  Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Info-ZIP.  All rights reserved.
  See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2000-Apr-09 or later
  (the contents of which are also included in unzip.h) for terms of use.
  If, for some reason, all these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
  also may be found at:  ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/license.html
  This file contains routines for doing direct but relatively generic input/
  output, file-related sorts of things, plus some miscellaneous stuff.  Most
  of the stuff has to do with opening, closing, reading and/or writing files.
  Contains:  open_input_file()
             open_outfile()           (not: VMS, AOS/VS, CMSMVS, MACOS, TANDEM)
             flush()                  (non-VMS)
             is_vms_varlen_txt()      (non-VMS, VMS_TEXT_CONV only)
             disk_error()             (non-VMS)
             UzpMessageNull()         (DLL only)
             UzpPassword()            (non-WINDLL)
             dos_to_unix_time()       (non-VMS, non-VM/CMS, non-MVS)
             check_for_newer()        (non-VMS, non-OS/2, non-VM/CMS, non-MVS)
             str2iso()                (CRYPT && NEED_STR2ISO, only)
             str2oem()                (CRYPT && NEED_STR2OEM, only)
             memset()                 (ZMEM only)
             memcpy()                 (ZMEM only)
             zstrnicmp()              (NO_STRNICMP only)
             zstat()                  (REGULUS only)
             plastchar()              (_MBCS only)
             uzmbschr()               (_MBCS && NEED_UZMBSCHR, only)
             uzmbsrchr()              (_MBCS && NEED_UZMBSRCHR, only)
             fLoadFarString()         (SMALL_MEM only)
             fLoadFarStringSmall()    (SMALL_MEM only)
             fLoadFarStringSmall2()   (SMALL_MEM only)
             zfstrcpy()               (SMALL_MEM only)
#define __FILEIO_C      /* identifies this source module */
#include "unzip.h"
#ifdef WINDLL
#  include "windll/windll.h"
#  include <setjmp.h>
#include "crypt.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
/* setup of codepage conversion for decryption passwords */
#  if (defined(CRYP_USES_ISO2OEM) && !defined(IZ_ISO2OEM_ARRAY))
#    define IZ_ISO2OEM_ARRAY            /* pull in iso2oem[] table */
#  endif
#  if (defined(CRYP_USES_OEM2ISO) && !defined(IZ_OEM2ISO_ARRAY))
#    define IZ_OEM2ISO_ARRAY            /* pull in oem2iso[] table */
#  endif
#include "ebcdic.h"   /* definition/initialization of ebcdic[] */
   Note: Under Windows, the maximum size of the buffer that can be used
   with any of the *printf calls is 16,384, so win_fprintf was used to
   feed the fprintf clone no more than 16K chunks at a time. This should
   be valid for anything up to 64K (and probably beyond, assuming your
   buffers are that big).
#ifdef WINDLL
#  define WriteError(buf,len,strm) \
   (win_fprintf(pG, strm, (extent)len, (char far *)buf) != (int)(len))
#else /* !WINDLL */
#  ifdef USE_FWRITE
#    define WriteError(buf,len,strm) \
     ((extent)fwrite((char *)(buf),1,(extent)(len),strm) != (extent)(len))
#  else
#    define WriteError(buf,len,strm) \
     ((extent)write(fileno(strm),(char *)(buf),(extent)(len)) != (extent)(len))
#  endif
#endif /* ?WINDLL */
#if (defined(USE_DEFLATE64) && defined(__16BIT__))
static int partflush OF((__GPRO__ uch *rawbuf, ulg size, int unshrink));
static int is_vms_varlen_txt OF((__GPRO__ uch *ef_buf, unsigned ef_len));
static int disk_error OF((__GPRO));
/* Strings used in fileio.c */
static ZCONST char Far CannotOpenZipfile[] =
  "error:  cannot open zipfile [ %s ]\n";
#if (!defined(VMS) && !defined(AOS_VS) && !defined(CMS_MVS) && !defined(MACOS))
#if (!defined(TANDEM))
#if (defined(BEO_THS_UNX) || defined(DOS_FLX_NLM_OS2_W32))
   static ZCONST char Far CannotDeleteOldFile[] =
     "error:  cannot delete old %s\n";
   static ZCONST char Far CannotRenameOldFile[] =
     "error:  cannot rename old %s\n";
   static ZCONST char Far BackupSuffix[] = "~";
#endif /* BEO_THS_UNX || DOS_FLX_NLM_OS2_W32 */
   static ZCONST char Far NovellBug[] =
     "error:  %s: stat() says does not exist, but fopen() found anyway\n";
   static ZCONST char Far CannotCreateFile[] = "error:  cannot create %s\n";
#endif /* !TANDEM */
#endif /* !VMS && !AOS_VS && !CMS_MVS && !MACOS */
static ZCONST char Far ReadError[] = "error:  zipfile read error\n";
static ZCONST char Far FilenameTooLongTrunc[] =
  "warning:  filename too long--truncating.\n";
static ZCONST char Far ExtraFieldTooLong[] =
  "warning:  extra field too long (%d).  Ignoring...\n";
#ifdef WINDLL
   static ZCONST char Far DiskFullQuery[] =
     "%s:  write error (disk full?).\n";
   static ZCONST char Far DiskFullQuery[] =
     "%s:  write error (disk full?).  Continue? (y/n/^C) ";
   static ZCONST char Far ZipfileCorrupt[] =
     "error:  zipfile probably corrupt (%s)\n";
#  ifdef SYMLINKS
     static ZCONST char Far FileIsSymLink[] =
       "%s exists and is a symbolic link%s.\n";
#  endif
#  ifdef MORE
     static ZCONST char Far MorePrompt[] = "--More--(%lu)";
#  endif
   static ZCONST char Far QuitPrompt[] =
     "--- Press `Q' to quit, or any other key to continue ---";
   static ZCONST char Far HidePrompt[] = /* "\r                       \r"; */
     "\r                                                         \r";
#  if CRYPT
#    ifdef MACOS
       /* SPC: are names on MacOS REALLY so much longer than elsewhere ??? */
       static ZCONST char Far PasswPrompt[] = "[%s]\n %s password: ";
#    else
       static ZCONST char Far PasswPrompt[] = "[%s] %s password: ";
#    endif
     static ZCONST char Far PasswPrompt2[] = "Enter password: ";
     static ZCONST char Far PasswRetry[] = "password incorrect--reenter: ";
#  endif /* CRYPT */
#endif /* !WINDLL */
/* Function open_input_file() */
int open_input_file(__G)    /* return 1 if open failed */
     *  open the zipfile for reading and in BINARY mode to prevent cr/lf
     *  translation, which would corrupt the bitstreams
#ifdef VMS
    G.zipfd = open(G.zipfn, O_RDONLY, 0, "ctx=stm");
#else /* !VMS */
#ifdef MACOS
    G.zipfd = open(G.zipfn, 0);
#else /* !MACOS */
#ifdef CMS_MVS
    G.zipfd = vmmvs_open_infile(__G);
#else /* !CMS_MVS */
    G.zipfd = fopen(G.zipfn, FOPR);
#else /* !USE_STRM_INPUT */
# ifdef O_BINARY
    G.zipfd = open(G.zipfn, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
# else
    G.zipfd = open(G.zipfn, O_RDONLY);
# endif
#endif /* ?USE_STRM_INPUT */
#endif /* ?CMS_MVS */
#endif /* ?MACOS */
#endif /* ?VMS */
    if (G.zipfd == NULL)
    /* if (G.zipfd < 0) */  /* no good for Windows CE port */
    if (G.zipfd == -1)
        Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CannotOpenZipfile),
        return 1;
    return 0;
} /* end function open_input_file() */
#if (!defined(VMS) && !defined(AOS_VS) && !defined(CMS_MVS) && !defined(MACOS))
#if (!defined(TANDEM))
/* Function open_outfile() */
int open_outfile(__G)         /* return 1 if fail */
#ifdef DLL
    if (G.redirect_data)
        return (redirect_outfile(__G) == FALSE);
#ifdef QDOS
    QFilename(__G__ G.filename);
#if (defined(DOS_FLX_NLM_OS2_W32) || defined(BEO_THS_UNX))
    /* Borland 5.0's stat() barfs if the filename has no extension and the
     * file doesn't exist. */
    if (access(G.filename, 0) == -1) {
        FILE *tmp = fopen(G.filename, "wb+");
        /* file doesn't exist, so create a dummy file to keep stat() from
         * failing (will be over-written anyway) */
        fputc('0', tmp);  /* just to have something in the file */
#endif /* BORLAND_STAT_BUG */
    if (SSTAT(G.filename, &G.statbuf) == 0 || lstat(G.filename,&G.statbuf) == 0)
    if (SSTAT(G.filename, &G.statbuf) == 0)
#endif /* ?SYMLINKS */
        Trace((stderr, "open_outfile:  stat(%s) returns 0:  file exists\n",
        if (uO.B_flag) {    /* do backup */
            char *tname;
            struct stat tmpstat;
            int blen, flen, tlen;
            blen = strlen(BackupSuffix);
            flen = strlen(G.filename);
            tlen = flen + blen + 6;    /* includes space for 5 digits */
            if (tlen >= FILNAMSIZ) {   /* in case name is too long, truncate */
                tname = (char *)malloc(FILNAMSIZ);
                if (tname == NULL)
                    return 1;                 /* in case we run out of space */
                tlen = FILNAMSIZ - 1 - blen;
                strcpy(tname, G.filename);    /* make backup name */
                tname[tlen] = '\0';
                if (flen > tlen) flen = tlen;
                tlen = FILNAMSIZ;
            } else {
                tname = (char *)malloc(tlen);
                if (tname == NULL)
                    return 1;                 /* in case we run out of space */
                strcpy(tname, G.filename);    /* make backup name */
            strcpy(tname+flen, BackupSuffix);
            if (IS_OVERWRT_ALL) {
                /* If there is a previous backup file, delete it,
                 * otherwise the following rename operation may fail.
