbuf), rfc1123fmt, gmtime( &mod ) );
	(void) my_snprintf(
	    fixed_type, sizeof(fixed_type), type, hc->hs->charset );
	(void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
	    "%.20s %d %s\015\012Server: %s\015\012Content-Type: %s\015\012Date: %s\015\012Last-Modified: %s\015\012Accept-Ranges: bytes\015\012Connection: close\015\012",
	    hc->protocol, status, title, EXPOSED_SERVER_SOFTWARE, fixed_type,
	    nowbuf, modbuf );
	add_response( hc, buf );
	s100 = status / 100;
	if ( s100 != 2 && s100 != 3 )
	    (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
		"Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store\015\012" );
	    add_response( hc, buf );
	if ( encodings[0] != '\0' )
	    (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
		"Content-Encoding: %s\015\012", encodings );
	    add_response( hc, buf );
	if ( partial_content )
	    (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
		"Content-Range: bytes %lld-%lld/%lld\015\012Content-Length: %lld\015\012",
		(int64_t) hc->first_byte_index, (int64_t) hc->last_byte_index,
		(int64_t) length,
		(int64_t) ( hc->last_byte_index - hc->first_byte_index + 1 ) );
	    add_response( hc, buf );
	else if ( length >= 0 )
	    (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
		"Content-Length: %lld\015\012", (int64_t) length );
	    add_response( hc, buf );
	if ( hc->hs->p3p[0] != '\0' )
	    (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "P3P: %s\015\012", hc->hs->p3p );
	    add_response( hc, buf );
	if ( hc->hs->max_age >= 0 )
	    expires = now + hc->hs->max_age;
	    (void) strftime(
		expbuf, sizeof(expbuf), rfc1123fmt, gmtime( &expires ) );
	    (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
		"Cache-Control: max-age=%d\015\012Expires: %s\015\012",
		hc->hs->max_age, expbuf );
	    add_response( hc, buf );
	if ( extraheads[0] != '\0' )
	    add_response( hc, extraheads );
	add_response( hc, "\015\012" );
static int str_alloc_count = 0;
static size_t str_alloc_size = 0;
httpd_realloc_str( char** strP, size_t* maxsizeP, size_t size )
    if ( *maxsizeP == 0 )
	*maxsizeP = MAX( 200, size + 100 );
	*strP = NEW( char, *maxsizeP + 1 );
	str_alloc_size += *maxsizeP;
    else if ( size > *maxsizeP )
	str_alloc_size -= *maxsizeP;
	*maxsizeP = MAX( *maxsizeP * 2, size * 5 / 4 );
	*strP = RENEW( *strP, char, *maxsizeP + 1 );
	str_alloc_size += *maxsizeP;
    if ( *strP == (char*) 0 )
//	syslog(
//	    LOG_ERR, "out of memory reallocating a string to %d bytes",
//	    *maxsizeP );
	exit( 1 );
static void
send_response( httpd_conn* hc, int status, char* title, char* extraheads, char* form, char* arg )
    char defanged_arg[1000], buf[2000];
	hc, status, title, "", extraheads, "text/html; charset=%s", (off_t) -1,
	(time_t) 0 );
    (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "\
<HEAD><TITLE>%d %s</TITLE></HEAD>\n\
<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#cc9999\" TEXT=\"#000000\" LINK=\"#2020ff\" VLINK=\"#4040cc\">\n\
<H2>%d %s</H2>\n",
	status, title, status, title );
    add_response( hc, buf );
    defang( arg, defanged_arg, sizeof(defanged_arg) );
    (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), form, defanged_arg );
    add_response( hc, buf );
    if ( match( "**MSIE**", hc->useragent ) )
	int n;
	add_response( hc, "<!--\n" );
	for ( n = 0; n < 6; ++n )
	    add_response( hc, "Padding so that MSIE deigns to show this error instead of its own canned one.\n");
	add_response( hc, "-->\n" );
    send_response_tail( hc );
static void
send_response_tail( httpd_conn* hc )
    char buf[1000];
    (void) my_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "\
<ADDRESS><A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A></ADDRESS>\n\
    add_response( hc, buf );
static void
defang( char* str, char* dfstr, int dfsize )
    char* cp1;
    char* cp2;
    for ( cp1 = str, cp2 = dfstr;
	  *cp1 != '\0' && cp2 - dfstr < dfsize - 5;
	  ++cp1, ++cp2 )
	switch ( *cp1 )
	    case '<':
	    *cp2++ = '&';
	    *cp2++ = 'l';
	    *cp2++ = 't';
	    *cp2 = ';';
	    case '>':
	    *cp2++ = '&';
	    *cp2++ = 'g';
	    *cp2++ = 't';
	    *cp2 = ';';
	    *cp2 = *cp1;
    *cp2 = '\0';
httpd_send_err( httpd_conn* hc, int status, char* title, char* extraheads, char* form, char* arg )
#ifdef ERR_DIR
    char filename[1000];
    /* Try virtual host error page. */
    if ( hc->hs->vhost && hc->hostdir[0] != '\0' )
	(void) my_snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename),
	    "%s/%s/err%d.html", hc->hostdir, ERR_DIR, status );
	if ( send_err_file( hc, status, title, extraheads, filename ) )
    /* Try server-wide error page. */
    (void) my_snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename),
	"%s/err%d.html", ERR_DIR, status );
    if ( send_err_file( hc, status, title, extraheads, filename ) )
    /* Fall back on built-in error page. */
    send_response( hc, status, title, extraheads, form, arg );
#else /* ERR_DIR */
    send_response( hc, status, title, extraheads, form, arg );
#endif /* ERR_DIR */
#ifdef ERR_DIR
static int
send_err_file( httpd_conn* hc, int status, char* title, char* extraheads, char* filename )
    FILE* fp;
    char buf[1000];
    size_t r;
    fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
    if ( fp == (FILE*) 0 )
	return 0;
	hc, status, title, "", extraheads, "text/html; charset=%s", (off_t) -1,
	(time_t) 0 );
    for (;;)
	r = fread( buf, 1, sizeof(buf) - 1, fp );
	if ( r == 0 )
	buf[r] = '\0';
	add_response( hc, buf );
    (void) fclose( fp );
    send_response_tail( hc );
    return 1;
#endif /* ERR_DIR */
#ifdef AUTH_FILE
static void
send_authenticate( httpd_conn* hc, char* realm )
    static char* header;
    static size_t maxheader = 0;
    static char headstr[] = "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"";
	&header, &maxheader, sizeof(headstr) + strlen( realm ) + 3 );
    (void) my_snprintf( header, maxheader, "%s%s\"\015\012", headstr, realm );
    httpd_send_err( hc, 401, err401title, header, err401form, hc->encodedurl );
    /* If the request was a POST then there might still be data to be read,
    ** so we need to do a lingering close.
    if ( hc->method == METHOD_POST )
	hc->should_linger = 1;
/* Base-64 decoding.  This represents binary data as printable ASCII
** characters.  Three 8-bit binary bytes are turned into four 6-bit
** values, like so:
**   [11111111]  [22222222]  [33333333]
**   [111111] [112222] [222233] [333333]
** Then the 6-bit values are represented using the characters "A-Za-z0-9+/".
static int b64_decode_table[256] = {
    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  /* 00-0F */
    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  /* 10-1F */
    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,62,-1,-1,-1,63,  /* 20-2F */
    52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  /* 30-3F */
    -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,  /* 40-4F */
    15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  /* 50-5F */
    -1,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,  /* 60-6F */
    41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  /* 70-7F */
    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  /* 80-8F */
    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  /* 90-9F */
    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  /* A0-AF */
    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  /* B0-BF */
    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  /* C0-CF */
    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  /* D0-DF */
    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  /* E0-EF */
    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1   /* F0-FF */
/* Do base-64 decoding on a string.  Ignore any non-base64 bytes.
