 * Copyright 2004-2008, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de.
 * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#include <new>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "DoublyLinkedList.h"
#include "fssh_atomic.h"
#include "fssh_errno.h"
#include "fssh_fs_cache.h"
#include "fssh_kernel_export.h"
#include "fssh_lock.h"
#include "fssh_string.h"
#include "fssh_unistd.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "vfs.h"
// TODO: this is a naive but growing implementation to test the API:
//	1) block reading/writing is not at all optimized for speed, it will
//	   just read and write single blocks.
//	2) the locking could be improved; getting a block should not need to
//	   wait for blocks to be written
// TODO: the retrieval/copy of the original data could be delayed until the
//		new data must be written, ie. in low memory situations.
#	define TRACE(x)	fssh_dprintf x
#	define TRACE(x) ;
using std::nothrow;
// This macro is used for fatal situations that are acceptable in a running
// system, like out of memory situations - should only panic for debugging.
#define FATAL(x) fssh_panic x
#undef offsetof
#define offsetof(struct, member) 0
	// TODO: I don't know why the offsetof() macro doesn't work in this context,
	// but (0) is okay here...
namespace FSShell {
struct hash_table;
struct vm_page;
struct cache_transaction;
struct cached_block;
struct block_cache;
typedef DoublyLinkedListLink<cached_block> block_link;
struct cached_block {
	cached_block*	next;			// next in hash
	cached_block*	transaction_next;
	block_link		link;
	fssh_off_t		block_number;
	void*			current_data;
	void*			original_data;
	void*			parent_data;
	void			*compare;
	int32_t			ref_count;
	int32_t			accessed;
	bool			busy : 1;
	bool			is_writing : 1;
	bool			is_dirty : 1;
	bool			unused : 1;
	bool			discard : 1;
	cache_transaction* transaction;
	cache_transaction* previous_transaction;
	static int Compare(void* _cacheEntry, const void* _block);
	static uint32_t Hash(void* _cacheEntry, const void* _block, uint32_t range);
typedef DoublyLinkedList<cached_block,
		&cached_block::link> > block_list;
struct cache_notification : DoublyLinkedListLinkImpl<cache_notification> {
	int32_t			transaction_id;
	int32_t			events_pending;
	int32_t			events;
	fssh_transaction_notification_hook hook;
	void*			data;
	bool			delete_after_event;
typedef DoublyLinkedList<cache_notification> NotificationList;
struct block_cache {
	hash_table*		hash;
	fssh_mutex		lock;
	int				fd;
	fssh_off_t		max_blocks;
	fssh_size_t		block_size;
	int32_t			allocated_block_count;
	int32_t			next_transaction_id;
	cache_transaction* last_transaction;
	hash_table*		transaction_hash;
	block_list		unused_blocks;
	bool			read_only;
	NotificationList pending_notifications;
					block_cache(int fd, fssh_off_t numBlocks,
						fssh_size_t blockSize, bool readOnly);
	fssh_status_t	Init();
	void			Free(void* buffer);
	void*			Allocate();
	void			RemoveUnusedBlocks(int32_t maxAccessed = INT32_MAX,
						int32_t count = INT32_MAX);
	void			RemoveBlock(cached_block* block);
	void			DiscardBlock(cached_block* block);
	void			FreeBlock(cached_block* block);
	cached_block*	NewBlock(fssh_off_t blockNumber);
static const int32_t kMaxBlockCount = 1024;
struct cache_listener;
typedef DoublyLinkedListLink<cache_listener> listener_link;
struct cache_listener : cache_notification {
	listener_link	link;
typedef DoublyLinkedList<cache_listener,
		&cache_listener::link> > ListenerList;
struct cache_transaction {
	cache_transaction* next;
	int32_t			id;
	int32_t			num_blocks;
	int32_t			main_num_blocks;
	int32_t			sub_num_blocks;
	cached_block*	first_block;
	block_list		blocks;
	fssh_transaction_notification_hook notification_hook;
	void*			notification_data;
	ListenerList	listeners;
	bool			open;
	bool			has_sub_transaction;
static fssh_status_t write_cached_block(block_cache* cache, cached_block* block,
	bool deleteTransaction = true);
static fssh_mutex sNotificationsLock;
//	#pragma mark - notifications/listener
/*!	Checks whether or not this is an event that closes a transaction. */
static inline bool
is_closing_event(int32_t event)
static inline bool
is_written_event(int32_t event)
	return (event & FSSH_TRANSACTION_WRITTEN) != 0;
/*!	From the specified \a notification, it will remove the lowest pending
	event, and return that one in \a _event.