                if (SSTAT(tname, &tmpstat) == 0)
            } else {
                /* Check if backupname exists, and, if it's true, try
                 * appending numbers of up to 5 digits to the BackupSuffix,
                 * until an unused name is found.
                unsigned maxtail, i;
                char *numtail = tname + flen + blen;
                maxtail = 65535;
                switch (tlen - flen - blen - 1) {
                    case 4: maxtail = 9999; break;
                    case 3: maxtail = 999; break;
                    case 2: maxtail = 99; break;
                    case 1: maxtail = 9; break;
                    case 0: maxtail = 0; break;
                /* while filename exists */
                for (i = 0; (i <= maxtail) && (SSTAT(tname, &tmpstat) == 0);)
                    sprintf(numtail,"%u", ++i);
            if (rename(G.filename, tname) != 0) {   /* move file */
                Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide,
                  LoadFarString(CannotRenameOldFile), FnFilter1(G.filename)));
                return 1;
            Trace((stderr, "open_outfile:  %s now renamed into %s\n",
              FnFilter1(G.filename), FnFilter2(tname)));
        } else
#endif /* UNIXBACKUP */
#ifdef DOS_FLX_OS2_W32
            if (!(G.statbuf.st_mode & S_IWRITE)) {
                  "open_outfile:  existing file %s is read-only\n",
                chmod(G.filename, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
                Trace((stderr, "open_outfile:  %s now writable\n",
#endif /* DOS_FLX_OS2_W32 */
#ifdef NLM
            /* Give the file read/write permission (non-POSIX shortcut) */
            chmod(G.filename, 0);
#endif /* NLM */
            if (unlink(G.filename) != 0) {
                Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide,
                  LoadFarString(CannotDeleteOldFile), FnFilter1(G.filename)));
                return 1;
            Trace((stderr, "open_outfile:  %s now deleted\n",
#endif /* DOS_FLX_NLM_OS2_W32 || BEO_THS_UNX */
#ifdef RISCOS
    if (SWI_OS_File_7(G.filename,0xDEADDEAD,0xDEADDEAD,G.lrec.ucsize)!=NULL) {
        Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CannotCreateFile),
        return 1;
#endif /* RISCOS */
#ifdef TOPS20
    char *tfilnam;
    if ((tfilnam = (char *)malloc(2*strlen(G.filename)+1)) == (char *)NULL)
        return 1;
    strcpy(tfilnam, G.filename);
    if ((G.outfile = fopen(tfilnam, FOPW)) == (FILE *)NULL) {
        Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CannotCreateFile),
        return 1;
#else /* !TOPS20 */
#ifdef MTS
    if (uO.aflag)
        G.outfile = fopen(G.filename, FOPWT);
        G.outfile = fopen(G.filename, FOPW);
    if (G.outfile == (FILE *)NULL) {
        Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CannotCreateFile),
        return 1;
#else /* !MTS */
#ifdef DEBUG
    Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
      "open_outfile:  doing fopen(%s) for reading\n", FnFilter1(G.filename)));
    if ((G.outfile = fopen(G.filename, FOPR)) == (FILE *)NULL)
        Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
          "open_outfile:  fopen(%s) for reading failed:  does not exist\n",
    else {
        Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
          "open_outfile:  fopen(%s) for reading succeeded:  file exists\n",
#endif /* DEBUG */
    if (G.dne && ((G.outfile = fopen(G.filename, FOPR)) != (FILE *)NULL)) {
        Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(NovellBug),
        return 1;   /* with "./" fix in checkdir(), should never reach here */
    Trace((stderr, "open_outfile:  doing fopen(%s) for writing\n",
    if ((G.outfile = fopen(G.filename, FOPW)) == (FILE *)NULL) {
        Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CannotCreateFile),
        return 1;
    Trace((stderr, "open_outfile:  fopen(%s) for writing succeeded\n",
#endif /* !MTS */
#endif /* !TOPS20 */
#ifdef DOS_NLM_OS2_W32
    /* 16-bit MSC: buffer size must be strictly LESS than 32K (WSIZE):  bogus */
    setbuf(G.outfile, (char *)NULL);   /* make output unbuffered */
#else /* !DOS_NLM_OS2_W32 */
#ifndef RISCOS
#ifdef _IOFBF  /* make output fully buffered (works just about like write()) */
    setvbuf(G.outfile, (char *)slide, _IOFBF, WSIZE);
    setbuf(G.outfile, (char *)slide);
#endif /* !RISCOS */
#endif /* ?DOS_NLM_OS2_W32 */
#endif /* USE_FWRITE */
#ifdef OS2_W32
    /* preallocate the final file size to prevent file fragmentation */
    SetFileSize(G.outfile, G.pInfo->uncompr_size);
    return 0;
} /* end function open_outfile() */
#endif /* !TANDEM */
#endif /* !VMS && !AOS_VS && !CMS_MVS && !MACOS */
 * These functions allow NEXTBYTE to function without needing two bounds
 * checks.  Call defer_leftover_input() if you ever have filled G.inbuf
 * by some means other than readbyte(), and you then want to start using
 * NEXTBYTE.  When going back to processing bytes without NEXTBYTE, call
 * undefer_input().  For example, extract_or_test_member brackets its
 * central section that does the decompression with these two functions.
 * If you need to check the number of bytes remaining in the current
 * file while using NEXTBYTE, check (G.csize + G.incnt), not G.csize.
/* function undefer_input() */
void undefer_input(__G)
    if (G.incnt > 0)
        G.csize += G.incnt;
    if (G.incnt_leftover > 0) {
        /* We know that "(G.csize < MAXINT)" so we can cast G.csize to int:
         * This condition was checked when G.incnt_leftover was set > 0 in
         * defer_leftover_input(), and it is NOT allowed to touch G.csize
         * before calling undefer_input() when (G.incnt_leftover > 0)
         * (single exception: see read_byte()'s  "G.csize <= 0" handling) !!
        G.incnt = G.incnt_leftover + (int)G.csize;
        G.inptr = G.inptr_leftover - (int)G.csize;
        G.incnt_leftover = 0;
    } else if (G.incnt < 0)
        G.incnt = 0;
} /* end function undefer_input() */
/* function defer_leftover_input() */
void defer_leftover_input(__G)
    if ((long)G.incnt > G.csize) {
        /* (G.csize < MAXINT), we can safely cast it to int !! */
        if (G.csize < 0L)
            G.csize = 0L;
        G.inptr_leftover = G.inptr + (int)G.csize;
        G.incnt_leftover = G.incnt - (int)G.csize;
        G.incnt = (int)G.csize;
    } else
        G.incnt_leftover = 0;
    G.csize -= G.incnt;
} /* end function defer_leftover_input() */
/* Function readbuf() */
unsigned readbuf(__G__ buf, size)   /* return number of bytes read into buf */
    char *buf;
    register unsigned size;
    register unsigned count;
    unsigned n;
    n = size;
    while (size) {
        if (G.incnt <= 0) {
            if ((G.incnt = read(G.zipfd, (char *)G.inbuf, INBUFSIZ)) == 0)
                return (n-size);
            else if (G.incnt < 0) {
                /* another hack, but no real harm copying same thing twice */
                (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G,
                  (uch *)LoadFarString(ReadError),  /* CANNOT use slide */
                  (ulg)strlen(LoadFarString(ReadError)), 0x401);
                return 0;  /* discarding some data; better than lock-up */
            /* buffer ALWAYS starts on a block boundary:  */
            G.cur_zipfile_bufstart += INBUFSIZ;
            G.inptr = G.inbuf;
        count = MIN(size, (unsigned)G.incnt);
        memcpy(buf, G.inptr, count);
        buf += count;
        G.inptr += count;
        G.incnt -= count;
        size -= count;
    return n;
} /* end function readbuf() */
/* Function readbyte() */
int readbyte(__G)   /* refill inbuf and return a byte if available, else EOF */
    if (G.mem_mode)
        return EOF;
    if (G.csize <= 0) {
        G.csize--;             /* for tests done after exploding */
        G.incnt = 0;
        return EOF;
    if (G.incnt <= 0) {
        if ((G.incnt = read(G.zipfd, (char *)G.inbuf, INBUFSIZ)) == 0) {
            G.incnt = 0;       /* do not allow negative value to affect stuff */
            return EOF;
        } else if (G.incnt < 0) {  /* "fail" (abort, retry, ...) returns this */
            /* another hack, but no real harm copying same thing twice */
            (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G,
              (uch *)LoadFarString(ReadError),
              (ulg)strlen(LoadFarString(ReadError)), 0x401);
#ifdef WINDLL
            longjmp(dll_error_return, 1);
            EXIT(PK_BADERR);    /* totally bailing; better than lock-up */
        G.cur_zipfile_bufstart += INBUFSIZ; /* always starts on block bndry */
        G.inptr = G.inbuf;
        defer_leftover_input(__G);           /* decrements G.csize */
    if (G.pInfo->encrypted) {
        uch *p;
        int n;
        /* This was previously set to decrypt one byte beyond G.csize, when
         * incnt reached that far.  GRR said, "but it's required:  why?"  This
         * was a bug in fillinbuf() -- was it also a bug here?
        for (n = G.incnt, p = G.inptr;  n--;  p++)
#endif /* CRYPT */
    return *G.inptr++;
} /* end function readbyte() */
#ifdef USE_ZLIB
/* Function fillinbuf() */
int fillinbuf(__G) /* like readbyte() except returns number of bytes in inbuf */
    if (G.mem_mode ||
                  (G.incnt = read(G.zipfd, (char *)G.inbuf, INBUFSIZ)) <= 0)
        return 0;
    G.cur_zipfile_bufstart += INBUFSIZ;  /* always starts on a block boundary */
    G.inptr = G.inbuf;
    defer_leftover_input(__G);           /* decrements G.csize */
    if (G.pInfo->encrypted) {
        uch *p;
        int n;
        for (n = G.incnt, p = G.inptr;  n--;  p++)
#endif /* CRYPT */
    return G.incnt;
} /* end function fillinbuf() */
#endif /* USE_ZLIB */
/* Function seek_zipf() */
int seek_zipf(__G__ abs_offset)
    LONGINT abs_offset;
 *  Seek to the block boundary of the block which includes abs_offset,
 *  then read block into input buffer and set pointers appropriately.
