* Copyright (c) 2002, Thomas Kurschel
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
/** Graphics card detection */
#include "radeon_driver.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// this table is gathered from different sources
// and may even contain some wrong entries
#define VENDOR_ID_ATI 0x1002
// R100
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QD 0x5144
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QE 0x5145
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QF 0x5146
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QG 0x5147
// RV100
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QY 0x5159
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QZ 0x515a
#define DEVICE_ID_RN50_515E 0x515E
#define DEVICE_ID_RN50_5969 0x5969
// M6
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_LY 0x4c59
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_LZ 0x4c5a
// RV200
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QW 0x5157
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QX 0x5158
// R200 mobility
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_LW 0x4c57
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_LX 0x4c58
// R200
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QH 0x5148
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QI 0x5149
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QJ 0x514a
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QK 0x514b
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QL 0x514c
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QM 0x514d
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Qh 0x5168
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Qi 0x5169
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Qj 0x516a
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Qk 0x516b
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_BB 0x4242
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_BC 0x4243
// RV250
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_If 0x4966
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Ig 0x4967
// M9 (RV250)
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Ld 0x4c64
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Le 0x4c65
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Lf 0x4c66
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Lg 0x4c67
// RV280
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5960 0x5960
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Za 0x5961
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Zb 0x5962 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Zd 0x5964
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Ze 0x5965 // new
// M9+ (RV280)
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5c61 0x5c61
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5c63 0x5c63 // new
// r300
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_ND 0x4e44
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NE 0x4e45
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NF 0x4e46
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NG 0x4e47
// r300-4P
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AD 0x4144
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AE 0x4145
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AF 0x4146
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AG 0x4147
// rv350
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AP 0x4150
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AQ 0x4151
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AR 0x4152 // RS360
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AS 0x4153 // RV350 ?? on X.org
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AT 0x4154 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_4155 0x4155 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AV 0x4156 // new
// m10 (rv350)
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NP 0x4e50
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NQ 0x4e51 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NR 0x4e52 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NS 0x4e53 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NT 0x4e54
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NV 0x4e56 // new
// r350
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AH 0x4148
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AI 0x4149 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AJ 0x414a // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AK 0x414b // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NH 0x4e48
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NI 0x4e49
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NK 0x4e4b // new
// r360
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NJ 0x4e4a
// rv370 X300
//#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b50 0x5b50
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b60 0x5b60
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b62 0x5b62
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b63 0x5b63 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b64 0x5b64 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b65 0x5b65 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5460 0x5460
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5464 0x5464 // new
// rv380 X600
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_3e50 0x3e50
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_3e54 0x3e54 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_3150 0x3150 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_3154 0x3154 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5462 0x5462 // new X600SE on Toshiba M50 an X300???
// rv380 X600AIW
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b62 0x5b62
// rv410 X700 pro
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5e48 0x5e48 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_564a 0x564a // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_564b 0x564b // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_564f 0x564f // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5652 0x5652 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5653 0x5653 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5e4b 0x5e4b
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5e4a 0x5e4a // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5e4d 0x5e4d // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5e4c 0x5e4c // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5e4f 0x5e4f // new
// r420 X800
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JH 0x4a48 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JI 0x4a49
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JJ 0x4a4a
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JK 0x4a4b
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JL 0x4a4c // new mobility
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JM 0x4a4d // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JN 0x4a4e // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JP 0x4a50
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_4a4f 0x4a4f // new
// r423 X800
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UH 0x5548 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UI 0x5549
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UJ 0x554a
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UK 0x554b
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UQ 0x5551 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UR 0x5552 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UT 0x5554 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UM 0x554d // ?
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UO 0x554f // ?