** Return the actual number of bytes generated.  The decoded size will
** be at most 3/4 the size of the encoded, and may be smaller if there
** are padding characters (blanks, newlines).
static int
b64_decode( const char* str, unsigned char* space, int size )
    const char* cp;
    int space_idx, phase;
    int d, prev_d = 0;
    unsigned char c;
    space_idx = 0;
    phase = 0;
    for ( cp = str; *cp != '\0'; ++cp )
	d = b64_decode_table[(int) *cp];
	if ( d != -1 )
	    switch ( phase )
		case 0:
		case 1:
		c = ( ( prev_d << 2 ) | ( ( d & 0x30 ) >> 4 ) );
		if ( space_idx < size )
		    space[space_idx++] = c;
		case 2:
		c = ( ( ( prev_d & 0xf ) << 4 ) | ( ( d & 0x3c ) >> 2 ) );
		if ( space_idx < size )
		    space[space_idx++] = c;
		case 3:
		c = ( ( ( prev_d & 0x03 ) << 6 ) | d );
		if ( space_idx < size )
		    space[space_idx++] = c;
		phase = 0;
	    prev_d = d;
    return space_idx;
/* Returns -1 == unauthorized, 0 == no auth file, 1 = authorized. */
static int
auth_check( httpd_conn* hc, char* dirname  )
    if ( hc->hs->global_passwd )
	char* topdir;
	if ( hc->hs->vhost && hc->hostdir[0] != '\0' )
	    topdir = hc->hostdir;
	    topdir = ".";
	switch ( auth_check2( hc, topdir ) )
	    case -1:
	    return -1;
	    case 1:
	    return 1;
    return auth_check2( hc, dirname );
/* Returns -1 == unauthorized, 0 == no auth file, 1 = authorized. */
static int
auth_check2( httpd_conn* hc, char* dirname  )
    static char* authpath;
    static size_t maxauthpath = 0;
    struct stat sb;
    char authinfo[500];
    char* authpass;
    char* colon;
    int l;
    FILE* fp;
    char line[500];
    char* cryp;
    static char* prevauthpath;
    static size_t maxprevauthpath = 0;
    static time_t prevmtime;
    static char* prevuser;
    static size_t maxprevuser = 0;
    static char* prevcryp;
    static size_t maxprevcryp = 0;
    /* Construct auth filename. */
	&authpath, &maxauthpath, strlen( dirname ) + 1 + sizeof(AUTH_FILE) );
    (void) my_snprintf( authpath, maxauthpath, "%s/%s", dirname, AUTH_FILE );
    /* Does this directory have an auth file? */
    if ( stat( authpath, &sb ) < 0 )
	/* Nope, let the request go through. */
	return 0;
    /* Does this request contain basic authorization info? */
    if ( hc->authorization[0] == '\0' ||
	 strncmp( hc->authorization, "Basic ", 6 ) != 0 )
	/* Nope, return a 401 Unauthorized. */
	send_authenticate( hc, dirname );
	return -1;
    /* Decode it. */
    l = b64_decode(
	&(hc->authorization[6]), (unsigned char*) authinfo,
	sizeof(authinfo) - 1 );
    authinfo[l] = '\0';
    /* Split into user and password. */
    authpass = strchr( authinfo, ':' );
    if ( authpass == (char*) 0 )
	/* No colon?  Bogus auth info. */
	send_authenticate( hc, dirname );
	return -1;
    *authpass++ = '\0';
    /* If there are more fields, cut them off. */
    colon = strchr( authpass, ':' );
    if ( colon != (char*) 0 )
	*colon = '\0';
    /* See if we have a cached entry and can use it. */
    if ( maxprevauthpath != 0 &&
	 strcmp( authpath, prevauthpath ) == 0 &&
	 sb.st_mtime == prevmtime &&
	 strcmp( authinfo, prevuser ) == 0 )
	/* Yes.  Check against the cached encrypted password. */
	if ( strcmp( crypt( authpass, prevcryp ), prevcryp ) == 0 )
	    /* Ok! */
		&hc->remoteuser, &hc->maxremoteuser, strlen( authinfo ) );
	    (void) strcpy( hc->remoteuser, authinfo );
	    return 1;
	    /* No. */
	    send_authenticate( hc, dirname );
	    return -1;
    /* Open the password file. */
    fp = fopen( authpath, "r" );
    if ( fp == (FILE*) 0 )
	/* The file exists but we can't open it?  Disallow access. */
//	syslog(
//	    LOG_ERR, "%.80s auth file %.80s could not be opened - %m",
//	    httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), authpath );
	    hc, 403, err403title, "",
	    ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' is protected by an authentication file, but the authentication file cannot be opened.\n" ),
	    hc->encodedurl );
	return -1;
    /* Read it. */
    while ( fgets( line, sizeof(line), fp ) != (char*) 0 )
	/* Nuke newline. */
	l = strlen( line );
	if ( line[l - 1] == '\n' )
	    line[l - 1] = '\0';
	/* Split into user and encrypted password. */
	cryp = strchr( line, ':' );
	if ( cryp == (char*) 0 )
	*cryp++ = '\0';
	/* Is this the right user? */
	if ( strcmp( line, authinfo ) == 0 )
	    /* Yes. */
	    (void) fclose( fp );
	    /* So is the password right? */
	    if ( strcmp( crypt( authpass, cryp ), cryp ) == 0 )
		/* Ok! */
		    &hc->remoteuser, &hc->maxremoteuser, strlen( line ) );
		(void) strcpy( hc->remoteuser, line );
		/* And cache this user's info for next time. */
		    &prevauthpath, &maxprevauthpath, strlen( authpath ) );
		(void) strcpy( prevauthpath, authpath );
		prevmtime = sb.st_mtime;
		    &prevuser, &maxprevuser, strlen( authinfo ) );
		(void) strcpy( prevuser, authinfo );
		httpd_realloc_str( &prevcryp, &maxprevcryp, strlen( cryp ) );
		(void) strcpy( prevcryp, cryp );
		return 1;
		/* No. */
		send_authenticate( hc, dirname );
		return -1;
    /* Didn't find that user.  Access denied. */
    (void) fclose( fp );
    send_authenticate( hc, dirname );
    return -1;
#endif /* AUTH_FILE */
static void
send_dirredirect( httpd_conn* hc )
    /*static*/char* location;
    /*static*/char* header;
    /*static*/size_t maxlocation = 0, maxheader = 0;
    static char headstr[] = "Location: ";
    if ( hc->query[0] != '\0')
	char* cp = strchr( hc->encodedurl, '?' );
	if ( cp != (char*) 0 )	/* should always find it */
	    *cp = '\0';
	    &location, &maxlocation,
	    strlen( hc->encodedurl ) + 2 + strlen( hc->query ) );
	(void) my_snprintf( location, maxlocation,
	    "%s/?%s", hc->encodedurl, hc->query );
	    &location, &maxlocation, strlen( hc->encodedurl ) + 1 );
	(void) my_snprintf( location, maxlocation,
	    "%s/", hc->encodedurl );
	&header, &maxheader, sizeof(headstr) + strlen( location ) );
    (void) my_snprintf( header, maxheader,
	"%s%s\015\012", headstr, location );
    send_response( hc, 302, err302title, header, err302form, location );
httpd_method_str( int method )
    switch ( method )
	case METHOD_GET: return "GET";
	case METHOD_HEAD: return "HEAD";
	case METHOD_POST: return "POST";
	default: return "UNKNOWN";
static int
hexit( char c )
    if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )
	return c - '0';
    if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' )
	return c - 'a' + 10;
    if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
	return c - 'A' + 10;
    return 0;           /* shouldn't happen, we're guarded by isxdigit() */
/* Copies and decodes a string.  It's ok for from and to to be the
** same string.
static void
strdecode( char* to, char* from )
    for ( ; *from != '\0'; ++to, ++from )
	if ( from[0] == '%' && isxdigit( from[1] ) && isxdigit( from[2] ) )
	    *to = hexit( from[1] ) * 16 + hexit( from[2] );
	    from += 2;
	    *to = *from;
    *to = '\0';
/* Copies and encodes a string. */
static void
strencode( char* to, int tosize, char* from )
    int tolen;
    for ( tolen = 0; *from != '\0' && tolen + 4 < tosize; ++from )
	if ( isalnum(*from) || strchr( "/_.-~", *from ) != (char*) 0 )
	    *to = *from;
	    (void) sprintf( to, "%%%02x", (int) *from & 0xff );
	    to += 3;
	    tolen += 3;
    *to = '\0';
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_1
/* Map a ~username/whatever URL into <prefix>/username. */
static int
tilde_map_1( httpd_conn* hc )
    static char* temp;
    static size_t maxtemp = 0;
    int len;
    static char* prefix = TILDE_MAP_1;
    len = strlen( hc->expnfilename ) - 1;
    httpd_realloc_str( &temp, &maxtemp, len );
    (void) strcpy( temp, &hc->expnfilename[1] );
	&hc->expnfilename, &hc->maxexpnfilename, strlen( prefix ) + 1 + len );
    (void) strcpy( hc->expnfilename, prefix );
    if ( prefix[0] != '\0' )
	(void) strcat( hc->expnfilename, "/" );
    (void) strcat( hc->expnfilename, temp );
    return 1;
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_1 */
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_2
/* Map a ~username/whatever URL into <user's homedir>/<postfix>. */
static int
tilde_map_2( httpd_conn* hc )
    static char* temp;
    static size_t maxtemp = 0;
    static char* postfix = TILDE_MAP_2;
    char* cp;
    struct passwd* pw;
    char* alt;
    char* rest;
    /* Get the username. */
    httpd_realloc_str( &temp, &maxtemp, strlen( hc->expnfilename ) - 1 );
    (void) strcpy( temp, &hc->expnfilename[1] );
    cp = strchr( temp, '/' );
    if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
	*cp++ = '\0';
	cp = "";
    /* Get the passwd entry. */
    pw = getpwnam( temp );
    if ( pw == (struct passwd*) 0 )
	return 0;
    /* Set up altdir. */
	&hc->altdir, &hc->maxaltdir,
	strlen( pw->pw_dir ) + 1 + strlen( postfix ) );
    (void) strcpy( hc->altdir, pw->pw_dir );
    if ( postfix[0] != '\0' )
	(void) strcat( hc->altdir, "/" );
	(void) strcat( hc->altdir, postfix );
    alt = expand_symlinks( hc->altdir, &rest, 0, 1 );
    if ( rest[0] != '\0' )
	return 0;
    httpd_realloc_str( &hc->altdir, &hc->maxaltdir, strlen( alt ) );
    (void) strcpy( hc->altdir, alt );
    /* And the filename becomes altdir plus the post-~ part of the original. */
	&hc->expnfilename, &hc->maxexpnfilename,
	strlen( hc->altdir ) + 1 + strlen( cp ) );
    (void) my_snprintf( hc->expnfilename, hc->maxexpnfilename,
	"%s/%s", hc->altdir, cp );
    /* For this type of tilde mapping, we want to defeat vhost mapping. */
    hc->tildemapped = 1;
    return 1;
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_2 */
/* Virtual host mapping. */
static int
vhost_map( httpd_conn* hc )
    httpd_sockaddr sa;
    socklen_t sz;
    static char* tempfilename;
    static size_t maxtempfilename = 0;
    char* cp1;
    int len;
    int i;
    char* cp2;
#endif /* VHOST_DIRLEVELS */
    /* Figure out the virtual hostname. */
    if ( hc->reqhost[0] != '\0' )
	hc->hostname = hc->reqhost;
    else if ( hc->hdrhost[0] != '\0' )
	hc->hostname = hc->hdrhost;
	sz = sizeof(sa);
	if ( getsockname( hc->conn_fd, &sa.sa, &sz ) < 0 )
//	    syslog( LOG_ERR, "getsockname - %m" );
	    return 0;
	hc->hostname = httpd_ntoa( &sa );
    /* Pound it to lower case. */
    for ( cp1 = hc->hostname; *cp1 != '\0'; ++cp1 )
	if ( isupper( *cp1 ) )
	    *cp1 = tolower( *cp1 );
    if ( hc->tildemapped )
	return 1;
    /* Figure out the host directory. */
	&hc->hostdir, &hc->maxhostdir,
	strlen( hc->hostname ) + 2 * VHOST_DIRLEVELS );
    if ( strncmp( hc->hostname, "www.", 4 ) == 0 )
	cp1 = &hc->hostname[4];
	cp1 = hc->hostname;
    for ( cp2 = hc->hostdir, i = 0; i < VHOST_DIRLEVELS; ++i )
	/* Skip dots in the hostname.  If we don't, then we get vhost
	** directories in higher level of filestructure if dot gets
	** involved into path construction.  It's `while' used here instead
	** of `if' for it's possible to have a hostname formed with two
	** dots at the end of it.
	while ( *cp1 == '.' )
	/* Copy a character from the hostname, or '_' if we ran out. */
	if ( *cp1 != '\0' )
	    *cp2++ = *cp1++;
	    *cp2++ = '_';
	/* Copy a slash. */
	*cp2++ = '/';
    (void) strcpy( cp2, hc->hostname );
    httpd_realloc_str( &hc->hostdir, &hc->maxhostdir, strlen( hc->hostname ) );
    (void) strcpy( hc->hostdir, hc->hostname );
#endif /* VHOST_DIRLEVELS */
    /* Prepend hostdir to the filename. */
    len = strlen( hc->expnfilename );
    httpd_realloc_str( &tempfilename, &maxtempfilename, len );
    (void) strcpy( tempfilename, hc->expnfilename );
	&hc->expnfilename, &hc->maxexpnfilename,
	strlen( hc->hostdir ) + 1 + len );
    (void) strcpy( hc->expnfilename, hc->hostdir );
    (void) strcat( hc->expnfilename, "/" );
    (void) strcat( hc->expnfilename, tempfilename );
    return 1;
/* Expands all symlinks in the given filename, eliding ..'s and leading /'s.