 *  If block is already in the buffer, just set the pointers.  This function
 *  is used by do_seekable (process.c), extract_or_test_entrylist (extract.c)
 *  and do_string (fileio.c).  Also, a slightly modified version is embedded
 *  within extract_or_test_entrylist (extract.c).  readbyte() and readbuf()
 *  (fileio.c) are compatible.  NOTE THAT abs_offset is intended to be the
 *  "proper offset" (i.e., if there were no extra bytes prepended);
 *  cur_zipfile_bufstart contains the corrected offset.
 *  Since seek_zipf() is never used during decompression, it is safe to
 *  use the slide[] buffer for the error message.
 * returns PK error codes:
 *  PK_BADERR if effective offset in zipfile is negative
 *  PK_EOF if seeking past end of zipfile
 *  PK_OK when seek was successful
    LONGINT request = abs_offset + G.extra_bytes;
    LONGINT inbuf_offset = request % INBUFSIZ;
    LONGINT bufstart = request - inbuf_offset;
    if (request < 0) {
        Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarStringSmall(SeekMsg),
             G.zipfn, LoadFarString(ReportMsg)));
    } else if (bufstart != G.cur_zipfile_bufstart) {
          "fpos_zip: abs_offset = %ld, G.extra_bytes = %ld\n",
          abs_offset, G.extra_bytes));
        fseek(G.zipfd, (LONGINT)bufstart, SEEK_SET);
        G.cur_zipfile_bufstart = ftell(G.zipfd);
#else /* !USE_STRM_INPUT */
        G.cur_zipfile_bufstart = lseek(G.zipfd, (LONGINT)bufstart, SEEK_SET);
#endif /* ?USE_STRM_INPUT */
          "       request = %ld, (abs+extra) = %ld, inbuf_offset = %ld\n",
          request, (abs_offset+G.extra_bytes), inbuf_offset));
        Trace((stderr, "       bufstart = %ld, cur_zipfile_bufstart = %ld\n",
          bufstart, G.cur_zipfile_bufstart));
        if ((G.incnt = read(G.zipfd, (char *)G.inbuf, INBUFSIZ)) <= 0)
        G.incnt -= (int)inbuf_offset;
        G.inptr = G.inbuf + (int)inbuf_offset;
    } else {
        G.incnt += (G.inptr-G.inbuf) - (int)inbuf_offset;
        G.inptr = G.inbuf + (int)inbuf_offset;
} /* end function seek_zipf() */
#ifndef VMS  /* for VMS use code in vms.c */
/* Function flush() */   /* returns PK error codes: */
/********************/   /* if cflag => always 0; PK_DISK if write error */
int flush(__G__ rawbuf, size, unshrink)
    uch *rawbuf;
    ulg size;
    int unshrink;
#if (defined(USE_DEFLATE64) && defined(__16BIT__))
    int ret;
    /* On 16-bit systems (MSDOS, OS/2 1.x), the standard C library functions
     * cannot handle writes of 64k blocks at once.  For these systems, the
     * blocks to flush are split into pieces of 32k or less.
    while (size > 0x8000L) {
        ret = partflush(__G__ rawbuf, 0x8000L, unshrink);
        if (ret != PK_OK)
            return ret;
        size -= 0x8000L;
        rawbuf += (unsigned)0x8000;
    return partflush(__G__ rawbuf, size, unshrink);
} /* end function flush() */
/* Function partflush() */  /* returns PK error codes: */
/************************/  /* if cflag => always 0; PK_DISK if write error */
static int partflush(__G__ rawbuf, size, unshrink)
    uch *rawbuf;        /* cannot be ZCONST, gets passed to (*G.message)() */
    ulg size;
    int unshrink;
#endif /* USE_DEFLATE64 && __16BIT__ */
    register uch *p;
    register uch *q;
    uch *transbuf;
#if (defined(SMALL_MEM) || defined(MED_MEM) || defined(VMS_TEXT_CONV))
    ulg transbufsiz;
    /* static int didCRlast = FALSE;    moved to globals.h */
    Compute the CRC first; if testing or if disk is full, that's it.
    G.crc32val = crc32(G.crc32val, rawbuf, (extent)size);
#ifdef DLL
    if ((G.statreportcb != NULL) &&
        (*G.statreportcb)(__G__ UZ_ST_IN_PROGRESS, G.zipfn, G.filename, NULL))
        return IZ_CTRLC;        /* cancel operation by user request */
    if (uO.tflag || size == 0L)  /* testing or nothing to write:  all done */
        return PK_OK;
    if (G.disk_full)
        return PK_DISK;         /* disk already full:  ignore rest of file */
    Write the bytes rawbuf[0..size-1] to the output device, first converting
    end-of-lines and ASCII/EBCDIC as needed.  If SMALL_MEM or MED_MEM are NOT
    defined, outbuf is assumed to be at least as large as rawbuf and is not
    necessarily checked for overflow.
    if (!G.pInfo->textmode) {   /* write raw binary data */
        /* GRR:  note that for standard MS-DOS compilers, size argument to
         * fwrite() can never be more than 65534, so WriteError macro will
         * have to be rewritten if size can ever be that large.  For now,
         * never more than 32K.  Also note that write() returns an int, which
         * doesn't necessarily limit size to 32767 bytes if write() is used
         * on 16-bit systems but does make it more of a pain; however, because
         * at least MSC 5.1 has a lousy implementation of fwrite() (as does
         * DEC Ultrix cc), write() is used anyway.
#ifdef DLL
        if (G.redirect_data)
            writeToMemory(__G__ rawbuf, (extent)size);
        if (!uO.cflag && WriteError(rawbuf, size, G.outfile))
            return disk_error(__G);
        else if (uO.cflag && (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, rawbuf, size, 0))
            return PK_OK;
    } else {   /* textmode:  aflag is true */
        if (unshrink) {
            /* rawbuf = outbuf */
            transbuf = G.outbuf2;
#if (defined(SMALL_MEM) || defined(MED_MEM) || defined(VMS_TEXT_CONV))
            transbufsiz = TRANSBUFSIZ;
        } else {
            /* rawbuf = slide */
            transbuf = G.outbuf;
#if (defined(SMALL_MEM) || defined(MED_MEM) || defined(VMS_TEXT_CONV))
            transbufsiz = OUTBUFSIZ;
            Trace((stderr, "\ntransbufsiz = OUTBUFSIZ = %u\n",
        if (G.newfile) {
            if (G.pInfo->hostnum == VMS_ && G.extra_field &&
                is_vms_varlen_txt(__G__ G.extra_field,
                G.VMS_line_state = 0;    /* 0: ready to read line length */
                G.VMS_line_state = -1;   /* -1: don't treat as VMS text */
            G.didCRlast = FALSE;         /* no previous buffers written */
            G.newfile = FALSE;
        if (G.VMS_line_state >= 0)
            /* GRR: really want to check for actual VMS extra field, and
             *      ideally for variable-length record format */
            printf("\n>>>>>> GRR:  file is VMS text and has an extra field\n");
            p = rawbuf;
            q = transbuf;
            while (p < rawbuf+(unsigned)size) {
                switch (G.VMS_line_state) {
                    /* 0: ready to read line length */
                    case 0:
                        G.VMS_line_length = 0;
                        if (p == rawbuf+(unsigned)size-1) {    /* last char */
                            G.VMS_line_length = (unsigned)(*p++);
                            G.VMS_line_state = 1;
                        } else {
                            G.VMS_line_length = makeword(p);
                            p += 2;
                            G.VMS_line_state = 2;
                        G.VMS_line_pad =
                               ((G.VMS_line_length & 1) != 0); /* odd */
                    /* 1: read one byte of length, need second */
                    case 1:
                        G.VMS_line_length += ((unsigned)(*p++) << 8);
                        G.VMS_line_state = 2;
                    /* 2: ready to read VMS_line_length chars */
                    case 2:
                            extent remaining = rawbuf+(unsigned)size-p;
                            extent outroom;
                            if (G.VMS_line_length < remaining) {
                                remaining = G.VMS_line_length;
                                G.VMS_line_state = 3;
                            outroom = transbuf+(unsigned)transbufsiz-q;
                            if (remaining >= outroom) {
                                remaining -= outroom;
                                for (;outroom > 0; p++, outroom--)
                                    *q++ = native(*p);
#ifdef DLL
                                if (G.redirect_data)
                                    writeToMemory(__G__ transbuf,
                                if (!uO.cflag && WriteError(transbuf,
                                    (extent)(q-transbuf), G.outfile))
                                    return disk_error(__G);
                                else if (uO.cflag && (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G,
                                         transbuf, (ulg)(q-transbuf), 0))
                                    return PK_OK;
                                q = transbuf;
                                /* fall through to normal case */
                            G.VMS_line_length -= remaining;
                            for (;remaining > 0; p++, remaining--)
                                *q++ = native(*p);
                    /* 3: ready to PutNativeEOL */
                    case 3:
                        if (q > transbuf+(unsigned)transbufsiz-lenEOL) {
#ifdef DLL
                            if (G.redirect_data)
                                writeToMemory(__G__ transbuf,
                            if (!uO.cflag &&
                                WriteError(transbuf, (extent)(q-transbuf),
                                return disk_error(__G);
                            else if (uO.cflag && (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G,
                                     transbuf, (ulg)(q-transbuf), 0))
                                return PK_OK;
                            q = transbuf;
                        G.VMS_line_state = G.VMS_line_pad ? 4 : 0;
                    /* 4: ready to read pad byte */
                    case 4:
                        G.VMS_line_state = 0;
            } /* end while */
        } else
#endif /* VMS_TEXT_CONV */
        Algorithm:  CR/LF => native; lone CR => native; lone LF => native.