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d57 0x5d57
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5550 0x5550 // new
// r430 X850
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d49 0x5d49 // new mob
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d4a 0x5d4a // new mob
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d48 0x5d48 // new mob
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_554f 0x554f // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_554d 0x554d // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_554e 0x554e // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_554c 0x554c // new
// r480
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d4c 0x5d4c // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d50 0x5d50 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d4e 0x5d4e // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d4f 0x5d4f // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d52 0x5d52 // new
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d4d 0x5d4d // new
// r481
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_KJ 0x4b4a
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_KK 0x4b4b
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_KL 0x4b4c
#define DEVICE_ID_RADEON_KI 0x4b49
// rs100
#define DEVICE_ID_RS100_4136 0x4136
#define DEVICE_ID_RS100_4336 0x4336
// rs200
#define DEVICE_ID_RS200_4337 0x4337
#define DEVICE_ID_RS200_4137 0x4137
// rs250
#define DEVICE_ID_RS250_4237 0x4237
#define DEVICE_ID_RS250_4437 0x4437
// rs300
#define DEVICE_ID_RS300_5834 0x5834
#define DEVICE_ID_RS300_5835 0x5835
// rs350
#define DEVICE_ID_RS350_7834 0x7834
#define DEVICE_ID_RS350_7835 0x7835
// rs400
#define DEVICE_ID_RS400_5a41 0x5a41
#define DEVICE_ID_RS400_5a42 0x5a42
// rs410
#define DEVICE_ID_RS410_5a61 0x5a61
#define DEVICE_ID_RS410_5a62 0x5a62
// rs480/82
#define DEVICE_ID_RS480_5954 0x5954
#define DEVICE_ID_RS480_5955 0x5955
#define DEVICE_ID_RS482_5974 0x5974
#define DEVICE_ID_RS482_5975 0x5975
typedef struct {
uint16 device_id;
radeon_type asic;
uint32 features;
char *name;
} RadeonDevice;
#define STD_RADEON 0 // common as muck PC graphics card (if there is such a thing)
#define ISMOBILITY 1 // is mobility
#define INTEGRATED 2 // is IGP (Integrated Graphics Processor) onboard video
#define MOBILE_IGP ISMOBILITY | INTEGRATED // 2 disabilites for the price of 1
// list of supported devices
RadeonDevice radeon_device_list[] = {
// original Radeons, now called r100
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QD, rt_r100, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 7200 / Radeon / ALL-IN-WONDER Radeon" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QE, rt_r100, STD_RADEON, "Radeon QE" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QF, rt_r100, STD_RADEON, "Radeon QF" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QG, rt_r100, STD_RADEON, "Radeon QG" },
// Radeon VE (low-cost, dual CRT, no TCL), was rt_ve now refered to as rv100
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QY, rt_rv100, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 7000 / Radeon VE" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QZ, rt_rv100, STD_RADEON, "Radeon QZ VE" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RN50_515E, rt_rv100, STD_RADEON, "ES1000 515E (PCI)" }, // Evans and Sutherland something or other?
{ DEVICE_ID_RN50_5969, rt_rv100, STD_RADEON, "ES1000 5969 (PCI)" },
// mobility version of original Radeon (based on VE), now called M6
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_LY, rt_rv100, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_LZ, rt_rv100, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility M6 LZ" },
// RV200 (dual CRT)
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QW, rt_rv200, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 7500 / ALL-IN-WONDER Radeon 7500" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QX, rt_rv200, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 7500 QX" },
// M7 (based on RV200) was rt_m 7
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_LW, rt_rv200, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 7500" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_LX, rt_rv200, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 7500 GL" },
// R200
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QH, rt_r200, STD_RADEON, "Fire GL E1" }, // chip fgl8800
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QI, rt_r200, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 8500 QI" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QJ, rt_r200, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 8500 QJ" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QK, rt_r200, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 8500 QK" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QL, rt_r200, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 8500 / 8500LE / ALL-IN-WONDER Radeon 8500" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_QM, rt_r200, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9100" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Qh, rt_r200, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 8500 Qh" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Qi, rt_r200, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 8500 Qi" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Qj, rt_r200, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 8500 Qj" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Qk, rt_r200, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 8500 Qk" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_BB, rt_r200, STD_RADEON, "ALL-IN-Wonder Radeon 8500 DV (BB)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_BC, rt_r200, STD_RADEON, "ALL-IN-Wonder Radeon 8500 DV (BC)" },
// RV250 (cut-down R200 with integrated TV-Out)
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_If, rt_rv250, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9000" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Ig, rt_rv250, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9000 Ig" },
// M9 (based on rv250) was rt_m9
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Ld, rt_rv250, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 9000 Ld" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Le, rt_rv250, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 9000 Le" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Lf, rt_rv250, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 9000 Lf" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Lg, rt_rv250, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 9000 Lg" },
// RV280 (rv250 but faster)
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5960, rt_rv280, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9200 Pro" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Za, rt_rv280, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9200" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Zb, rt_rv280, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9200" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Zd, rt_rv280, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9200 SE" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_Ze, rt_rv280, STD_RADEON, "Ati FireMV 2200" },