** Returns the expanded path (pointer to static string), or (char*) 0 on
** errors.  Also returns, in the string pointed to by restP, any trailing
** parts of the path that don't exist.
** This is a fairly nice little routine.  It handles any size filenames
** without excessive mallocs.
** PoorMan: This routine is modified for multithreaded envirenment. Static
** pointers are changed. When you done with the pointer returned and restP,
** free() the pointer and *freethis. If there is something wrong within this
** routine, NULL is returned, the malloc()ed is free()ed for you and *freethis
** is set to NULL.
static char*
expand_symlinks( char* path, char** freethis, char** restP, int no_symlink_check, int tildemapped )
	char* checked;
	char* rest;
	char link[5000];
	size_t maxchecked = 0, maxrest = 0;
	size_t checkedlen , restlen, prevcheckedlen, prevrestlen;
	ssize_t linklen;
	int nlinks, i;
	char* r;
	char* cp1;
	char* cp2;
	if ( no_symlink_check )
		/* If we are chrooted, we can actually skip the symlink-expansion,
		 ** since it's impossible to get out of the tree.  However, we still
		 ** need to do the pathinfo check, and the existing symlink expansion
		 ** code is a pretty reasonable way to do this.  So, what we do is
		 ** a single stat() of the whole filename - if it exists, then we
		 ** return it as is with nothing in restP.  If it doesn't exist, we
		 ** fall through to the existing code.
		 ** One side-effect of this is that users can't symlink to central
		 ** approved CGIs any more.  The workaround is to use the central
		 ** URL for the CGI instead of a local symlinked one.
		struct stat sb;
		if ( stat( path, &sb ) != -1 )
			checkedlen = strlen( path );
			httpd_realloc_str( &checked, &maxchecked, checkedlen );
			(void) strcpy( checked, path );
			/* Trim trailing slashes. */
			while ( checked[checkedlen - 1] == '/' )
				checked[checkedlen - 1] = '\0';
			httpd_realloc_str( &rest, &maxrest, 0 );
			rest[0] = '\0';
			*restP = rest;
			*freethis = rest;
			return checked;
	/* Start out with nothing in checked and the whole filename in rest. */
	httpd_realloc_str( &checked, &maxchecked, 1 );
	checked[0] = '\0';
	checkedlen = 0;
	restlen = strlen( path );
	httpd_realloc_str( &rest, &maxrest, restlen );
	(void) strcpy( rest, path );
	if ( rest[restlen - 1] == '/' )
		rest[--restlen] = '\0';         /* trim trailing slash */
	if ( ! tildemapped )
		/* Remove any leading slashes. */
		while ( rest[0] == '/' )
			(void) strcpy( rest, &(rest[1]) );
	r = rest;
	nlinks = 0;
	/* While there are still components to check... */
	while ( restlen > 0 )
		/* Save current checkedlen in case we get a symlink.  Save current
		 ** restlen in case we get a non-existant component.
		prevcheckedlen = checkedlen;
		prevrestlen = restlen;
		/* Grab one component from r and transfer it to checked. */
		cp1 = strchr( r, '/' );
		if ( cp1 != (char*) 0 )
			i = cp1 - r;
			if ( i == 0 )
				/* Special case for absolute paths. */
				httpd_realloc_str( &checked, &maxchecked, checkedlen + 1 );
				(void) strncpy( &checked[checkedlen], r, 1 );
				checkedlen += 1;
			else if ( strncmp( r, "..", MAX( i, 2 ) ) == 0 )
				/* Ignore ..'s that go above the start of the path. */
				if ( checkedlen != 0 )
					cp2 = strrchr( checked, '/' );
					if ( cp2 == (char*) 0 )
						checkedlen = 0;
					else if ( cp2 == checked )
						checkedlen = 1;
						checkedlen = cp2 - checked;
				httpd_realloc_str( &checked, &maxchecked, checkedlen + 1 + i );
				if ( checkedlen > 0 && checked[checkedlen-1] != '/' )
					checked[checkedlen++] = '/';
				(void) strncpy( &checked[checkedlen], r, i );
				checkedlen += i;
			checked[checkedlen] = '\0';
			r += i + 1;
			restlen -= i + 1;
			/* No slashes remaining, r is all one component. */
			if ( strcmp( r, ".." ) == 0 )
				/* Ignore ..'s that go above the start of the path. */
				if ( checkedlen != 0 )
					cp2 = strrchr( checked, '/' );
					if ( cp2 == (char*) 0 )
						checkedlen = 0;
					else if ( cp2 == checked )
						checkedlen = 1;
						checkedlen = cp2 - checked;
					checked[checkedlen] = '\0';
						&checked, &maxchecked, checkedlen + 1 + restlen );
				if ( checkedlen > 0 && checked[checkedlen-1] != '/' )
					checked[checkedlen++] = '/';
				(void) strcpy( &checked[checkedlen], r );
				checkedlen += restlen;
			r += restlen;
			restlen = 0;
		/* Try reading the current filename as a symlink */
		if ( checked[0] == '\0' )
		linklen = readlink( checked, link, sizeof(link) - 1 );
		if ( linklen == -1 )
			if ( errno == EINVAL )
				continue;               /* not a symlink */
			if ( errno == EACCES || errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR )
				/* That last component was bogus.  Restore and return. */
				*restP = r - ( prevrestlen - restlen );
				if ( prevcheckedlen == 0 )
					(void) strcpy( checked, "." );
					checked[prevcheckedlen] = '\0';
				*freethis = rest;
				return checked;
			//	    syslog( LOG_ERR, "readlink %.80s - %m", checked );
			*freethis = 0;
			return (char*) 0;
		if ( nlinks > MAX_LINKS )
			//	    syslog( LOG_ERR, "too many symlinks in %.80s", path );
			*freethis = 0;
			return (char*) 0;
		link[linklen] = '\0';
		if ( link[linklen - 1] == '/' )
			link[--linklen] = '\0';     /* trim trailing slash */
		/* Insert the link contents in front of the rest of the filename. */
		if ( restlen != 0 )
			(void) strcpy( rest, r );
			httpd_realloc_str( &rest, &maxrest, restlen + linklen + 1 );
			for ( i = restlen; i >= 0; --i )
				rest[i + linklen + 1] = rest[i];
			(void) strcpy( rest, link );
			rest[linklen] = '/';
			restlen += linklen + 1;
			r = rest;
			/* There's nothing left in the filename, so the link contents
			 ** becomes the rest.
			httpd_realloc_str( &rest, &maxrest, linklen );
			(void) strcpy( rest, link );
			restlen = linklen;
			r = rest;
		if ( rest[0] == '/' )
			/* There must have been an absolute symlink - zero out checked. */
			checked[0] = '\0';
			checkedlen = 0;
			/* Re-check this component. */
			checkedlen = prevcheckedlen;
			checked[checkedlen] = '\0';
	/* Ok. */
	*restP = r;
	if ( checked[0] == '\0' )
		(void) strcpy( checked, "." );
	*freethis = rest;
	return checked;
httpd_get_conn( httpd_server* hs, int listen_fd, httpd_conn* hc )
    httpd_sockaddr sa;
    socklen_t sz;
    //int retval;
    if ( ! hc->initialized )
	hc->read_size = 0;
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->read_buf, &hc->read_size, 500 );
	hc->maxdecodedurl =
	    hc->maxorigfilename = hc->maxexpnfilename = hc->maxencodings =
	    hc->maxpathinfo = hc->maxquery = hc->maxaccept =
	    hc->maxaccepte = hc->maxreqhost = hc->maxhostdir =
	    hc->maxremoteuser = hc->maxresponse = 0;
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_2
	hc->maxaltdir = 0;
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_2 */
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->decodedurl, &hc->maxdecodedurl, 1 );
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->origfilename, &hc->maxorigfilename, 1 );
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->expnfilename, &hc->maxexpnfilename, 0 );
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->encodings, &hc->maxencodings, 0 );
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->pathinfo, &hc->maxpathinfo, 0 );
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->query, &hc->maxquery, 0 );
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->accept, &hc->maxaccept, 0 );
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->accepte, &hc->maxaccepte, 0 );
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->reqhost, &hc->maxreqhost, 0 );
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->hostdir, &hc->maxhostdir, 0 );
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->remoteuser, &hc->maxremoteuser, 0 );
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->response, &hc->maxresponse, 0 );
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_2
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->altdir, &hc->maxaltdir, 0 );
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_2 */
	hc->initialized = 1;
    /* Accept the new connection. */
    sz = sizeof(sa);
    hc->conn_fd = accept( listen_fd, &sa.sa, &sz );
    if ( hc->conn_fd < 0 )
	if ( errno == EWOULDBLOCK )
	    return GC_NO_MORE;
//	syslog( LOG_ERR, "accept - %m" );
	return GC_FAIL;
    if ( ! sockaddr_check( &sa ) )
//	syslog( LOG_ERR, "unknown sockaddr family" );
	close( hc->conn_fd );
	hc->conn_fd = -1;
	return GC_FAIL;
    (void) fcntl( hc->conn_fd, F_SETFD, 1 );
    hc->hs = hs;
    (void) memset( &hc->client_addr, 0, sizeof(hc->client_addr) );
    (void) memmove( &hc->client_addr, &sa, sockaddr_len( &sa ) );
    hc->read_idx = 0;
    hc->checked_idx = 0;
    hc->checked_state = CHST_FIRSTWORD;
    hc->method = METHOD_UNKNOWN;
    hc->status = 0;
    hc->bytes_to_send = 0;
    hc->bytes_sent = 0;
    hc->encodedurl = "";
    hc->decodedurl[0] = '\0';
    hc->protocol = "UNKNOWN";
    hc->origfilename[0] = '\0';
    hc->expnfilename[0] = '\0';
    hc->encodings[0] = '\0';
    hc->pathinfo[0] = '\0';
    hc->query[0] = '\0';
    hc->referer = "";
    hc->useragent = "";
    hc->accept[0] = '\0';
    hc->accepte[0] = '\0';
    hc->acceptl = "";
    hc->cookie = "";
    hc->contenttype = "";
    hc->reqhost[0] = '\0';
    hc->hdrhost = "";
    hc->hostdir[0] = '\0';
    hc->authorization = "";
    hc->remoteuser[0] = '\0';
    hc->response[0] = '\0';
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_2
    hc->altdir[0] = '\0';
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_2 */
    hc->responselen = 0;
    hc->if_modified_since = (time_t) -1;
    hc->range_if = (time_t) -1;
    hc->contentlength = -1;
    hc->type = "";
    hc->hostname = (char*) 0;
    hc->mime_flag = 1;
    hc->one_one = 0;
    hc->got_range = 0;
    hc->tildemapped = 0;
    hc->first_byte_index = 0;
    hc->last_byte_index = -1;
    hc->keep_alive = 0;
    hc->should_linger = 0;
    hc->processed_directory_index = 0;
    return GC_OK;
/* Checks hc->read_buf to see whether a complete request has been read so far;