        This routine is only for non-raw-VMS, non-raw-VM/CMS files (i.e.,
        stream-oriented files, not record-oriented).
        /* else not VMS text */ {
            p = rawbuf;
            if (*p == LF && G.didCRlast)
            G.didCRlast = FALSE;
            for (q = transbuf;  p < rawbuf+(unsigned)size;  ++p) {
                if (*p == CR) {           /* lone CR or CR/LF: treat as EOL  */
                    if (p == rawbuf+(unsigned)size-1) /* last char in buffer */
                        G.didCRlast = TRUE;
                    else if (p[1] == LF)  /* get rid of accompanying LF */
                } else if (*p == LF)      /* lone LF */
#ifndef DOS_FLX_OS2_W32
                if (*p != CTRLZ)          /* lose all ^Z's */
                    *q++ = native(*p);
#if (defined(SMALL_MEM) || defined(MED_MEM))
# if (lenEOL == 1)   /* don't check unshrink:  both buffers small but equal */
                if (!unshrink)
# endif
                    /* check for danger of buffer overflow and flush */
                    if (q > transbuf+(unsigned)transbufsiz-lenEOL) {
                          "p - rawbuf = %u   q-transbuf = %u   size = %lu\n",
                          (unsigned)(p-rawbuf), (unsigned)(q-transbuf), size));
                        if (!uO.cflag && WriteError(transbuf,
                            (extent)(q-transbuf), G.outfile))
                            return disk_error(__G);
                        else if (uO.cflag && (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G,
                                 transbuf, (ulg)(q-transbuf), 0))
                            return PK_OK;
                        q = transbuf;
#endif /* SMALL_MEM || MED_MEM */
        Done translating:  write whatever we've got to file (or screen).
        Trace((stderr, "p - rawbuf = %u   q-transbuf = %u   size = %lu\n",
          (unsigned)(p-rawbuf), (unsigned)(q-transbuf), size));
        if (q > transbuf) {
#ifdef DLL
            if (G.redirect_data)
                writeToMemory(__G__ transbuf, (extent)(q-transbuf));
            if (!uO.cflag && WriteError(transbuf, (extent)(q-transbuf),
                return disk_error(__G);
            else if (uO.cflag && (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, transbuf,
                (ulg)(q-transbuf), 0))
                return PK_OK;
    return PK_OK;
} /* end function flush() [resp. partflush() for 16-bit Deflate64 support] */
/* Function is_vms_varlen_txt() */
static int is_vms_varlen_txt(__G__ ef_buf, ef_len)
    uch *ef_buf;        /* buffer containing extra field */
    unsigned ef_len;    /* total length of extra field */
    unsigned eb_id;
    unsigned eb_len;
    uch *eb_data;
    unsigned eb_datlen;
#define VMSREC_C_UNDEF  0
#define VMSREC_C_VAR    2
    uch vms_rectype = VMSREC_C_UNDEF;
    uch vms_fileorg = 0;
#define VMSPK_ITEMID            0
#define VMSPK_ITEMLEN           2
#define VMSPK_ITEMHEADSZ        4
#define VMSATR_C_RECATTR        4
#define VMS_FABSIG              0x42414656      /* "VFAB" */
/* offsets of interesting fields in VMS fabdef structure */
#define VMSFAB_B_RFM            31      /* record format byte */
#define VMSFAB_B_ORG            29      /* file organization byte */
    if (ef_len == 0 || ef_buf == NULL)
        return FALSE;
    while (ef_len >= EB_HEADSIZE) {
        eb_id = makeword(EB_ID + ef_buf);
        eb_len = makeword(EB_LEN + ef_buf);
        if (eb_len > (ef_len - EB_HEADSIZE)) {
            /* discovered some extra field inconsistency! */
              "is_vms_varlen_txt: block length %u > rest ef_size %u\n", eb_len,
              ef_len - EB_HEADSIZE));
        switch (eb_id) {
          case EF_PKVMS:
            /* The PKVMS e.f. raw data part consists of:
             * a) 4 bytes CRC checksum
             * b) list of uncompressed variable-length data items
             * Each data item is introduced by a fixed header
             *  - 2 bytes data type ID
             *  - 2 bytes <size> of data
             *  - <size> bytes of actual attribute data
            /* get pointer to start of data and its total length */
            eb_data = ef_buf+(EB_HEADSIZE+4);
            eb_datlen = eb_len-4;
            /* test the CRC checksum */
            if (makelong(ef_buf+EB_HEADSIZE) !=
                crc32(CRCVAL_INITIAL, eb_data, (extent)eb_datlen))
                Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
                  "[Warning: CRC error, discarding PKWARE extra field]\n"));
                /* skip over the data analysis code */
            /* scan through the attribute data items */
            while (eb_datlen > 4)
                unsigned fldsize = makeword(&eb_data[VMSPK_ITEMLEN]);
                /* check the item type word */
                switch (makeword(&eb_data[VMSPK_ITEMID])) {
                  case VMSATR_C_RECATTR:
                    /* we have found the (currently only) interesting
                     * data item */
                    if (fldsize >= 1) {
                        vms_rectype = eb_data[VMSPK_ITEMHEADSZ] & 15;
                        vms_fileorg = eb_data[VMSPK_ITEMHEADSZ] >> 4;
                /* skip to next data item */
                eb_datlen -= fldsize + VMSPK_ITEMHEADSZ;
                eb_data += fldsize + VMSPK_ITEMHEADSZ;
          case EF_IZVMS:
            if (makelong(ef_buf+EB_HEADSIZE) == VMS_FABSIG) {
                if ((eb_data = extract_izvms_block(__G__
                                                   ef_buf+EB_HEADSIZE, eb_len,
                                                   &eb_datlen, NULL, 0))
                    != NULL)
                    if (eb_datlen >= VMSFAB_B_RFM+1) {
                        vms_rectype = eb_data[VMSFAB_B_RFM] & 15;
                        vms_fileorg = eb_data[VMSFAB_B_ORG] >> 4;
        /* Skip this extra field block */
        ef_buf += (eb_len + EB_HEADSIZE);
        ef_len -= (eb_len + EB_HEADSIZE);
    return (vms_rectype == VMSREC_C_VAR);
} /* end function is_vms_varlen_txtfile() */
#endif /* VMS_TEXT_CONV */
/* Function disk_error() */
static int disk_error(__G)
    /* OK to use slide[] here because this file is finished regardless */
    Info(slide, 0x4a1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(DiskFullQuery),
#ifndef WINDLL
    fgets(G.answerbuf, 9, stdin);
    if (*G.answerbuf == 'y')   /* stop writing to this file */
        G.disk_full = 1;       /*  (outfile bad?), but new OK */
        G.disk_full = 2;       /* no:  exit program */
    return PK_DISK;
} /* end function disk_error() */
#endif /* !VMS */
/* Function UzpMessagePrnt() */
int UZ_EXP UzpMessagePrnt(pG, buf, size, flag)
    zvoid *pG;   /* globals struct:  always passed */
    uch *buf;    /* preformatted string to be printed */
    ulg size;    /* length of string (may include nulls) */
    int flag;    /* flag bits */
     *    The name of the first parameter of UzpMessagePrnt(), which passes
     *    the "Uz_Globs" address, >>> MUST <<< be identical to the string
     *    expansion of the __G__ macro in the REENTRANT case (see globals.h).
     *    This name identity is mandatory for the LoadFarString() macro
     *    (in the SMALL_MEM case) !!!
    int error;
    uch *q=buf, *endbuf=buf+(unsigned)size;
#ifdef MORE
    uch *p=buf;
#if (defined(SCREENWIDTH) && defined(SCREENLWRAP))
    int islinefeed = FALSE;
    FILE *outfp;
    These tests are here to allow fine-tuning of UnZip's output messages,
    but none of them will do anything without setting the appropriate bit
    in the flag argument of every Info() statement which is to be turned
    *off*.  That is, all messages are currently turned on for all ports.
    To turn off *all* messages, use the UzpMessageNull() function instead
    of this one.