// M9+ (based on rv280) was rt_m9plus
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5c61, rt_rv280, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 9200" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5c63, rt_rv280, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 9200" },
// R300
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_ND, rt_r300, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9700 ND" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NE, rt_r300, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9700 NE" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NF, rt_r300, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9600 XT" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NG, rt_r300, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9700 NG" },
// r300-4P
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AD, rt_r300, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9700 AD" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AE, rt_r300, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9700 AE" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AF, rt_r300, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9700 AF" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AG, rt_r300, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9700 AG" },
// RV350
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AP, rt_rv350, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9600 AP" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AQ, rt_rv350, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9600SE AQ" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AR, rt_rv350, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9600XT AR" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AS, rt_rv350, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9550 AS" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AT, rt_rv350, STD_RADEON, "FireGL T2 AT" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_4155, rt_rv350, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9650 4155" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AV, rt_rv350, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9600 AQ" },
// rv350 M10 (based on rv350) was rt_m10
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NP, rt_rv350, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 9600/9700 (M10/M11) NP " },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NQ, rt_rv350, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 9600 (M10) NQ " },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NR, rt_rv350, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 9600 (M11) NR " },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NS, rt_rv350, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 9600 (M10) NS " },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NT, rt_rv350, ISMOBILITY, "ATI FireGL Mobility T2 (M10) NT" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NV, rt_rv350, ISMOBILITY, "ATI FireGL Mobility T2e (M11) NV" },
// R350
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AH, rt_r350, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9800SE AH" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AI, rt_r350, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9800 AI" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_AJ, rt_r350, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9800 AJ" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NH, rt_r350, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9800 Pro NH" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NI, rt_r350, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9800 NI" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_NJ, rt_r350, STD_RADEON, "Radeon 9800 XT" },
// rv370
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b60, rt_rv380, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X300 (RV370) 5B60" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b62, rt_rv380, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X600 (RV370) 5B62" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b63, rt_rv380, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X1050 (RV370) 5B63" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b64, rt_rv380, STD_RADEON, "FireGL V3100 (RV370) 5B64" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b65, rt_rv380, STD_RADEON, "FireGL D1100 (RV370) 5B65" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5460, rt_rv380, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility M300 (M22) 5460" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5464, rt_rv380, ISMOBILITY, "FireGL M22 GL 5464" },
// rv380
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_3e50, rt_rv380, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X600 (RV380) 3E50" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_3e54, rt_rv380, STD_RADEON, "FireGL V3200 (RV380) 3E54" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_3150, rt_rv380, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility X600 (M24) 3150" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_3154, rt_rv380, ISMOBILITY, "FireGL M24 GL 3154" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5462, rt_rv380, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon X600SE (RV3?0) 5462" },
// rv380
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5b62, rt_rv380, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X600 AIW" },
// rv410
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5e48, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "FireGL V5000 (RV410)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_564a, rt_r420, ISMOBILITY, "Mobility FireGL V5000 (M26)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_564b, rt_r420, ISMOBILITY, "Mobility FireGL V5000 (M26)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_564f, rt_r420, ISMOBILITY, "Mobility Radeon X700 XL (M26)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5652, rt_r420, ISMOBILITY, "Mobility Radeon X700 (M26)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5653, rt_r420, ISMOBILITY, "Mobility Radeon X700 (M26)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5e4b, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X700 PRO (RV410)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5e4a, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X700 XT (RV410)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5e4d, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X700 (RV410)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5e4c, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X700 SE (RV410)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5e4f, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X700 SE (RV410)" },
// r420