** either the first line has two words (an HTTP/0.9 request), or the first
** line has three words and there's a blank line present.
** hc->read_idx is how much has been read in; hc->checked_idx is how much we
** have checked so far; and hc->checked_state is the current state of the
** finite state machine.
httpd_got_request( httpd_conn* hc )
    char c;
    for ( ; hc->checked_idx < hc->read_idx; ++hc->checked_idx )
	c = hc->read_buf[hc->checked_idx];
	switch ( hc->checked_state )
	    switch ( c )
		case ' ': case '\t':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_FIRSTWS;
		case '\012': case '\015':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_BOGUS;
		return GR_BAD_REQUEST;
	    case CHST_FIRSTWS:
	    switch ( c )
		case ' ': case '\t':
		case '\012': case '\015':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_BOGUS;
		return GR_BAD_REQUEST;
		hc->checked_state = CHST_SECONDWORD;
	    switch ( c )
		case ' ': case '\t':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_SECONDWS;
		case '\012': case '\015':
		/* The first line has only two words - an HTTP/0.9 request. */
		return GR_GOT_REQUEST;
	    case CHST_SECONDWS:
	    switch ( c )
		case ' ': case '\t':
		case '\012': case '\015':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_BOGUS;
		return GR_BAD_REQUEST;
		hc->checked_state = CHST_THIRDWORD;
	    switch ( c )
		case ' ': case '\t':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_THIRDWS;
		case '\012':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_LF;
		case '\015':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_CR;
	    case CHST_THIRDWS:
	    switch ( c )
		case ' ': case '\t':
		case '\012':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_LF;
		case '\015':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_CR;
		hc->checked_state = CHST_BOGUS;
		return GR_BAD_REQUEST;
	    case CHST_LINE:
	    switch ( c )
		case '\012':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_LF;
		case '\015':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_CR;
	    case CHST_LF:
	    switch ( c )
		case '\012':
		/* Two newlines in a row - a blank line - end of request. */
		return GR_GOT_REQUEST;
		case '\015':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_CR;
		hc->checked_state = CHST_LINE;
	    case CHST_CR:
	    switch ( c )
		case '\012':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_CRLF;
		case '\015':
		/* Two returns in a row - end of request. */
		return GR_GOT_REQUEST;
		hc->checked_state = CHST_LINE;
	    case CHST_CRLF:
	    switch ( c )
		case '\012':
		/* Two newlines in a row - end of request. */
		return GR_GOT_REQUEST;
		case '\015':
		hc->checked_state = CHST_CRLFCR;
		hc->checked_state = CHST_LINE;
	    case CHST_CRLFCR:
	    switch ( c )
		case '\012': case '\015':
		/* Two CRLFs or two CRs in a row - end of request. */
		return GR_GOT_REQUEST;
		hc->checked_state = CHST_LINE;
	    case CHST_BOGUS:
	    return GR_BAD_REQUEST;
    return GR_NO_REQUEST;
httpd_parse_request( httpd_conn* hc )
    char* buf;
    char* method_str;
    char* url;
    char* protocol;
    char* reqhost;
    char* eol;
    char* cp;
    char* pi;
    char* freethis;
    hc->checked_idx = 0;	/* reset */
    method_str = bufgets( hc );
    url = strpbrk( method_str, " \t\012\015" );
    if ( url == (char*) 0 )
	httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	return -1;
    *url++ = '\0';
    url += strspn( url, " \t\012\015" );
    protocol = strpbrk( url, " \t\012\015" );
    if ( protocol == (char*) 0 )
	protocol = "HTTP/0.9";
	hc->mime_flag = 0;
	*protocol++ = '\0';
	protocol += strspn( protocol, " \t\012\015" );
	if ( *protocol != '\0' )
	    eol = strpbrk( protocol, " \t\012\015" );
	    if ( eol != (char*) 0 )
		*eol = '\0';
	    if ( strcasecmp( protocol, "HTTP/1.0" ) != 0 )
		hc->one_one = 1;
    hc->protocol = protocol;
    /* Check for HTTP/1.1 absolute URL. */
    if ( strncasecmp( url, "http://", 7 ) == 0 )
	if ( ! hc->one_one )
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	    return -1;
	reqhost = url + 7;
	url = strchr( reqhost, '/' );
	if ( url == (char*) 0 )
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	    return -1;
	*url = '\0';
	if ( strchr( reqhost, '/' ) != (char*) 0 || reqhost[0] == '.' )
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	    return -1;
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->reqhost, &hc->maxreqhost, strlen( reqhost ) );
	(void) strcpy( hc->reqhost, reqhost );
	*url = '/';
    if ( *url != '/' )
	httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	return -1;
    if ( strcasecmp( method_str, httpd_method_str( METHOD_GET ) ) == 0 )
	hc->method = METHOD_GET;
    else if ( strcasecmp( method_str, httpd_method_str( METHOD_HEAD ) ) == 0 )
	hc->method = METHOD_HEAD;
    /*else if ( strcasecmp( method_str, httpd_method_str( METHOD_POST ) ) == 0 )
	hc->method = METHOD_POST;*/
	httpd_send_err( hc, 501, err501title, "", err501form, method_str );
	return -1;
    hc->encodedurl = url;
	&hc->decodedurl, &hc->maxdecodedurl, strlen( hc->encodedurl ) );
    strdecode( hc->decodedurl, hc->encodedurl );
	&hc->origfilename, &hc->maxorigfilename, strlen( hc->decodedurl ) );
    (void) strcpy( hc->origfilename, &hc->decodedurl[1] );
    /* Special case for top-level URL. */
    if ( hc->origfilename[0] == '\0' )
	(void) strcpy( hc->origfilename, "." );
    /* Extract query string from encoded URL. */
    cp = strchr( hc->encodedurl, '?' );
    if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->query, &hc->maxquery, strlen( cp ) );
	(void) strcpy( hc->query, cp );
	/* Remove query from (decoded) origfilename. */
	cp = strchr( hc->origfilename, '?' );
	if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
	    *cp = '\0';
    de_dotdot( hc->origfilename );
    if ( hc->origfilename[0] == '/' ||
	 ( hc->origfilename[0] == '.' && hc->origfilename[1] == '.' &&
	   ( hc->origfilename[2] == '\0' || hc->origfilename[2] == '/' ) ) )
	httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	return -1;
    if ( hc->mime_flag )
	/* Read the MIME headers. */
	while ( ( buf = bufgets( hc ) ) != (char*) 0 )
	    if ( buf[0] == '\0' )
	    if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Referer:", 8 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[8];
		cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
		hc->referer = cp;
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "User-Agent:", 11 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[11];
		cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
		hc->useragent = cp;
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Host:", 5 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[5];
		cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
		hc->hdrhost = cp;
		cp = strchr( hc->hdrhost, ':' );
		if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
		    *cp = '\0';
		if ( strchr( hc->hdrhost, '/' ) != (char*) 0 || hc->hdrhost[0] == '.' )
		    httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
		    return -1;
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Accept:", 7 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[7];
		cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
		if ( hc->accept[0] != '\0' )
		    if ( strlen( hc->accept ) > 5000 )
//			syslog(
//			    LOG_ERR, "%.80s way too much Accept: data",
//			    httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ) );
			&hc->accept, &hc->maxaccept,
			strlen( hc->accept ) + 2 + strlen( cp ) );
		    (void) strcat( hc->accept, ", " );
			&hc->accept, &hc->maxaccept, strlen( cp ) );
		(void) strcat( hc->accept, cp );
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Accept-Encoding:", 16 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[16];
		cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
		if ( hc->accepte[0] != '\0' )
		    if ( strlen( hc->accepte ) > 5000 )
//			syslog(
//			    LOG_ERR, "%.80s way too much Accept-Encoding: data",
//			    httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ) );
			&hc->accepte, &hc->maxaccepte,
			strlen( hc->accepte ) + 2 + strlen( cp ) );
		    (void) strcat( hc->accepte, ", " );
			&hc->accepte, &hc->maxaccepte, strlen( cp ) );
		(void) strcpy( hc->accepte, cp );
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Accept-Language:", 16 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[16];
		cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
		hc->acceptl = cp;
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "If-Modified-Since:", 18 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[18];
		hc->if_modified_since = tdate_parse( cp );
		if ( hc->if_modified_since == (time_t) -1 )
		    /*syslog( LOG_DEBUG, "unparsable time: %.80s", cp )*/;
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Cookie:", 7 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[7];
		cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
		hc->cookie = cp;
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Range:", 6 ) == 0 )
		/* Only support %d- and %d-%d, not %d-%d,%d-%d or -%d. */
		if ( strchr( buf, ',' ) == (char*) 0 )
		    char* cp_dash;
		    cp = strpbrk( buf, "=" );
		    if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
			cp_dash = strchr( cp + 1, '-' );
			if ( cp_dash != (char*) 0 && cp_dash != cp + 1 )
			    *cp_dash = '\0';
			    hc->got_range = 1;
			    hc->first_byte_index = atoll( cp + 1 );
			    if ( hc->first_byte_index < 0 )
				hc->first_byte_index = 0;
			    if ( isdigit( (int) cp_dash[1] ) )
				hc->last_byte_index = atoll( cp_dash + 1 );
				if ( hc->last_byte_index < 0 )
				    hc->last_byte_index = -1;
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Range-If:", 9 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "If-Range:", 9 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[9];
		hc->range_if = tdate_parse( cp );
		if ( hc->range_if == (time_t) -1 )
		    /*syslog( LOG_DEBUG, "unparsable time: %.80s", cp )*/;
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Content-Type:", 13 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[13];
		cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
		hc->contenttype = cp;
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Content-Length:", 15 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[15];
		hc->contentlength = atol( cp );
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Authorization:", 14 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[14];
		cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
		hc->authorization = cp;
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Connection:", 11 ) == 0 )
		cp = &buf[11];
		cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );
		if ( strcasecmp( cp, "keep-alive" ) == 0 )
		    hc->keep_alive = 1;
	    else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Accept-Charset:", 15 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Accept-Language:", 16 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Agent:", 6 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Cache-Control:", 14 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Cache-Info:", 11 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Charge-To:", 10 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Client-IP:", 10 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Date:", 5 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Extension:", 10 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Forwarded:", 10 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "From:", 5 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "HTTP-Version:", 13 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Max-Forwards:", 13 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Message-Id:", 11 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "MIME-Version:", 13 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Negotiate:", 10 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Pragma:", 7 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Proxy-Agent:", 12 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Proxy-Connection:", 17 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Security-Scheme:", 16 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Session-Id:", 11 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "UA-Color:", 9 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "UA-CPU:", 7 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "UA-Disp:", 8 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "UA-OS:", 6 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "UA-Pixels:", 10 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "User:", 5 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "Via:", 4 ) == 0 ||
		      strncasecmp( buf, "X-", 2 ) == 0 )
		; /* ignore */
		syslog( LOG_DEBUG, "unknown request header: %.80s", buf );
    if ( hc->one_one )
	/* Check that HTTP/1.1 requests specify a host, as required. */
	if ( hc->reqhost[0] == '\0' && hc->hdrhost[0] == '\0' )
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	    return -1;