#if (defined(OS2) && defined(DLL))
    if (MSG_NO_DLL2(flag))  /* if OS/2 DLL bit is set, do NOT print this msg */
        return 0;
#ifdef WINDLL
    if (MSG_NO_WDLL(flag))
        return 0;
#ifdef WINDLL
    if (MSG_NO_WGUI(flag))
        return 0;
#ifdef ACORN_GUI
    if (MSG_NO_AGUI(flag))
        return 0;
#ifdef DLL                 /* don't display message if data is redirected */
    if (((Uz_Globs *)pG)->redirect_data &&
        !((Uz_Globs *)pG)->redirect_text)
        return 0;
    if (MSG_STDERR(flag) && !((Uz_Globs *)pG)->UzO.tflag)
        outfp = (FILE *)stderr;
        outfp = (FILE *)stdout;
    /* some systems require termination of query prompts with '\n' to force
     * immediate display */
    if (MSG_MNEWLN(flag)) {   /* assumes writable buffer (e.g., slide[]) */
        *endbuf++ = '\n';     /*  with room for one more char at end of buf */
        ++size;               /*  (safe assumption:  only used for four */
    }                         /*  short queries in extract.c and fileio.c) */
    if (MSG_TNEWLN(flag)) {   /* again assumes writable buffer:  fragile... */
        if ((!size && !((Uz_Globs *)pG)->sol) ||
            (size && (endbuf[-1] != '\n')))
            *endbuf++ = '\n';
#ifdef MORE
    /* room for --More-- and one line of overlap: */
#  if (defined(SCREENWIDTH) && defined(SCREENLWRAP))
    SCREENSIZE(&((Uz_Globs *)pG)->height, &((Uz_Globs *)pG)->width);
#  else
    SCREENSIZE(&((Uz_Globs *)pG)->height, (int *)NULL);
#  endif
    ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->height -= 2;
# else
    /* room for --More-- and one line of overlap: */
    ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->height = SCREENLINES - 2;
#  if (defined(SCREENWIDTH) && defined(SCREENLWRAP))
    ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->width = SCREENWIDTH;
#  endif
# endif
#endif /* MORE */
    if (MSG_LNEWLN(flag) && !((Uz_Globs *)pG)->sol) {
        /* not at start of line:  want newline */
#ifdef OS2DLL
        if (!((Uz_Globs *)pG)->redirect_text) {
            putc('\n', outfp);
#ifdef MORE
            if (((Uz_Globs *)pG)->M_flag)
#if (defined(SCREENWIDTH) && defined(SCREENLWRAP))
                ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->chars = 0;
                ++((Uz_Globs *)pG)->numlines;
                ++((Uz_Globs *)pG)->lines;
                if (((Uz_Globs *)pG)->lines >= ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->height)
                    (*((Uz_Globs *)pG)->mpause)((zvoid *)pG,
                      LoadFarString(MorePrompt), 1);
#endif /* MORE */
            if (MSG_STDERR(flag) && ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->UzO.tflag &&
                !isatty(1) && isatty(2))
                /* error output from testing redirected:  also send to stderr */
                putc('\n', stderr);
#ifdef OS2DLL
        } else
        ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->sol = TRUE;
    /* put zipfile name, filename and/or error/warning keywords here */
#ifdef MORE
    if (((Uz_Globs *)pG)->M_flag
#ifdef OS2DLL
         && !((Uz_Globs *)pG)->redirect_text
        while (p < endbuf) {
            if (*p == '\n') {
#if (defined(SCREENWIDTH) && defined(SCREENLWRAP))
                islinefeed = TRUE;
            } else if (SCREENLWRAP) {
                if (*p == '\r') {
                    ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->chars = 0;
                } else {
#  ifdef TABSIZE
                    if (*p == '\t')
                        ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->chars +=
                            (TABSIZE - (((Uz_Globs *)pG)->chars % TABSIZE));
#  endif
                        ++((Uz_Globs *)pG)->chars;
                    if (((Uz_Globs *)pG)->chars >= ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->width)
                        islinefeed = TRUE;
            if (islinefeed) {
                islinefeed = FALSE;
                ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->chars = 0;
                ++((Uz_Globs *)pG)->numlines;
                ++((Uz_Globs *)pG)->lines;
                if (((Uz_Globs *)pG)->lines >= ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->height)
                    if ((error = WriteError(q, p-q+1, outfp)) != 0)
                        return error;
                    ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->sol = TRUE;
                    q = p + 1;
                    (*((Uz_Globs *)pG)->mpause)((zvoid *)pG,
                      LoadFarString(MorePrompt), 1);
        } /* end while */
        size = (ulg)(p - q);   /* remaining text */
#endif /* MORE */
    if (size) {
#ifdef OS2DLL
        if (!((Uz_Globs *)pG)->redirect_text) {
            if ((error = WriteError(q, size, outfp)) != 0)
                return error;
            if (MSG_STDERR(flag) && ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->UzO.tflag &&
                !isatty(1) && isatty(2))
                /* error output from testing redirected:  also send to stderr */
                if ((error = WriteError(q, size, stderr)) != 0)
                    return error;
#ifdef OS2DLL
        } else {                /* GRR:  this is ugly:  hide with macro */
            if ((error = REDIRECTPRINT(q, size)) != 0)
                return error;
#endif /* OS2DLL */
        ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->sol = (endbuf[-1] == '\n');
    return 0;
} /* end function UzpMessagePrnt() */
#ifdef DLL
/* Function UzpMessageNull() */  /* convenience routine for no output at all */
int UZ_EXP UzpMessageNull(pG, buf, size, flag)
    zvoid *pG;    /* globals struct:  always passed */
    uch *buf;     /* preformatted string to be printed */
    ulg size;     /* length of string (may include nulls) */
    int flag;     /* flag bits */
    return 0;
} /* end function UzpMessageNull() */
#endif /* DLL */
/* Function UzpInput() */   /* GRR:  this is a placeholder for now */
int UZ_EXP UzpInput(pG, buf, size, flag)
    zvoid *pG;    /* globals struct:  always passed */
    uch *buf;     /* preformatted string to be printed */
    int *size;    /* (address of) size of buf and of returned string */
    int flag;     /* flag bits (bit 0: no echo) */
    /* tell picky compilers to shut up about "unused variable" warnings */
    pG = pG; buf = buf; flag = flag;
    *size = 0;
    return 0;
} /* end function UzpInput() */
#if (!defined(WINDLL) && !defined(MACOS))
/* Function UzpMorePause() */
void UZ_EXP UzpMorePause(pG, prompt, flag)
    zvoid *pG;            /* globals struct:  always passed */
    ZCONST char *prompt;  /* "--More--" prompt */
    int flag;             /* 0 = any char OK; 1 = accept only '\n', ' ', q */
    uch c;
    Print a prompt and wait for the user to press a key, then erase prompt
    if possible.
    if (!((Uz_Globs *)pG)->sol)
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    /* numlines may or may not be used: */
    fprintf(stderr, prompt, ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->numlines);
    if (flag & 1) {
        do {
            c = (uch)FGETCH(0);
        } while (
#ifdef THEOS
                 c != 17 &&     /* standard QUIT key */
                 c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != ' ' && c != 'q' && c != 'Q');
    } else
        c = (uch)FGETCH(0);
    /* newline was not echoed, so cover up prompt line */
    fprintf(stderr, LoadFarString(HidePrompt));
    if (
#ifdef THEOS
        (c == 17) ||            /* standard QUIT key */
        (ToLower(c) == 'q')) {
    ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->sol = TRUE;
#ifdef MORE
    /* space for another screen, enter for another line. */
    if ((flag & 1) && c == ' ')
        ((Uz_Globs *)pG)->lines = 0;
#endif /* MORE */
} /* end function UzpMorePause() */
#endif /* !WINDLL && !MACOS */
#ifndef WINDLL
/* Function UzpPassword() */
int UZ_EXP UzpPassword (pG, rcnt, pwbuf, size, zfn, efn)
    zvoid *pG;         /* pointer to UnZip's internal global vars */
    int *rcnt;         /* retry counter */
    char *pwbuf;       /* buffer for password */
    int size;          /* size of password buffer */
    ZCONST char *zfn;  /* name of zip archive */
    ZCONST char *efn;  /* name of archive entry being processed */
    int r = IZ_PW_ENTERED;
    char *m;
    char *prompt;
    /* tell picky compilers to shut up about "unused variable" warnings */
    pG = pG;
    if (*rcnt == 0) {           /* First call for current entry */
        *rcnt = 2;
        if ((prompt = (char *)malloc(2*FILNAMSIZ + 15)) != (char *)NULL) {
            sprintf(prompt, LoadFarString(PasswPrompt),
                    FnFilter1(zfn), FnFilter2(efn));
            m = prompt;
        } else
            m = (char *)LoadFarString(PasswPrompt2);
    } else {                    /* Retry call, previous password was wrong */
        prompt = NULL;
        m = (char *)LoadFarString(PasswRetry);
    m = getp(__G__ m, pwbuf, size);
    if (prompt != (char *)NULL) {
    if (m == (char *)NULL) {
        r = IZ_PW_ERROR;
    else if (*pwbuf == '\0') {
        r = IZ_PW_CANCELALL;
    return r;
#else /* !CRYPT */
    /* tell picky compilers to shut up about "unused variable" warnings */
    pG = pG; rcnt = rcnt; pwbuf = pwbuf; size = size; zfn = zfn; efn = efn;
    return IZ_PW_ERROR;  /* internal error; function should never get called */
#endif /* ?CRYPT */
} /* end function UzpPassword() */
/* Function handler() */
void handler(signal)   /* upon interrupt, turn on echo and exit cleanly */
    int signal;
#if !(defined(SIGBUS) || defined(SIGSEGV))      /* add a newline if not at */
    (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, slide, 0L, 0x41); /*  start of line (to stderr; */
#endif                                          /*  slide[] should be safe) */
#ifdef SIGBUS
    if (signal == SIGBUS) {
        Info(slide, 0x421, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ZipfileCorrupt),
          "bus error"));
#endif /* SIGBUS */
#ifdef SIGSEGV
    if (signal == SIGSEGV) {
        Info(slide, 0x421, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ZipfileCorrupt),
          "segmentation violation"));
#endif /* SIGSEGV */
    /* probably ctrl-C */
#if defined(AMIGA) && defined(__SASC)
    EXIT(IZ_CTRLC);       /* was EXIT(0), then EXIT(PK_ERR) */
#endif /* !WINDLL */
#if (!defined(VMS) && !defined(CMS_MVS))
#if (!defined(OS2) || defined(TIMESTAMP))
#if (!defined(HAVE_MKTIME) || defined(WIN32))
/* also used in amiga/filedate.c and win32/win32.c */
ZCONST ush ydays[] =
    { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
/* Function dos_to_unix_time() */ /* used for freshening/updating/timestamps */
time_t dos_to_unix_time(dosdatetime)
    ulg dosdatetime;
    time_t m_time;
    ZCONST time_t now = time(NULL);
    struct tm *tm;
#   define YRBASE  1900
    tm = localtime(&now);
    tm->tm_isdst = -1;          /* let mktime determine if DST is in effect */
    /* dissect date */
    tm->tm_year = ((int)(dosdatetime >> 25) & 0x7f) + (1980 - YRBASE);
    tm->tm_mon  = ((int)(dosdatetime >> 21) & 0x0f) - 1;
    tm->tm_mday = ((int)(dosdatetime >> 16) & 0x1f);
    /* dissect time */
    tm->tm_hour = (int)((unsigned)dosdatetime >> 11) & 0x1f;
    tm->tm_min  = (int)((unsigned)dosdatetime >> 5) & 0x3f;
    tm->tm_sec  = (int)((unsigned)dosdatetime << 1) & 0x3e;
    m_time = mktime(tm);
    NATIVE_TO_TIMET(m_time)     /* NOP unless MSC 7.0 or Macintosh */
    TTrace((stderr, "  final m_time  =       %lu\n", (ulg)m_time));
#else /* !HAVE_MKTIME */
    int yr, mo, dy, hh, mm, ss;
#ifdef TOPS20
#   define YRBASE  1900
    struct tmx *tmx;
    char temp[20];
#else /* !TOPS20 */
#   define YRBASE  1970
    int leap;
    unsigned days;
    struct tm *tm;
#if (!defined(MACOS) && !defined(RISCOS) && !defined(QDOS) && !defined(TANDEM))
#ifdef WIN32
    DWORD res;
#else /* ! WIN32 */
#ifndef BSD4_4   /* GRR:  change to !defined(MODERN) ? */
#if (defined(BSD) || defined(MTS) || defined(__GO32__))
    struct timeb tbp;
#else /* !(BSD || MTS || __GO32__) */
    extern time_t timezone;
#endif /* ?(BSD || MTS || __GO32__) */
#endif /* !BSD4_4 */
#endif /* ?WIN32 */
#endif /* !MACOS && !RISCOS && !QDOS && !TANDEM */
#endif /* ?TOPS20 */
    /* dissect date */
    yr = ((int)(dosdatetime >> 25) & 0x7f) + (1980 - YRBASE);
    mo = ((int)(dosdatetime >> 21) & 0x0f) - 1;
    dy = ((int)(dosdatetime >> 16) & 0x1f) - 1;
    /* dissect time */
    hh = (int)((unsigned)dosdatetime >> 11) & 0x1f;
    mm = (int)((unsigned)dosdatetime >> 5) & 0x3f;
    ss = (int)((unsigned)dosdatetime & 0x1f) * 2;
#ifdef TOPS20
    tmx = (struct tmx *)malloc(sizeof(struct tmx));
    sprintf (temp, "%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", mo+1, dy+1, yr, hh, mm, ss);
    time_parse(temp, tmx, (char *)0);
    m_time = time_make(tmx);
#else /* !TOPS20 */
    Calculate the number of seconds since the epoch, usually 1 January 1970.