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JH, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800 (R420) JH" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JI, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800PRO (R420) JI" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JJ, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800SE (R420) JJ" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JK, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800 (R420) JK" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JL, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800 (R420) JL" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JM, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "FireGL X3 (R420) JM" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JN, rt_r420, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon Mobility 9800 (M18) JN" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_JP, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800XT (R420) JP" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_4a4f, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800 SE (R420)" },
// r423
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UH, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800 (R423) UH" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UI, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800PRO (R423) UI" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UJ, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800LE (R423) UJ" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UK, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800SE (R423) UK" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UQ, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "FireGL V7200 (R423) UQ" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UR, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "FireGL V5100 (R423) UR" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UT, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "FireGL V7100 (R423) UT" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UO, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800 UO" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_UM, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800 UM" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d57, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800 XT" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5550, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "FireGL V7100 (R423)" },
// r430
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d49, rt_r420, ISMOBILITY, "Mobility FireGL V5100 (M28)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d4a, rt_r420, ISMOBILITY, "Mobility Radeon X800 (M28)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d48, rt_r420, ISMOBILITY, "Mobility Radeon X800 XT (M28)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_554f, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800 (R430)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_554d, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800 XL (R430)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_554e, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800 SE (R430)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_554c, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X800 XTP (R430)" },
// r480
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d4c, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X850 5D4C" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d50, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon FireGL (R480) GL 5D50" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d4e, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X850 SE (R480)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d4f, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X850 PRO (R480)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d52, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X850 XT (R480)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_5d4d, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X850 XT PE (R480)" },
// r481
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_KJ, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X850 PRO (R480)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_KK, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X850 SE (R480)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_KL, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X850 XT (R480)" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RADEON_KI, rt_r420, STD_RADEON, "Radeon X850 XT PE (R480)" },
// rs100 (aka IGP 320)
{ DEVICE_ID_RS100_4136, rt_rs100, INTEGRATED, "Radeon IGP320 (A3) 4136" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RS100_4336, rt_rs100, MOBILE_IGP, "Radeon IGP320M (U1) 4336" },
// rs200 (aka IGP 340)
{ DEVICE_ID_RS200_4137, rt_rs200, INTEGRATED, "Radeon IGP330/340/350 (A4) 4137" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RS200_4337, rt_rs200, MOBILE_IGP, "Radeon IGP330M/340M/350M (U2) 4337" },
// rs250 (aka 7000 IGP)
{ DEVICE_ID_RS250_4237, rt_rs200, INTEGRATED, "IGP330M/340M/350M (U2) 4337" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RS250_4437, rt_rs200, MOBILE_IGP, "Radeon Mobility 7000 IGP 4437" },
// rs300
{ DEVICE_ID_RS300_5834, rt_rs300, INTEGRATED, "Radeon 9100 IGP (A5) 5834" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RS300_5835, rt_rs300, MOBILE_IGP, "Radeon Mobility 9100 IGP (U3) 5835" },
// rs350
{ DEVICE_ID_RS350_7834, rt_rs300, INTEGRATED, "Radeon 9100 PRO IGP 7834" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RS350_7835, rt_rs300, MOBILE_IGP, "Radeon Mobility 9200 IGP 7835" },
// rs400
{ DEVICE_ID_RS400_5a41, rt_rv380, STD_RADEON, "Radeon XPRESS 200 5A41" }, // X.org people unsure what this is for now
{ DEVICE_ID_RS400_5a42, rt_rv380, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon XPRESS 200M 5A42" },
// rs410
{ DEVICE_ID_RS410_5a61, rt_rv380, STD_RADEON, "Radeon XPRESS 200 5A61" }, // X.org people unsure what this is for now
{ DEVICE_ID_RS410_5a62, rt_rv380, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon XPRESS 200M 5A62" },
// rs480
{ DEVICE_ID_RS480_5954, rt_rv380, STD_RADEON, "Radeon XPRESS 200 5954" }, // X.org people unsure what this is for now
{ DEVICE_ID_RS480_5955, rt_rv380, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955" },
{ DEVICE_ID_RS482_5974, rt_rv380, STD_RADEON, "Radeon XPRESS 200 5974" }, // X.org people unsure what this is for now
{ DEVICE_ID_RS482_5975, rt_rv380, ISMOBILITY, "Radeon XPRESS 200M 5975" },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL }
// list of supported vendors (there aren't many ;)
static struct {
uint16 vendor_id;
RadeonDevice *devices;
} SupportedVendors[] = {
{ VENDOR_ID_ATI, radeon_device_list },
{ 0x0000, NULL }
// check, whether there is *any* supported card plugged in
bool Radeon_CardDetect(void)
long pci_index = 0;
pci_info pcii;
bool found_one = FALSE;
if (get_module(B_PCI_MODULE_NAME, (module_info **)&pci_bus) != B_OK)
return B_ERROR;
while ((*pci_bus->get_nth_pci_info)(pci_index, &pcii) == B_NO_ERROR) {
int vendor = 0;
while (SupportedVendors[vendor].vendor_id) {
if (SupportedVendors[vendor].vendor_id == pcii.vendor_id) {
RadeonDevice *devices = SupportedVendors[vendor].devices;
while (devices->device_id) {
if (devices->device_id == pcii.device_id) {
rom_info ri;
if (Radeon_MapBIOS(&pcii, &ri) == B_OK) {
SHOW_INFO(0, "found supported device"
" pci index %ld, device 0x%04x/0x%04x",
pci_index, pcii.vendor_id, pcii.device_id);
found_one = TRUE;
goto done;
SHOW_INFO0(0, "no supported devices found");
return (found_one ? B_OK : B_ERROR);
// !extend this array whenever a new ASIC is a added!