	/* If the client wants to do keep-alives, it might also be doing
	** pipelining.  There's no way for us to tell.  Since we don't
	** implement keep-alives yet, if we close such a connection there
	** might be unread pipelined requests waiting.  So, we have to
	** do a lingering close.
	if ( hc->keep_alive )
	    hc->should_linger = 1;
    /* Ok, the request has been parsed.  Now we resolve stuff that
    ** may require the entire request.
    /* Copy original filename to expanded filename. */
	&hc->expnfilename, &hc->maxexpnfilename, strlen( hc->origfilename ) );
    (void) strcpy( hc->expnfilename, hc->origfilename );
    /* Tilde mapping. */
    if ( hc->expnfilename[0] == '~' )
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_1
	if ( ! tilde_map_1( hc ) )
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 404, err404title, "", err404form, hc->encodedurl );
	    return -1;
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_1 */
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_2
	if ( ! tilde_map_2( hc ) )
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 404, err404title, "", err404form, hc->encodedurl );
	    return -1;
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_2 */
    /* Virtual host mapping. */
    if ( hc->hs->vhost )
	if ( ! vhost_map( hc ) )
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
	    return -1;
    /* Expand all symbolic links in the filename.  This also gives us
    ** any trailing non-existing components, for pathinfo.
    cp = expand_symlinks( hc->expnfilename, &freethis, &pi, hc->hs->no_symlink_check, hc->tildemapped );
    if ( cp == (char*) 0 )
	httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
	return -1;
    httpd_realloc_str( &hc->expnfilename, &hc->maxexpnfilename, strlen( cp ) );
    (void) strcpy( hc->expnfilename, cp );
    httpd_realloc_str( &hc->pathinfo, &hc->maxpathinfo, strlen( pi ) );
    (void) strcpy( hc->pathinfo, pi );
    /* Remove pathinfo stuff from the original filename too. */
    if ( hc->pathinfo[0] != '\0' )
	int i;
	i = strlen( hc->origfilename ) - strlen( hc->pathinfo );
	if ( i > 0 && strcmp( &hc->origfilename[i], hc->pathinfo ) == 0 )
	    hc->origfilename[i - 1] = '\0';
    /* If the expanded filename is an absolute path, check that it's still
    ** within the current directory or the alternate directory.
    if ( hc->expnfilename[0] == '/' )
	if(pthread_rwlock_rdlock(get_web_dir_lock()) == 0){
	if ( strncmp(
		 hc->expnfilename, hc->hs->cwd, strlen( hc->hs->cwd ) ) == 0 )
	    /* Elide the current directory. */
	    (void) strcpy(
		hc->expnfilename, &hc->expnfilename[strlen( hc->hs->cwd )] );
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_2
	else if ( hc->altdir[0] != '\0' &&
		  ( strncmp(
		       hc->expnfilename, hc->altdir,
		       strlen( hc->altdir ) ) == 0 &&
		    ( hc->expnfilename[strlen( hc->altdir )] == '\0' ||
		      hc->expnfilename[strlen( hc->altdir )] == '/' ) ) )
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_2 */
//	    syslog(
//		LOG_NOTICE, "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" goes outside the web tree",
//		httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
		hc, 403, err403title, "",
		ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' resolves to a file outside the permitted web server directory tree.\n" ),
		hc->encodedurl );
	    return -1;
		httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
	    return -1;
    return 0;
static char*
bufgets( httpd_conn* hc )
    int i;
    char c;
    for ( i = hc->checked_idx; hc->checked_idx < hc->read_idx; ++hc->checked_idx )
	c = hc->read_buf[hc->checked_idx];
	if ( c == '\012' || c == '\015' )
	    hc->read_buf[hc->checked_idx] = '\0';
	    if ( c == '\015' && hc->checked_idx < hc->read_idx &&
		 hc->read_buf[hc->checked_idx] == '\012' )
		hc->read_buf[hc->checked_idx] = '\0';
	    return &(hc->read_buf[i]);
    return (char*) 0;
static void
de_dotdot( char* file )
    char* cp;
    char* cp2;
    int l;
    /* Collapse any multiple / sequences. */
    while ( ( cp = strstr( file, "//") ) != (char*) 0 )
	for ( cp2 = cp + 2; *cp2 == '/'; ++cp2 )
	(void) strcpy( cp + 1, cp2 );
    /* Remove leading ./ and any /./ sequences. */
    while ( strncmp( file, "./", 2 ) == 0 )
	(void) strcpy( file, file + 2 );
    while ( ( cp = strstr( file, "/./") ) != (char*) 0 )
	(void) strcpy( cp, cp + 2 );
    /* Alternate between removing leading ../ and removing xxx/../ */
    for (;;)
	while ( strncmp( file, "../", 3 ) == 0 )
	    (void) strcpy( file, file + 3 );
	cp = strstr( file, "/../" );
	if ( cp == (char*) 0 )
	for ( cp2 = cp - 1; cp2 >= file && *cp2 != '/'; --cp2 )
	(void) strcpy( cp2 + 1, cp + 4 );
    /* Also elide any xxx/.. at the end. */
    while ( ( l = strlen( file ) ) > 3 &&
	    strcmp( ( cp = file + l - 3 ), "/.." ) == 0 )
	for ( cp2 = cp - 1; cp2 >= file && *cp2 != '/'; --cp2 )
	if ( cp2 < file )
	*cp2 = '\0';
httpd_close_conn( httpd_conn* hc, struct timeval* nowP )
    make_log_entry( hc, nowP );
    if ( hc->conn_fd >= 0 )
	(void) close( hc->conn_fd );
	hc->conn_fd = -1;
httpd_destroy_conn( httpd_conn* hc )
    if ( hc->initialized )
	free( (void*) hc->read_buf );
	free( (void*) hc->decodedurl );
	free( (void*) hc->origfilename );
	free( (void*) hc->expnfilename );
	free( (void*) hc->encodings );
	free( (void*) hc->pathinfo );
	free( (void*) hc->query );
	free( (void*) hc->accept );
	free( (void*) hc->accepte );
	free( (void*) hc->reqhost );
	free( (void*) hc->hostdir );
	free( (void*) hc->remoteuser );
	free( (void*) hc->response );
#ifdef TILDE_MAP_2
	free( (void*) hc->altdir );
#endif /* TILDE_MAP_2 */
	hc->initialized = 0;
struct mime_entry {
    char* ext;
    size_t ext_len;
    char* val;
    size_t val_len;
static struct mime_entry enc_tab[] = {
#include "mime_encodings.h"
static const int n_enc_tab = sizeof(enc_tab) / sizeof(*enc_tab);
static struct mime_entry typ_tab[] = {
#include "mime_types.h"
static const int n_typ_tab = sizeof(typ_tab) / sizeof(*typ_tab);
/* qsort comparison routine - declared old-style on purpose, for portability. */
static int
ext_compare( a, b )
    struct mime_entry* a;
    struct mime_entry* b;
    return strcmp( a->ext, b->ext );
static void
init_mime( void )
    int i;
    /* Sort the tables so we can do binary search. */
    qsort( enc_tab, n_enc_tab, sizeof(*enc_tab), ext_compare );
    qsort( typ_tab, n_typ_tab, sizeof(*typ_tab), ext_compare );
    /* Fill in the lengths. */
    for ( i = 0; i < n_enc_tab; ++i )
	enc_tab[i].ext_len = strlen( enc_tab[i].ext );
	enc_tab[i].val_len = strlen( enc_tab[i].val );
    for ( i = 0; i < n_typ_tab; ++i )
	typ_tab[i].ext_len = strlen( typ_tab[i].ext );
	typ_tab[i].val_len = strlen( typ_tab[i].val );
/* Figure out MIME encodings and type based on the filename.  Multiple
** encodings are separated by commas, and are listed in the order in
** which they were applied to the file.
static void
figure_mime( httpd_conn* hc )
    char* prev_dot;
    char* dot;
    char* ext;
    int me_indexes[100];
    unsigned int n_me_indexes;
    size_t ext_len, encodings_len;
    int i, top, bot, mid;
    int r;
    char* default_type = "text/plain";
    /* Peel off encoding extensions until there aren't any more. */
    n_me_indexes = 0;
    for ( prev_dot = &hc->expnfilename[strlen(hc->expnfilename)]; ; prev_dot = dot )
	for ( dot = prev_dot - 1; dot >= hc->expnfilename && *dot != '.'; --dot )
	if ( dot < hc->expnfilename )