    /* leap = # of leap yrs from YRBASE up to but not including current year */
    leap = ((yr + YRBASE - 1) / 4);   /* leap year base factor */
    /* calculate days from BASE to this year and add expired days this year */
    days = (yr * 365) + (leap - 492) + ydays[mo];
    /* if year is a leap year and month is after February, add another day */
    if ((mo > 1) && ((yr+YRBASE)%4 == 0) && ((yr+YRBASE) != 2100))
        ++days;                 /* OK through 2199 */
    /* convert date & time to seconds relative to 00:00:00, 01/01/YRBASE */
    m_time = (time_t)((unsigned long)(days + dy) * 86400L +
                      (unsigned long)hh * 3600L +
                      (unsigned long)(mm * 60 + ss));
      /* - 1;   MS-DOS times always rounded up to nearest even second */
    TTrace((stderr, "dos_to_unix_time:\n"));
    TTrace((stderr, "  m_time before timezone = %lu\n", (ulg)m_time));
    Adjust for local standard timezone offset.
#if (!defined(MACOS) && !defined(RISCOS) && !defined(QDOS) && !defined(TANDEM))
#ifdef WIN32
    /* account for timezone differences */
    res = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzinfo);
    if (res != TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID)
    m_time += 60*(tzinfo.Bias);
#else /* !WIN32 */
#if (defined(BSD) || defined(MTS) || defined(__GO32__))
#ifdef BSD4_4
    if ( (dosdatetime >= DOSTIME_2038_01_18) &&
         (m_time < (time_t)0x70000000L) )
        m_time = U_TIME_T_MAX;  /* saturate in case of (unsigned) overflow */
    if (m_time < (time_t)0L)    /* a converted DOS time cannot be negative */
        m_time = S_TIME_T_MAX;  /*  -> saturate at max signed time_t value */
    if ((tm = localtime(&m_time)) != (struct tm *)NULL)
        m_time -= tm->tm_gmtoff;                /* sec. EAST of GMT: subtr. */
#else /* !(BSD4_4 */
    ftime(&tbp);                                /* get `timezone' */
    m_time += tbp.timezone * 60L;               /* seconds WEST of GMT:  add */
#endif /* ?(BSD4_4 || __EMX__) */
#else /* !(BSD || MTS || __GO32__) */
    /* tzset was already called at start of process_zipfiles() */
    /* tzset(); */              /* set `timezone' variable */
#if (!defined(__BEOS__) && !defined(__HAIKU__))                /* BeOS DR8 has no timezones... */
    m_time += timezone;         /* seconds WEST of GMT:  add */
#endif /* ?(BSD || MTS || __GO32__) */
#endif /* ?WIN32 */
    TTrace((stderr, "  m_time after timezone =  %lu\n", (ulg)m_time));
    Adjust for local daylight savings (summer) time.
#ifndef BSD4_4  /* (DST already added to tm_gmtoff, so skip tm_isdst) */
    if ( (dosdatetime >= DOSTIME_2038_01_18) &&
         (m_time < (time_t)0x70000000L) )
        m_time = U_TIME_T_MAX;  /* saturate in case of (unsigned) overflow */
    if (m_time < (time_t)0L)    /* a converted DOS time cannot be negative */
        m_time = S_TIME_T_MAX;  /*  -> saturate at max signed time_t value */
    TIMET_TO_NATIVE(m_time)     /* NOP unless MSC 7.0 or Macintosh */
    if (((tm = localtime((time_t *)&m_time)) != NULL) && tm->tm_isdst)
#ifdef WIN32
        m_time += 60L * tzinfo.DaylightBias;    /* adjust with DST bias */
        m_time += 60L * tzinfo.StandardBias;    /* add StdBias (normally 0) */
        m_time -= 60L * 60L;    /* adjust for daylight savings time */
    NATIVE_TO_TIMET(m_time)     /* NOP unless MSC 7.0 or Macintosh */
    TTrace((stderr, "  m_time after DST =       %lu\n", (ulg)m_time));
#endif /* !BSD4_4 */
#ifdef WIN32
#endif /* !MACOS && !RISCOS && !QDOS && !TANDEM */
#endif /* ?TOPS20 */
#endif /* ?HAVE_MKTIME */
    if ( (dosdatetime >= DOSTIME_2038_01_18) &&
         (m_time < (time_t)0x70000000L) )
        m_time = U_TIME_T_MAX;  /* saturate in case of (unsigned) overflow */
    if (m_time < (time_t)0L)    /* a converted DOS time cannot be negative */
        m_time = S_TIME_T_MAX;  /*  -> saturate at max signed time_t value */
    return m_time;
} /* end function dos_to_unix_time() */
#endif /* !OS2 || TIMESTAMP */
#endif /* !VMS && !CMS_MVS */
#if (!defined(VMS) && !defined(OS2) && !defined(CMS_MVS))
/* Function check_for_newer() */  /* used for overwriting/freshening/updating */
int check_for_newer(__G__ filename)  /* return 1 if existing file is newer */
    __GDEF                           /*  or equal; 0 if older; -1 if doesn't */
    char *filename;                  /*  exist yet */
    time_t existing, archive;
    iztimes z_utime;
#ifdef AOS_VS
    long    dyy, dmm, ddd, dhh, dmin, dss;
    dyy = (lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime >> 25) + 1980;
    dmm = (lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime >> 21) & 0x0f;
    ddd = (lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime >> 16) & 0x1f;
    dhh = (lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime >> 11) & 0x1f;
    dmin = (lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime >> 5) & 0x3f;
    dss = (lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime & 0x1f) * 2;
    /* under AOS/VS, file times can only be set at creation time,
     * with the info in a special DG format.  Make sure we can create
     * it here - we delete it later & re-create it, whether or not
     * it exists now.
    if (!zvs_create(filename, (((ulg)dgdate(dmm, ddd, dyy)) << 16) |
        (dhh*1800L + dmin*30L + dss/2L), -1L, -1L, (char *) -1, -1, -1, -1))
        return DOES_NOT_EXIST;
#endif /* AOS_VS */
    Trace((stderr, "check_for_newer:  doing stat(%s)\n", FnFilter1(filename)));
    if (SSTAT(filename, &G.statbuf)) {
          "check_for_newer:  stat(%s) returns %d:  file does not exist\n",
          FnFilter1(filename), SSTAT(filename, &G.statbuf)));
        Trace((stderr, "check_for_newer:  doing lstat(%s)\n",
        /* GRR OPTION:  could instead do this test ONLY if G.symlnk is true */
        if (lstat(filename, &G.statbuf) == 0) {
              "check_for_newer:  lstat(%s) returns 0:  symlink does exist\n",
            if (QCOND2 && !IS_OVERWRT_ALL)
                Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(FileIsSymLink),
                  FnFilter1(filename), " with no real file"));
            return EXISTS_AND_OLDER;   /* symlink dates are meaningless */
#endif /* SYMLINKS */
        return DOES_NOT_EXIST;
    Trace((stderr, "check_for_newer:  stat(%s) returns 0:  file exists\n",
    /* GRR OPTION:  could instead do this test ONLY if G.symlnk is true */
    if (lstat(filename, &G.statbuf) == 0 && S_ISLNK(G.statbuf.st_mode)) {
        Trace((stderr, "check_for_newer:  %s is a symbolic link\n",
        if (QCOND2 && !IS_OVERWRT_ALL)
            Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(FileIsSymLink),
              FnFilter1(filename), ""));
        return EXISTS_AND_OLDER;   /* symlink dates are meaningless */
#endif /* SYMLINKS */
    NATIVE_TO_TIMET(G.statbuf.st_mtime)   /* NOP unless MSC 7.0 or Macintosh */
    /* The `Unix extra field mtime' should be used for comparison with the
     * time stamp of the existing file >>>ONLY<<< when the EF info is also
     * used to set the modification time of the extracted file.
    if (G.extra_field &&
#ifdef IZ_CHECK_TZ
        G.tz_is_valid &&
        (ef_scan_for_izux(G.extra_field, G.lrec.extra_field_length, 0,
                          G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime, &z_utime, NULL)
         & EB_UT_FL_MTIME))
        TTrace((stderr, "check_for_newer:  using Unix extra field mtime\n"));
        existing = G.statbuf.st_mtime;
        archive  = z_utime.mtime;
    } else {
        /* round up existing filetime to nearest 2 seconds for comparison,
         * but saturate in case of arithmetic overflow
        existing = ((G.statbuf.st_mtime & 1) &&
                    (G.statbuf.st_mtime + 1 > G.statbuf.st_mtime)) ?