static struct {
const char *name; // name of ASIC
tv_chip_type tv_chip; // TV-Out chip (if any)
bool has_crtc2; // has second CRTC
bool has_vip; // has VIP/I2C
bool new_pll; // reference divider of PPLL moved to other location
} asic_properties[] =
{ "r100", tc_external_rt1, false, true, false},
{ "rv100", tc_internal_rt1, true, true, false},
{ "rs100", tc_internal_rt1, true, false, false},
{ "rv200", tc_internal_rt2, true, true, false},
{ "rs200", tc_internal_rt1, true, false, false},
{ "r200", tc_external_rt1, true, true, false},
{ "rv250", tc_internal_rt2, true, true, false},
{ "rs300", tc_internal_rt1, true, false, false},
{ "rv280", tc_internal_rt2, true, true, false},
{ "r300", tc_internal_rt2, true, true, true },
{ "r350", tc_internal_rt2, true, true, true },
{ "rv350", tc_internal_rt2, true, true, true },
{ "rv380", tc_internal_rt2, true, true, true },
{ "r420", tc_internal_rt2, true, true, true }
// get next supported device
static bool probeDevice(device_info *di)
int vendor;
/* if we match a supported vendor */
for (vendor = 0; SupportedVendors[vendor].vendor_id; ++vendor) {
RadeonDevice *device;
if (SupportedVendors[vendor].vendor_id != di->pcii.vendor_id)
for (device = SupportedVendors[vendor].devices; device->device_id;
++device) {
// avoid double-detection
if (device->device_id != di->pcii.device_id)
di->num_crtc = asic_properties[device->asic].has_crtc2 ? 2 : 1;
di->tv_chip = asic_properties[device->asic].tv_chip;
di->asic = device->asic;
di->is_mobility = (device->features & ISMOBILITY) ? true : false;
di->has_vip = asic_properties[device->asic].has_vip;
di->new_pll = asic_properties[device->asic].new_pll;
di->is_igp = (device->features & INTEGRATED) ? true : false;
// detect chips with broken I2C
switch (device->device_id) {
di->has_no_i2c = true;
di->has_no_i2c = false;
// disable 2d DMA engine for chips that don't work with our
// dma code (yet). I would have used asic type, but R410s are
// treated same asic as r420s in code, and the AGP x800 works fine.
switch (device->device_id) {
// rv370
// rv380
// rv410
// rs400
case DEVICE_ID_RS400_5a41:
case DEVICE_ID_RS400_5a42:
// rs410
case DEVICE_ID_RS410_5a61:
case DEVICE_ID_RS410_5a62:
// r430
// rs480
case DEVICE_ID_RS480_5954:
case DEVICE_ID_RS480_5955:
case DEVICE_ID_RS482_5974:
case DEVICE_ID_RS482_5975:
di->acc_dma = false;
di->acc_dma = true;
if (Radeon_MapBIOS(&di->pcii, &di->rom) != B_OK)
// give up checking this device - no BIOS, no fun
return false;
if (Radeon_ReadBIOSData(di) != B_OK) {
return false;
// we don't need BIOS any more
SHOW_INFO(0, "found %s; ASIC: %s", device->name,
sprintf(di->name, "graphics/%04X_%04X_%02X%02X%02X",
di->pcii.vendor_id, di->pcii.device_id,
di->pcii.bus, di->pcii.device, di->pcii.function);
SHOW_FLOW(3, "making /dev/%s", di->name);
// we always publish it as a video grabber; we should check for Rage
// Theater, but the corresponding code (vip.c) needs a fully
// initialized driver, and this is too much hazzly, so we leave it
// to the media add-on to verify that the card supports video-in
sprintf(di->video_name, "video/radeon/%04X_%04X_%02X%02X%02X",
di->pcii.vendor_id, di->pcii.device_id,
di->pcii.bus, di->pcii.device, di->pcii.function);
di->is_open = 0;
di->shared_area = -1;
di->si = NULL;
return true;
return false;
// gather list of supported devices
// (currently, we rely on proper BIOS detection, which
// only works for primary graphics adapter, so multiple
// devices won't really work)
void Radeon_ProbeDevices(void)
uint32 pci_index = 0;
uint32 count = 0;
device_info *di = devices->di;
while (count < MAX_DEVICES) {
memset(di, 0, sizeof(*di));
if ((*pci_bus->get_nth_pci_info)(pci_index, &(di->pcii)) != B_NO_ERROR)
if (probeDevice(di)) {
devices->device_names[2 * count] = di->name;
devices->device_names[2 * count + 1] = di->video_name;
devices->count = count;
devices->device_names[2 * count] = NULL;
SHOW_INFO(0, "%ld supported devices", count);
↑ V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the fourth actual argument of the 'dprintf' function. The memsize type argument is expected.