	    /* No dot found.  No more encoding extensions, and no type
	    ** extension either.
	    hc->type = default_type;
	    goto done;
	ext = dot + 1;
	ext_len = prev_dot - ext;
	/* Search the encodings table.  Linear search is fine here, there
	** are only a few entries.
	for ( i = 0; i < n_enc_tab; ++i )
	    if ( ext_len == enc_tab[i].ext_len && strncasecmp( ext, enc_tab[i].ext, ext_len ) == 0 )
		if ( n_me_indexes < sizeof(me_indexes)/sizeof(*me_indexes) )
		    me_indexes[n_me_indexes] = i;
		goto next;
	/* No encoding extension found.  Break and look for a type extension. */
	next: ;
    /* Binary search for a matching type extension. */
    top = n_typ_tab - 1;
    bot = 0;
    while ( top >= bot )
	mid = ( top + bot ) / 2;
	r = strncasecmp( ext, typ_tab[mid].ext, ext_len );
	if ( r < 0 )
	    top = mid - 1;
	else if ( r > 0 )
	    bot = mid + 1;
	    if ( ext_len < typ_tab[mid].ext_len )
		top = mid - 1;
	    else if ( ext_len > typ_tab[mid].ext_len )
		bot = mid + 1;
		hc->type = typ_tab[mid].val;
		goto done;
    hc->type = default_type;
    /* The last thing we do is actually generate the mime-encoding header. */
    hc->encodings[0] = '\0';
    encodings_len = 0;
    for ( i = n_me_indexes - 1; i >= 0; --i )
	    &hc->encodings, &hc->maxencodings,
	    encodings_len + enc_tab[me_indexes[i]].val_len + 1 );
	if ( hc->encodings[0] != '\0' )
	    (void) strcpy( &hc->encodings[encodings_len], "," );
	(void) strcpy( &hc->encodings[encodings_len], enc_tab[me_indexes[i]].val );
	encodings_len += enc_tab[me_indexes[i]].val_len;
/* qsort comparison routine - declared old-style on purpose, for portability. */
static int
name_compare( a, b )
    char** a;
    char** b;
    return strcmp( *a, *b );
static int
ls( httpd_conn* hc )
    DIR* dirp;
    struct dirent* de;
    struct dirent* dep;
    int namlen;
    /*static*/int maxnames = 0;
    int nnames;
    /*static*/char* names = NULL;
    /*static*/char** nameptrs = NULL;
    /*static*/char* name;
    /*static*/size_t maxname = 0;
    /*static*/char* rname;
    /*static*/size_t maxrname = 0;
    /*static*/char* encrname;
    /*static*/size_t maxencrname = 0;
    FILE* fp;
    int i/*, r*/;
    struct stat sb;
    struct stat lsb;
    //char modestr[20];
    char* linkprefix;
    char link[MAXPATHLEN+1];
    int linklen;
    char* fileclass;
    time_t now;
    char timestr[26];
    //ClientData client_data;
	de = dep = malloc(sizeof(struct dirent)+B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH+1);
	if(de == 0)
		httpd_send_err( hc, 501, err501title, "", err501form, hc->encodedurl );
		return -1;
    dirp = opendir( hc->expnfilename );
    if ( dirp == (DIR*) 0 )
	char logString[27+B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH+1];
	sprintf(logString, "Error 404 File not found: %s\n", hc->decodedurl+1);
	poorman_log(logString, true, hc->client_addr.sa_in.sin_addr.s_addr, RED);
//	syslog( LOG_ERR, "opendir %.80s - %m", hc->expnfilename );
	httpd_send_err( hc, 404, err404title, "", err404form, hc->encodedurl );
	return -1;
    if ( hc->method == METHOD_HEAD )
	closedir( dirp );
	    hc, 200, ok200title, "", "", "text/html; charset=%s", (off_t) -1,
	    hc->sb.st_mtime );
	httpd_write_response( hc );
    else if ( hc->method == METHOD_GET )
			if(pthread_rwlock_rdlock(get_web_dir_lock()) == 0){
					"Directory %s/%s/ has no ",
				strcpy(logString, "A web directory has no ");
			if(pthread_rwlock_rdlock(get_index_name_lock()) == 0){
				strcat(logString, hc->hs->index_name);
				strcat(logString, "index file");
			strcat(logString, ".  Sending directory listing.\n");
			poorman_log(logString, true, hc->client_addr.sa_in.sin_addr.s_addr, BLACK);
		hc, 200, ok200title, "", "", "text/html; charset=%s",
		(off_t) -1, hc->sb.st_mtime );
	    httpd_write_response( hc );
	    /* Open a stdio stream so that we can use fprintf, which is more
	    ** efficient than a bunch of separate write()s.  We don't have
	    ** to worry about double closes or file descriptor leaks cause
	    ** we're in a subprocess.
	    fp = fdopen( hc->conn_fd, "w" );
	    if ( fp == (FILE*) 0 )
//		syslog( LOG_ERR, "fdopen - %m" );
		    hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
		httpd_write_response( hc );
		closedir( dirp );
		return  -1;
	    (void) fprintf( fp, "\
<HEAD><TITLE>Index of %.80s</TITLE></HEAD>\n\
<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#99cc99\" TEXT=\"#000000\" LINK=\"#2020ff\" VLINK=\"#4040cc\">\n\
<H2>Index of %.80s</H2>\n\
     bytes  last-changed  name\n\
		hc->decodedurl, hc->decodedurl );
	    /* Read in names. */
	    nnames = 0;
	    while ( readdir_r( dirp, de, &dep ) == 0 && dep != NULL)     /* dirent or direct */
		if ( nnames >= maxnames )
		    if ( maxnames == 0 )
			maxnames = 100;
			names = NEW( char, maxnames * ( MAXPATHLEN + 1 ) );
			nameptrs = NEW( char*, maxnames );
			maxnames *= 2;
			names = RENEW( names, char, maxnames * ( MAXPATHLEN + 1 ) );
			nameptrs = RENEW( nameptrs, char*, maxnames );
		    if ( names == (char*) 0 || nameptrs == (char**) 0 )
//			syslog( LOG_ERR, "out of memory reallocating directory names" );
			closedir( dirp );
			return -1;
		    for ( i = 0; i < maxnames; ++i )
			nameptrs[i] = &names[i * ( MAXPATHLEN + 1 )];
		namlen = NAMLEN(de);
		(void) strncpy( nameptrs[nnames], de->d_name, namlen );
		nameptrs[nnames][namlen] = '\0';
		}//while loop
	    closedir( dirp );
	    /* Sort the names. */
	    qsort( nameptrs, nnames, sizeof(*nameptrs), name_compare );
	    /* Generate output. */
	    for ( i = 0; i < nnames; ++i )
		    &name, &maxname,
		    strlen( hc->expnfilename ) + 1 + strlen( nameptrs[i] ) );
		    &rname, &maxrname,
		    strlen( hc->origfilename ) + 1 + strlen( nameptrs[i] ) );
		if ( hc->expnfilename[0] == '\0' ||
		     strcmp( hc->expnfilename, "." ) == 0 )
		    (void) strcpy( name, nameptrs[i] );
		    (void) strcpy( rname, nameptrs[i] );
		    (void) my_snprintf( name, maxname,
			"%s/%s", hc->expnfilename, nameptrs[i] );
		    if ( strcmp( hc->origfilename, "." ) == 0 )
			(void) my_snprintf( rname, maxrname,
			    "%s", nameptrs[i] );
			(void) my_snprintf( rname, maxrname,
			    "%s%s", hc->origfilename, nameptrs[i] );
		    &encrname, &maxencrname, 3 * strlen( rname ) + 1 );
		strencode( encrname, maxencrname, rname );
		if ( stat( name, &sb ) < 0 || lstat( name, &lsb ) < 0 )
		linkprefix = "";
		link[0] = '\0';
		/* Break down mode word.  First the file type. */
		switch ( lsb.st_mode & S_IFMT )
		    /*case S_IFIFO:  modestr[0] = 'p'; break;
		    case S_IFCHR:  modestr[0] = 'c'; break;
		    case S_IFDIR:  modestr[0] = 'd'; break;
		    case S_IFBLK:  modestr[0] = 'b'; break;
		    case S_IFREG:  modestr[0] = '-'; break;
		    case S_IFSOCK: modestr[0] = 's'; break;*/
		    case S_IFLNK:  //modestr[0] = 'l';
		    linklen = readlink( name, link, sizeof(link) - 1 );
		    if ( linklen != -1 )
			link[linklen] = '\0';
			linkprefix = " -&gt; ";
		    //default:       modestr[0] = '?'; break;
		/* Now the world permissions.  Owner and group permissions
		** are not of interest to web clients.
		/*modestr[1] = ( lsb.st_mode & S_IROTH ) ? 'r' : '-';
		modestr[2] = ( lsb.st_mode & S_IWOTH ) ? 'w' : '-';
		modestr[3] = ( lsb.st_mode & S_IXOTH ) ? 'x' : '-';