                   G.statbuf.st_mtime + 1 : G.statbuf.st_mtime;
        archive  = dos_to_unix_time(G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime);
#else /* !USE_EF_UT_TIME */
    /* round up existing filetime to nearest 2 seconds for comparison,
     * but saturate in case of arithmetic overflow
    existing = ((G.statbuf.st_mtime & 1) &&
                (G.statbuf.st_mtime + 1 > G.statbuf.st_mtime)) ?
               G.statbuf.st_mtime + 1 : G.statbuf.st_mtime;
    archive  = dos_to_unix_time(G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime);
#endif /* ?USE_EF_UT_TIME */
    TTrace((stderr, "check_for_newer:  existing %lu, archive %lu, e-a %ld\n",
      (ulg)existing, (ulg)archive, (long)(existing-archive)));
    return (existing >= archive);
} /* end function check_for_newer() */
#endif /* !VMS && !OS2 && !CMS_MVS */
/* Function do_string() */
int do_string(__G__ length, option)   /* return PK-type error code */
    unsigned int length;        /* without prototype, ush converted to this */
    int option;
    unsigned comment_bytes_left;
    unsigned int block_len;
    int error=PK_OK;
#ifdef AMIGA
    char tmp_fnote[2 * AMIGA_FILENOTELEN];   /* extra room for squozen chars */
    This function processes arbitrary-length (well, usually) strings.  Four
    major options are allowed:  SKIP, wherein the string is skipped (pretty
    logical, eh?); DISPLAY, wherein the string is printed to standard output
    after undergoing any necessary or unnecessary character conversions;
    DS_FN, wherein the string is put into the filename[] array after under-
    going appropriate conversions (including case-conversion, if that is
    indicated: see the global variable pInfo->lcflag); and EXTRA_FIELD,
    wherein the `string' is assumed to be an extra field and is copied to
    the (freshly malloced) buffer G.extra_field.  The third option should
    be OK since filename is dimensioned at 1025, but we check anyway.
    The string, by the way, is assumed to start at the current file-pointer
    position; its length is given by 'length'.  So start off by checking the
    length of the string:  if zero, we're already done.
    if (!length)
        return PK_COOL;
    switch (option) {
#if (defined(SFX) && defined(CHEAP_SFX_AUTORUN))
     * Special case: See if the comment begins with an autorun command line.
     * Save that and display (or skip) the remainder.
        comment_bytes_left = length;
        if (length >= 10)
            block_len = readbuf(__G__ (char *)G.outbuf, 10);
            if (block_len == 0)
                return PK_EOF;
            comment_bytes_left -= block_len;
            G.outbuf[block_len] = '\0';
            if (!strcmp((char *)G.outbuf, "$AUTORUN$>")) {
                char *eol;
                length -= 10;
                block_len = readbuf(__G__ G.autorun_command,
                                    MIN(length, sizeof(G.autorun_command)-1));
                if (block_len == 0)
                    return PK_EOF;
                comment_bytes_left -= block_len;
                G.autorun_command[block_len] = '\0';
                eol = strchr(G.autorun_command, '\n');
                if (!eol)
                    eol = G.autorun_command + strlen(G.autorun_command) - 1;
                length -= eol + 1 - G.autorun_command;
                while (eol >= G.autorun_command && isspace(*eol))
                    *eol-- = '\0';
#ifdef WIN32
                /* Win9x console always uses OEM character coding, and
                   WinNT console is set to OEM charset by default, too */
                INTERN_TO_OEM(G.autorun_command, G.autorun_command);
#endif /* WIN32 */
        if (option == CHECK_AUTORUN_Q)  /* don't display the remainder */
            length = 0;
        /* seek to beginning of remaining part of comment -- rewind if */
        /* displaying entire comment, or skip to end if discarding it  */
        seek_zipf(__G__ G.cur_zipfile_bufstart - G.extra_bytes +
                  (G.inptr - G.inbuf) + comment_bytes_left - length);
        if (!length)
        /*  FALL THROUGH...  */
#endif /* SFX && CHEAP_SFX_AUTORUN */
     * First normal case:  print string on standard output.  First set loop
     * variables, then loop through the comment in chunks of OUTBUFSIZ bytes,
     * converting formats and printing as we go.  The second half of the
     * loop conditional was added because the file might be truncated, in
     * which case comment_bytes_left will remain at some non-zero value for
     * all time.  outbuf and slide are used as scratch buffers because they
     * are available (we should be either before or in between any file pro-
     * cessing).
    case DISPLAY:
    case DISPL_8:
        comment_bytes_left = length;
        block_len = OUTBUFSIZ;       /* for the while statement, first time */
        while (comment_bytes_left > 0 && block_len > 0) {
            register uch *p = G.outbuf;
            register uch *q = G.outbuf;
            if ((block_len = readbuf(__G__ (char *)G.outbuf,
                   MIN((unsigned)OUTBUFSIZ, comment_bytes_left))) == 0)
                return PK_EOF;
            comment_bytes_left -= block_len;
            /* this is why we allocated an extra byte for outbuf:  terminate
             *  with zero (ASCIIZ) */
            G.outbuf[block_len] = '\0';
            /* remove all ASCII carriage returns from comment before printing
             * (since used before A_TO_N(), check for CR instead of '\r')
            while (*p) {
                while (*p == CR)
                *q++ = *p++;
            /* could check whether (p - outbuf) == block_len here */
            *q = '\0';
            if (option == DISPL_8) {
                /* translate the text coded in the entry's host-dependent
                   "extended ASCII" charset into the compiler's (system's)
                   internal text code page */
                Ext_ASCII_TO_Native((char *)G.outbuf, G.pInfo->hostnum,
                                    G.pInfo->hostver, G.pInfo->HasUxAtt,
#ifdef WINDLL
                /* translate to ANSI (RTL internal codepage may be OEM) */
                INTERN_TO_ISO((char *)G.outbuf, (char *)G.outbuf);
#else /* !WINDLL */
#ifdef WIN32
                /* Win9x console always uses OEM character coding, and
                   WinNT console is set to OEM charset by default, too */
                INTERN_TO_OEM((char *)G.outbuf, (char *)G.outbuf);
#endif /* WIN32 */
#endif /* ?WINDLL */
            } else {
                A_TO_N(G.outbuf);   /* translate string to native */
#ifdef WINDLL
            /* ran out of local mem -- had to cheat */
            win_fprintf((zvoid *)&G, stdout, length, (char *)G.outbuf);
            win_fprintf((zvoid *)&G, stdout, 2, (char *)"\n\n");
#else /* !WINDLL */
#ifdef NOANSIFILT       /* GRR:  can ANSI be used with EBCDIC? */
            (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, G.outbuf, (ulg)(q-G.outbuf), 0);
#else /* ASCII, filter out ANSI escape sequences and handle ^S (pause) */
            p = G.outbuf - 1;
            q = slide;
            while (*++p) {
                int pause = FALSE;
                if (*p == 0x1B) {          /* ASCII escape char */
                    *q++ = '^';
                    *q++ = '[';
                } else if (*p == 0x13) {   /* ASCII ^S (pause) */
                    pause = TRUE;
                    if (p[1] == LF)        /* ASCII LF */
                        *q++ = *++p;
                    else if (p[1] == CR && p[2] == LF) {  /* ASCII CR LF */
                        *q++ = *++p;
                        *q++ = *++p;
                } else
                    *q++ = *p;
                if ((unsigned)(q-slide) > WSIZE-3 || pause) {   /* flush */
                    (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, slide, (ulg)(q-slide), 0);
                    q = slide;
                    if (pause && G.extract_flag) /* don't pause for list/test */
                        (*G.mpause)((zvoid *)&G, LoadFarString(QuitPrompt), 0);
            (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, slide, (ulg)(q-slide), 0);
#endif /* ?NOANSIFILT */
#endif /* ?WINDLL */
        /* add '\n' if not at start of line */
        (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, slide, 0L, 0x40);
     * Second case:  read string into filename[] array.  The filename should
     * never ever be longer than FILNAMSIZ-1 (1024), but for now we'll check,
     * just to be sure.
    case DS_FN:
    case DS_FN_L:
        if (length >= FILNAMSIZ) {
            Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide,
            error = PK_WARN;
            /* remember excess length in block_len */
            block_len = length - (FILNAMSIZ - 1);
            length = FILNAMSIZ - 1;
        } else
            /* no excess size */
            block_len = 0;
        if (readbuf(__G__ G.filename, length) == 0)
            return PK_EOF;
        G.filename[length] = '\0';      /* terminate w/zero:  ASCIIZ */
        /* translate the Zip entry filename coded in host-dependent "extended
           ASCII" into the compiler's (system's) internal text code page */
        Ext_ASCII_TO_Native(G.filename, G.pInfo->hostnum, G.pInfo->hostver,
                            G.pInfo->HasUxAtt, (option == DS_FN_L));
        if (G.pInfo->lcflag)      /* replace with lowercase filename */
            STRLOWER(G.filename, G.filename);
        if (G.pInfo->vollabel && length > 8 && G.filename[8] == '.') {
            char *p = G.filename+8;
            while (*p++)
                p[-1] = *p;  /* disk label, and 8th char is dot:  remove dot */
        if (!block_len)         /* no overflow, we're done here */
         * We truncated the filename, so print what's left and then fall
         * through to the SKIP routine.
        Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide, "[ %s ]\n", FnFilter1(G.filename)));
        length = block_len;     /* SKIP the excess bytes... */
        /*  FALL THROUGH...  */
     * Third case:  skip string, adjusting readbuf's internal variables
     * as necessary (and possibly skipping to and reading a new block of
     * data).
    case SKIP:
        /* cur_zipfile_bufstart already takes account of extra_bytes, so don't
         * correct for it twice: */
        seek_zipf(__G__ G.cur_zipfile_bufstart - G.extra_bytes +
                  (G.inptr-G.inbuf) + length);
     * Fourth case:  assume we're at the start of an "extra field"; malloc
     * storage for it and read data into the allocated space.
    case EXTRA_FIELD:
        if (G.extra_field != (uch *)NULL)
        if ((G.extra_field = (uch *)malloc(length)) == (uch *)NULL) {
            Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ExtraFieldTooLong),
            /* cur_zipfile_bufstart already takes account of extra_bytes,
             * so don't correct for it twice: */
            seek_zipf(__G__ G.cur_zipfile_bufstart - G.extra_bytes +
                      (G.inptr-G.inbuf) + length);
        } else
            if (readbuf(__G__ (char *)G.extra_field, length) == 0)
                return PK_EOF;
#ifdef AMIGA
     * Fifth case, for the Amiga only:  take the comment that would ordinarily
     * be skipped over, and turn it into a 79 character string that will be
     * attached to the file as a "filenote" after it is extracted.
    case FILENOTE:
        if ((block_len = readbuf(__G__ tmp_fnote, (unsigned)
                                 MIN(length, 2 * AMIGA_FILENOTELEN - 1))) == 0)
            return PK_EOF;
        if ((length -= block_len) > 0)  /* treat remainder as in case SKIP: */
            seek_zipf(__G__ G.cur_zipfile_bufstart - G.extra_bytes
                      + (G.inptr - G.inbuf) + length);
        /* convert multi-line text into single line with no ctl-chars: */
        tmp_fnote[block_len] = '\0';
        while ((short int) --block_len >= 0)
            if ((unsigned) tmp_fnote[block_len] < ' ')
                if (tmp_fnote[block_len+1] == ' ')     /* no excess */
                    strcpy(tmp_fnote+block_len, tmp_fnote+block_len+1);
                    tmp_fnote[block_len] = ' ';
        tmp_fnote[AMIGA_FILENOTELEN - 1] = '\0';
        if (G.filenotes[G.filenote_slot])
            free(G.filenotes[G.filenote_slot]);     /* should not happen */
        G.filenotes[G.filenote_slot] = NULL;
        if (tmp_fnote[0]) {
            if (!(G.filenotes[G.filenote_slot] = malloc(strlen(tmp_fnote)+1)))
                return PK_MEM;
            strcpy(G.filenotes[G.filenote_slot], tmp_fnote);
#endif /* AMIGA */
    } /* end switch (option) */
    return error;
} /* end function do_string() */
/* Function makeword() */
ush makeword(b)
    ZCONST uch *b;
     * Convert Intel style 'short' integer to non-Intel non-16-bit
     * host format.  This routine also takes care of byte-ordering.
    return (ush)((b[1] << 8) | b[0]);
/* Function makelong() */
ulg makelong(sig)
    ZCONST uch *sig;
     * Convert intel style 'long' variable to non-Intel non-16-bit
     * host format.  This routine also takes care of byte-ordering.
    return (((ulg)sig[3]) << 24)
        + (((ulg)sig[2]) << 16)
        + (((ulg)sig[1]) << 8)
        + ((ulg)sig[0]);
/* Function str2iso() */
char *str2iso(dst, src)
    char *dst;                          /* destination buffer */
    register ZCONST char *src;          /* source string */
    INTERN_TO_ISO(src, dst);
    register uch c;
    register char *dstp = dst;
    do {
        c = (uch)foreign(*src++);
        *dstp++ = (char)ASCII2ISO(c);
    } while (c != '\0');
    return dst;
#endif /* NEED_STR2ISO */
/* Function str2oem() */
char *str2oem(dst, src)
    char *dst;                          /* destination buffer */
    register ZCONST char *src;          /* source string */
    INTERN_TO_OEM(src, dst);
    register uch c;
    register char *dstp = dst;
    do {
        c = (uch)foreign(*src++);
        *dstp++ = (char)ASCII2OEM(c);
    } while (c != '\0');
    return dst;
#endif /* NEED_STR2OEM */
#endif /* CRYPT */
#ifdef ZMEM  /* memset/memcmp/memcpy for systems without either them or */
             /* bzero/bcmp/bcopy */
             /* (no known systems as of 960211) */
/* Function memset() */
zvoid *memset(buf, init, len)
    register zvoid *buf;        /* buffer location */
    register int init;          /* initializer character */
    register unsigned int len;  /* length of the buffer */
    zvoid *start;
    start = buf;
    while (len--)
        *((char *)buf++) = (char)init;
    return start;
/* Function memcmp() */
int memcmp(b1, b2, len)
    register ZCONST zvoid *b1;
    register ZCONST zvoid *b2;
    register unsigned int len;
    register int c;
    if (len > 0) do {
        if ((c = (int)(*((ZCONST unsigned char *)b1)++) -
                 (int)(*((ZCONST unsigned char *)b2)++)) != 0)
           return c;
    } while (--len > 0)
    return 0;
/* Function memcpy() */
zvoid *memcpy(dst, src, len)
    register zvoid *dst;
    register ZCONST zvoid *src;
    register unsigned int len;
    zvoid *start;
    start = dst;
    while (len-- > 0)
        *((char *)dst)++ = *((ZCONST char *)src)++;
    return start;
#endif /* ZMEM */
/* Function zstrnicmp() */
int zstrnicmp(s1, s2, n)
    register ZCONST char *s1, *s2;
    register unsigned n;
    for (; n > 0;  --n, ++s1, ++s2) {
        if (ToLower(*s1) != ToLower(*s2))
            /* test includes early termination of one string */
            return (ToLower(*s1) < ToLower(*s2))? -1 : 1;
        if (*s1 == '\0')   /* both strings terminate early */
            return 0;
    return 0;
#endif /* NO_STRNICMP */
#ifdef REGULUS  /* returns the inode number on success(!)...argh argh argh */
#  undef stat
/* Function zstat() */
int zstat(p, s)
    ZCONST char *p;
    struct stat *s;
    return (stat((char *)p,s) >= 0? 0 : (-1));
#endif /* REGULUS */
#ifdef _MBCS
/* DBCS support for Info-ZIP's zip  (mainly for japanese (-: )
 * by Yoshioka Tsuneo (QWF00133@nifty.ne.jp,tsuneo-y@is.aist-nara.ac.jp)
 * This code is public domain!   Date: 1998/12/20
/* Function plastchar() */
char *plastchar(ptr, len)
    ZCONST char *ptr;
    extent len;
    unsigned clen;
    ZCONST char *oldptr = ptr;
    while(*ptr != '\0' && len > 0){
        oldptr = ptr;
        clen = CLEN(ptr);
        ptr += clen;
        len -= clen;
    return (char *)oldptr;
/* Function uzmbschr() */
unsigned char *uzmbschr(str, c)
    ZCONST unsigned char *str;
    unsigned int c;
    while(*str != '\0'){
        if (*str == c) {return (unsigned char *)str;}
    return NULL;
#endif /* NEED_UZMBSCHR */
/* Function uzmbsrchr() */
unsigned char *uzmbsrchr(str, c)
    ZCONST unsigned char *str;
    unsigned int c;
    unsigned char *match = NULL;
    while(*str != '\0'){
        if (*str == c) {match = (unsigned char *)str;}
    return match;
#endif /* NEED_UZMBSRCHR */
#endif /* _MBCS */
#ifdef SMALL_MEM
/*  Function fLoadFarString()  */   /* (and friends...) */
char *fLoadFarString(__GPRO__ const char Far *sz)
    (void)zfstrcpy(G.rgchBigBuffer, sz);
    return G.rgchBigBuffer;
char *fLoadFarStringSmall(__GPRO__ const char Far *sz)
    (void)zfstrcpy(G.rgchSmallBuffer, sz);
    return G.rgchSmallBuffer;
char *fLoadFarStringSmall2(__GPRO__ const char Far *sz)
    (void)zfstrcpy(G.rgchSmallBuffer2, sz);
    return G.rgchSmallBuffer2;
#if (!defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER < 600))
/*  Function zfstrcpy()  */   /* portable clone of _fstrcpy() */
char Far * Far zfstrcpy(char Far *s1, const char Far *s2)
    char Far *p = s1;
    while ((*s1++ = *s2++) != '\0');
    return p;
#endif /* !_MSC_VER || (_MSC_VER < 600) */
#endif /* SMALL_MEM */

V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands of the 'days + dy' operator to the 'unsigned long' type, not the result.