		modestr[4] = '\0';*/
		/* We also leave out the owner and group name, they are
		** also not of interest to web clients.  Plus if we're
		** running under chroot(), they would require a copy
		** of /etc/passwd and /etc/group, which we want to avoid.
		/* Get time string. */
		now = time( (time_t*) 0 );
		ctime_r( &lsb.st_mtime, timestr );
		timestr[ 0] = timestr[ 4];
		timestr[ 1] = timestr[ 5];
		timestr[ 2] = timestr[ 6];
		timestr[ 3] = ' ';
		timestr[ 4] = timestr[ 8];
		timestr[ 5] = timestr[ 9];
		timestr[ 6] = ' ';
		if ( now - lsb.st_mtime > 60*60*24*182 )        /* 1/2 year */
		    timestr[ 7] = ' ';
		    timestr[ 8] = timestr[20];
		    timestr[ 9] = timestr[21];
		    timestr[10] = timestr[22];
		    timestr[11] = timestr[23];
		    timestr[ 7] = timestr[11];
		    timestr[ 8] = timestr[12];
		    timestr[ 9] = ':';
		    timestr[10] = timestr[14];
		    timestr[11] = timestr[15];
		timestr[12] = '\0';
		/* The ls -F file class. */
		switch ( sb.st_mode & S_IFMT )
		    case S_IFDIR:  fileclass = "/"; break;
		    //case S_IFSOCK: fileclass = "="; break;
		    //case S_IFLNK:  fileclass = "@"; break;
		    fileclass = "";//( sb.st_mode & S_IXOTH ) ? "*" : "";
		/* And print. */
		(void)  fprintf( fp,
		   "%10" B_PRId64 "  %s  <A HREF=\"/%.500s%s\">%.80s</A>%s%s%s\n",
		    (int64_t) lsb.st_size,
		    timestr, encrname, S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) ? "/" : "",
		    nameptrs[i], linkprefix, link, fileclass );
		}//for loop
	    (void) fprintf( fp, "</PRE></BODY>\n</HTML>\n" );
	    (void) fclose( fp );
	hc->status = 200;
	hc->bytes_sent = CGI_BYTECOUNT;
	hc->should_linger = 0;
	}//else if ( hc->method == METHOD_GET )
	closedir( dirp );
	    hc, 501, err501title, "", err501form, httpd_method_str( hc->method ) );
	return -1;
	hc->processed_directory_index = 1;
	return 0;
//static char*
//build_env( char* fmt, char* arg )
//    {
//    char* cp;
//    size_t size;
//    static char* buf;
//    static size_t maxbuf = 0;
//    size = strlen( fmt ) + strlen( arg );
//    if ( size > maxbuf )
//	httpd_realloc_str( &buf, &maxbuf, size );
//    (void) my_snprintf( buf, maxbuf, fmt, arg );
//    cp = strdup( buf );
//    if ( cp == (char*) 0 )
//	{
//	syslog( LOG_ERR, "out of memory copying environment variable" );
//	exit( 1 );
//	}
//    return cp;
//    }
static char*
hostname_map( char* hostname )
    int len, n;
    static char* list[] = { SERVER_NAME_LIST };
    len = strlen( hostname );
    for ( n = sizeof(list) / sizeof(*list) - 1; n >= 0; --n )
	if ( strncasecmp( hostname, list[n], len ) == 0 )
	    if ( list[n][len] == '/' )  /* check in case of a substring match */
		return &list[n][len + 1];
    return (char*) 0;
#endif /* SERVER_NAME_LIST */
static int
really_start_request( httpd_conn* hc, struct timeval* nowP )
    /*static*/ char* indexname;
    /*static*/ size_t maxindexname = 0;
    //static const char* index_names[];
    //int i;
#ifdef AUTH_FILE
    static char* dirname;
    static size_t maxdirname = 0;
#endif /* AUTH_FILE */
    size_t expnlen, indxlen;
    char* cp;
    char* pi;
    char* freethis;
    expnlen = strlen( hc->expnfilename );
    if ( hc->method != METHOD_GET && hc->method != METHOD_HEAD /*&&
	 hc->method != METHOD_POST*/ )
	    hc, 501, err501title, "", err501form, httpd_method_str( hc->method ) );
	return -1;
    /* Stat the file. */
    if ( stat( hc->expnfilename, &hc->sb ) < 0 )
	httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
	return -1;
    /* Is it world-readable or world-executable?  We check explicitly instead
    ** of just trying to open it, so that no one ever gets surprised by
    ** a file that's not set world-readable and yet somehow is
    ** readable by the HTTP server and therefore the *whole* world.
    if ( ! ( hc->sb.st_mode & ( S_IROTH /*| S_IXOTH*/ ) ) )
//	syslog(
//	    LOG_INFO,
//	    "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" resolves to a non world-readable file",
//	    httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
	    hc, 403, err403title, "",
	    ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' resolves to a file that is not world-readable.\n" ),
	    hc->encodedurl );
	return -1;
    /* Is it a directory? */
    if ( S_ISDIR(hc->sb.st_mode) )
	/* If there's pathinfo, it's just a non-existent file. */
	if ( hc->pathinfo[0] != '\0' )
	    char logString[27+B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH+1];
		sprintf(logString, "Error 404 File not found: %s\n", hc->decodedurl+1);
		poorman_log(logString, true, hc->client_addr.sa_in.sin_addr.s_addr, RED);
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 404, err404title, "", err404form, hc->encodedurl );
	    return -1;
	/* Special handling for directory URLs that don't end in a slash.
	** We send back an explicit redirect with the slash, because
	** otherwise many clients can't build relative URLs properly.
	if ( strcmp( hc->origfilename, "" ) != 0 &&
	     strcmp( hc->origfilename, "." ) != 0 &&
	     hc->origfilename[strlen( hc->origfilename ) - 1] != '/' )
	    send_dirredirect( hc );
	    return -1;
	/* Check for an index file. */
	    if(pthread_rwlock_rdlock(get_index_name_lock()) == 0){
		&indexname, &maxindexname,
		expnlen + 1 + strlen( /*index_names[i]*/hc->hs->index_name ) );
	    (void) strcpy( indexname, hc->expnfilename );
	    indxlen = strlen( indexname );
	    if ( indxlen == 0 || indexname[indxlen - 1] != '/' )
		(void) strcat( indexname, "/" );
	    if ( strcmp( indexname, "./" ) == 0 )
		indexname[0] = '\0';
	    (void) strcat( indexname, /*index_names[i]*/hc->hs->index_name );
        httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
        return -1;
	    if ( stat( indexname, &hc->sb ) >= 0 )
		goto got_one;
	/* Nope, no index file, so it's an actual directory request. */
	/* Directories must be readable for indexing. */
	if ( ! ( hc->sb.st_mode & S_IROTH ) )
//	    syslog(
//		"%.80s URL \"%.80s\" tried to index a directory with indexing disabled",
//		httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
		hc, 403, err403title, "",
		ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' resolves to a directory that has indexing disabled.\n" ),
		hc->encodedurl );
	    return -1;
#ifdef AUTH_FILE
	/* Check authorization for this directory. */
	if ( auth_check( hc, hc->expnfilename ) == -1 )
	    return -1;
#endif /* AUTH_FILE */
	/* Referer check. */
	if ( ! check_referer( hc ) )
	    return -1;
	/* Ok, generate an index. */
	return ls( hc );
//#else /* GENERATE_INDEXES */
} else {
//	syslog(
//	    LOG_INFO, "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" tried to index a directory",
//	    httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
	    hc, 404, err404title, "",
	    hc->encodedurl );
	return -1;
	got_one: ;
	/* Got an index file.  Expand symlinks again.  More pathinfo means
	** something went wrong.
	cp = expand_symlinks( indexname, &freethis, &pi, hc->hs->no_symlink_check, hc->tildemapped );
	if ( cp == (char*) 0 || pi[0] != '\0' )
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
	    return -1;
	expnlen = strlen( cp );
	httpd_realloc_str( &hc->expnfilename, &hc->maxexpnfilename, expnlen );
	(void) strcpy( hc->expnfilename, cp );
	/* Now, is the index version world-readable or world-executable? */
	if ( ! ( hc->sb.st_mode & ( S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ) ) )
//	    syslog(
//		"%.80s URL \"%.80s\" resolves to a non-world-readable index file",
//		httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
		hc, 403, err403title, "",
		ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' resolves to an index file that is not world-readable.\n" ),
		hc->encodedurl );
	    return -1;
	}/* Is it a directory? */
#ifdef AUTH_FILE
    /* Check authorization for this directory. */
    httpd_realloc_str( &dirname, &maxdirname, expnlen );
    (void) strcpy( dirname, hc->expnfilename );
    cp = strrchr( dirname, '/' );
    if ( cp == (char*) 0 )
	(void) strcpy( dirname, "." );
	*cp = '\0';
    if ( auth_check( hc, dirname ) == -1 )
	return -1;
    /* Check if the filename is the AUTH_FILE itself - that's verboten. */
    if ( expnlen == sizeof(AUTH_FILE) - 1 )
	if ( strcmp( hc->expnfilename, AUTH_FILE ) == 0 )
//	    syslog(
//		"%.80s URL \"%.80s\" tried to retrieve an auth file",
//		httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
		hc, 403, err403title, "",
		ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' is an authorization file, retrieving it is not permitted.\n" ),
		hc->encodedurl );
	    return -1;
    else if ( expnlen >= sizeof(AUTH_FILE) &&
	      strcmp( &(hc->expnfilename[expnlen - sizeof(AUTH_FILE) + 1]), AUTH_FILE ) == 0 &&
	      hc->expnfilename[expnlen - sizeof(AUTH_FILE)] == '/' )
//	syslog(
//	    LOG_NOTICE,
//	    "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" tried to retrieve an auth file",
//	    httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
	    hc, 403, err403title, "",
	    ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' is an authorization file, retrieving it is not permitted.\n" ),
	    hc->encodedurl );
	return -1;
#endif /* AUTH_FILE */
    /* Referer check. */
    if ( ! check_referer( hc ) )
	return -1;
    /* Is it world-executable and in the CGI area? */
    /*if ( hc->hs->cgi_pattern != (char*) 0 &&
	 ( hc->sb.st_mode & S_IXOTH ) &&
	 match( hc->hs->cgi_pattern, hc->expnfilename ) )
	return cgi( hc );*/
    /* It's not CGI.  If it's executable or there's pathinfo, someone's
    ** trying to either serve or run a non-CGI file as CGI.   Either case
    ** is prohibited.
    /*if ( hc->sb.st_mode & S_IXOTH )
	    LOG_NOTICE, "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" is executable but isn't CGI",
	    httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
	    hc, 403, err403title, "",
	    ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' resolves to a file which is marked executable but is not a CGI file; retrieving it is forbidden.\n" ),
	    hc->encodedurl );
	return -1;
    if ( hc->pathinfo[0] != '\0' )
//	syslog(
//	    LOG_INFO, "%.80s URL \"%.80s\" has pathinfo but isn't CGI",
//	    httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), hc->encodedurl );
	    hc, 403, err403title, "",
	    ERROR_FORM( err403form, "The requested URL '%.80s' resolves to a file plus CGI-style pathinfo, but the file is not a valid CGI file.\n" ),
	    hc->encodedurl );
	return -1;
    /* Fill in last_byte_index, if necessary. */
    if ( hc->got_range &&
	 ( hc->last_byte_index == -1 || hc->last_byte_index >= hc->sb.st_size ) )
	hc->last_byte_index = hc->sb.st_size - 1;
    figure_mime( hc );
    if ( hc->method == METHOD_HEAD )
	    hc, 200, ok200title, hc->encodings, "", hc->type, hc->sb.st_size,
	    hc->sb.st_mtime );
    else if ( hc->if_modified_since != (time_t) -1 &&
	 hc->if_modified_since >= hc->sb.st_mtime )
	    hc, 304, err304title, hc->encodings, "", hc->type, (off_t) -1,
	    hc->sb.st_mtime );
	    hc, 200, ok200title, hc->encodings, "", hc->type, hc->sb.st_size,
	    hc->sb.st_mtime );
    return 0;
httpd_start_request( httpd_conn* hc, struct timeval* nowP )
    int r;
    /* Really start the request. */
    r = really_start_request( hc, nowP );
    /* And return the status. */
    return r;
static void
make_log_entry( httpd_conn* hc, struct timeval* nowP )
    char* ru;
    char url[305];
    char bytes[40];
    if ( hc->hs->no_log )
    /* This is straight CERN Combined Log Format - the only tweak
    ** being that if we're using syslog() we leave out the date, because
    ** syslogd puts it in.  The included syslogtocern script turns the
    ** results into true CERN format.
    /* Format remote user. */
    if ( hc->remoteuser[0] != '\0' )
	ru = hc->remoteuser;
	ru = "-";
    /* If we're vhosting, prepend the hostname to the url.  This is
    ** a little weird, perhaps writing separate log files for
    ** each vhost would make more sense.
    if ( hc->hs->vhost && ! hc->tildemapped )
	(void) my_snprintf( url, sizeof(url),
	    hc->hostname == (char*) 0 ? hc->hs->server_hostname : hc->hostname,
	    hc->encodedurl );
	(void) my_snprintf( url, sizeof(url),
	    "%.200s", hc->encodedurl );
    /* Format the bytes. */
    if ( hc->bytes_sent >= 0 )
	(void) my_snprintf(
	    bytes, sizeof(bytes), "%lld", (int64_t) hc->bytes_sent );
	(void) strcpy( bytes, "-" );
    /* Logfile or syslog? */
    if ( hc->hs->logfp != (FILE*) 0 )
	time_t now;
	struct tm* t;
	const char* cernfmt_nozone = "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S";
	char date_nozone[100];
	int zone;
	char sign;
	char date[100];
	/* Get the current time, if necessary. */
	if ( nowP != (struct timeval*) 0 )
	    now = nowP->tv_sec;
	    now = time( (time_t*) 0 );
	/* Format the time, forcing a numeric timezone (some log analyzers
	** are stoooopid about this).
	t = localtime( &now );
	(void) strftime( date_nozone, sizeof(date_nozone), cernfmt_nozone, t );
	zone = t->tm_gmtoff / 60L;
	zone = -timezone / 60L;
	/* Probably have to add something about daylight time here. */
	if ( zone >= 0 )
	    sign = '+';
	    sign = '-';
	    zone = -zone;
	zone = ( zone / 60 ) * 100 + zone % 60;
	(void) my_snprintf( date, sizeof(date),
	    "%s %c%04d", date_nozone, sign, zone );
	/* And write the log entry. */
	(void) fprintf( hc->hs->logfp,
	    "%.80s - %.80s [%s] \"%.80s %.300s %.80s\" %d %s \"%.200s\" \"%.200s\"\n",
	    httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), ru, date,
	    httpd_method_str( hc->method ), url, hc->protocol,
	    hc->status, bytes, hc->referer, hc->useragent );
	(void) fflush( hc->hs->logfp );
	/*syslog( LOG_INFO,
	    "%.80s - %.80s \"%.80s %.200s %.80s\" %d %s \"%.200s\" \"%.200s\"",
	    httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), ru,
	    httpd_method_str( hc->method ), url, hc->protocol,
	    hc->status, bytes, hc->referer, hc->useragent )*/;
/* Returns 1 if ok to serve the url, 0 if not. */
static int
check_referer( httpd_conn* hc )
    int r;
    char* cp;
    /* Are we doing referer checking at all? */
    if ( hc->hs->url_pattern == (char*) 0 )
	return 1;
    r = really_check_referer( hc );
    if ( ! r )
	if ( hc->hs->vhost && hc->hostname != (char*) 0 )
	    cp = hc->hostname;
	    cp = hc->hs->server_hostname;
	if ( cp == (char*) 0 )
	    cp = "";
//	syslog(
//	    LOG_INFO, "%.80s non-local referer \"%.80s%.80s\" \"%.80s\"",
//	    httpd_ntoa( &hc->client_addr ), cp, hc->encodedurl, hc->referer );
	    hc, 403, err403title, "",
	    ERROR_FORM( err403form, "You must supply a local referer to get URL '%.80s' from this server.\n" ),
	    hc->encodedurl );
    return r;
/* Returns 1 if ok to serve the url, 0 if not. */
static int
really_check_referer( httpd_conn* hc )
    httpd_server* hs;
    char* cp1;
    char* cp2;
    char* cp3;
    /*static*/char* refhost = (char*) 0;
    /*static*/size_t refhost_size = 0;
    char *lp;
    hs = hc->hs;
    /* Check for an empty referer. */
    if ( hc->referer == (char*) 0 || hc->referer[0] == '\0' ||
	 ( cp1 = strstr( hc->referer, "//" ) ) == (char*) 0 )
	/* Disallow if we require a referer and the url matches. */
	if ( hs->no_empty_referers && match( hs->url_pattern, hc->origfilename ) )
	    return 0;
	/* Otherwise ok. */
	return 1;
    /* Extract referer host. */
    cp1 += 2;
    for ( cp2 = cp1; *cp2 != '/' && *cp2 != ':' && *cp2 != '\0'; ++cp2 )
    httpd_realloc_str( &refhost, &refhost_size, cp2 - cp1 );
    for ( cp3 = refhost; cp1 < cp2; ++cp1, ++cp3 )
	if ( isupper(*cp1) )
	    *cp3 = tolower(*cp1);
	    *cp3 = *cp1;
    *cp3 = '\0';
    /* Local pattern? */
    if ( hs->local_pattern != (char*) 0 )
	lp = hs->local_pattern;
	/* No local pattern.  What's our hostname? */
	if ( ! hs->vhost )
	    /* Not vhosting, use the server name. */
	    lp = hs->server_hostname;
	    if ( lp == (char*) 0 )
		/* Couldn't figure out local hostname - give up. */
		return 1;
	    /* We are vhosting, use the hostname on this connection. */
	    lp = hc->hostname;
	    if ( lp == (char*) 0 )
		/* Oops, no hostname.  Maybe it's an old browser that
		** doesn't send a Host: header.  We could figure out
		** the default hostname for this IP address, but it's
		** not worth it for the few requests like this.
		return 1;
    /* If the referer host doesn't match the local host pattern, and
    ** the filename does match the url pattern, it's an illegal reference.
    if ( ! match( lp, refhost ) && match( hs->url_pattern, hc->origfilename ) )
	return 0;
    /* Otherwise ok. */
    return 1;
httpd_ntoa( httpd_sockaddr* saP )
#ifdef USE_IPV6
    static char str[200];
    if ( getnameinfo( &saP->sa, sockaddr_len( saP ), str, sizeof(str), 0, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST ) != 0 )
	str[0] = '?';
	str[1] = '\0';
    else if ( IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED( &saP->sa_in6.sin6_addr ) && strncmp( str, "::ffff:", 7 ) == 0 )
	/* Elide IPv6ish prefix for IPv4 addresses. */
	(void) strcpy( str, &str[7] );
    return str;
#else /* USE_IPV6 */
    return inet_ntoa( saP->sa_in.sin_addr );
#endif /* USE_IPV6 */
static int
sockaddr_check( httpd_sockaddr* saP )
    switch ( saP->sa.sa_family )
	case AF_INET: return 1;
#ifdef USE_IPV6
	case AF_INET6: return 1;
#endif /* USE_IPV6 */
	return 0;
static size_t
sockaddr_len( httpd_sockaddr* saP )
    switch ( saP->sa.sa_family )
	case AF_INET: return sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
#ifdef USE_IPV6
	case AF_INET6: return sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
#endif /* USE_IPV6 */
	return 0;	/* shouldn't happen */
/* Some systems don't have snprintf(), so we make our own that uses
** either vsnprintf() or vsprintf().  If your system doesn't have
** vsnprintf(), it is probably vulnerable to buffer overruns.
** Upgrade!
static int
my_snprintf( char* str, size_t size, const char* format, ... )
    va_list ap;
    int r;
    va_start( ap, format );
    r = vsnprintf( str, size, format, ap );
#else /* HAVE_VSNPRINTF */
    r = vsprintf( str, format, ap );
#endif /* HAVE_VSNPRINTF */
    va_end( ap );
    return r;
#ifndef HAVE_ATOLL
static long long
atoll( const char* str )
    long long value;
    long long sign;
    while ( isspace( *str ) )
    switch ( *str )
	case '-': sign = -1; ++str; break;
	case '+': sign = 1; ++str; break;
	default: sign = 1; break;
    value = 0;
    while ( isdigit( *str ) )
	value = value * 10 + ( *str - '0' );
    return sign * value;
#endif /* HAVE_ATOLL */
/* Read the requested buffer completely, accounting for interruptions. */
httpd_read_fully( int fd, void* buf, size_t nbytes )
    size_t nread;
    nread = 0;
    while ( nread < nbytes )
	int r;
	r = read( fd, (char*) buf + nread, nbytes - nread );
	if ( r < 0 && ( errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN ) )
	    sleep( 1 );
	if ( r < 0 )
	    return r;
	if ( r == 0 )
	nread += r;
    return nread;
/* Write the requested buffer completely, accounting for interruptions. */
httpd_write_fully( int fd, const void* buf, size_t nbytes )
    size_t nwritten;
    nwritten = 0;
    while ( nwritten < nbytes )
	int r;
	r = write( fd, (char*) buf + nwritten, nbytes - nwritten );
	if ( r < 0 && ( errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN ) )
	    sleep( 1 );
	if ( r < 0 )
	    return r;
	if ( r == 0 )
	nwritten += r;
    return nwritten;
/* Generate debugging statistics syslog message. */
httpd_logstats( long secs )
    if ( str_alloc_count > 0 )
	/*syslog( LOG_INFO,
	    "  libhttpd - %d strings allocated, %lu bytes (%g bytes/str)",
	    str_alloc_count, (unsigned long) str_alloc_size,
	    (float) str_alloc_size / str_alloc_count )*/;

V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'nameptrs' pointer. A memory leak is possible.

V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'names' pointer. A memory leak is possible.

V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'hs' pointer. A memory leak is possible.