	If there is no pending event anymore, it will return \c false.
static bool
get_next_pending_event(cache_notification* notification, int32_t* _event)
	for (int32_t eventMask = 1; eventMask <= FSSH_TRANSACTION_IDLE; eventMask <<= 1) {
		int32_t pending = fssh_atomic_and(&notification->events_pending,
		bool more = (pending & ~eventMask) != 0;
		if ((pending & eventMask) != 0) {
			*_event = eventMask;
			return more;
	return false;
static void
flush_pending_notifications(block_cache* cache)
	while (true) {
		MutexLocker locker(sNotificationsLock);
		cache_notification* notification = cache->pending_notifications.Head();
		if (notification == NULL)
		bool deleteAfterEvent = false;
		int32_t event = -1;
		if (!get_next_pending_event(notification, &event)) {
			// remove the notification if this was the last pending event
			deleteAfterEvent = notification->delete_after_event;
		if (event >= 0) {
			// Notify listener, we need to copy the notification, as it might
			// be removed when we unlock the list.
			cache_notification copy = *notification;
			copy.hook(copy.transaction_id, event, copy.data);
		if (deleteAfterEvent)
			delete notification;
/*!	Initializes the \a notification as specified. */
static void
set_notification(cache_transaction* transaction,
	cache_notification &notification, int32_t events,
	fssh_transaction_notification_hook hook, void* data)
	notification.transaction_id = transaction != NULL ? transaction->id : -1;
	notification.events_pending = 0;
	notification.events = events;
	notification.hook = hook;
	notification.data = data;
	notification.delete_after_event = false;
/*!	Makes sure the notification is deleted. It either deletes it directly,
	when possible, or marks it for deletion if the notification is pending.
static void
delete_notification(cache_notification* notification)
	MutexLocker locker(sNotificationsLock);
	if (notification->events_pending != 0)
		notification->delete_after_event = true;
		delete notification;
/*!	Adds the notification to the pending notifications list, or, if it's
	already part of it, updates its events_pending field.
	Also marks the notification to be deleted if \a deleteNotification
	is \c true.
	Triggers the notifier thread to run.
static void
add_notification(block_cache* cache, cache_notification* notification,
	int32_t event, bool deleteNotification)
	if (notification->hook == NULL)
	int32_t pending = fssh_atomic_or(&notification->events_pending, event);
	if (pending == 0) {
		// not yet part of the notification list
		MutexLocker locker(sNotificationsLock);
		if (deleteNotification)
			notification->delete_after_event = true;
	} else if (deleteNotification) {
		// we might need to delete it ourselves if we're late
/*!	Notifies all interested listeners of this transaction about the \a event.
	If \a event is a closing event (ie. TRANSACTION_ENDED, and
	TRANSACTION_ABORTED), all listeners except those listening to
	TRANSACTION_WRITTEN will be removed.
static void
notify_transaction_listeners(block_cache* cache, cache_transaction* transaction,
	int32_t event)
	bool isClosing = is_closing_event(event);
	bool isWritten = is_written_event(event);
	ListenerList::Iterator iterator = transaction->listeners.GetIterator();
	while (iterator.HasNext()) {
		cache_listener* listener = iterator.Next();
		bool remove = (isClosing && !is_written_event(listener->events))
			|| (isWritten && is_written_event(listener->events));
		if (remove)
		if ((listener->events & event) != 0)
			add_notification(cache, listener, event, remove);
		else if (remove)
	// This must work asynchronously in the kernel, but since we're not using
	// most transaction events, we can do it here.
/*!	Removes and deletes all listeners that are still monitoring this
static void
remove_transaction_listeners(block_cache* cache, cache_transaction* transaction)
	ListenerList::Iterator iterator = transaction->listeners.GetIterator();
	while (iterator.HasNext()) {
		cache_listener* listener = iterator.Next();
static fssh_status_t
add_transaction_listener(block_cache* cache, cache_transaction* transaction,
	int32_t events, fssh_transaction_notification_hook hookFunction, void* data)
	ListenerList::Iterator iterator = transaction->listeners.GetIterator();
	while (iterator.HasNext()) {
		cache_listener* listener = iterator.Next();
		if (listener->data == data && listener->hook == hookFunction) {
			// this listener already exists, just update it
			listener->events |= events;
			return FSSH_B_OK;
	cache_listener* listener = new(std::nothrow) cache_listener;
	if (listener == NULL)
		return FSSH_B_NO_MEMORY;
	set_notification(transaction, *listener, events, hookFunction, data);
	return FSSH_B_OK;
//	#pragma mark - private transaction
	num_blocks = 0;
	main_num_blocks = 0;
	sub_num_blocks = 0;
	first_block = NULL;
	notification_hook = NULL;
	notification_data = NULL;
	open = true;
	has_sub_transaction = false;
static int
transaction_compare(void* _transaction, const void* _id)
	cache_transaction* transaction = (cache_transaction*)_transaction;
	const int32_t* id = (const int32_t*)_id;
	return transaction->id - *id;
static uint32_t
transaction_hash(void* _transaction, const void* _id, uint32_t range)
	cache_transaction* transaction = (cache_transaction*)_transaction;
	const int32_t* id = (const int32_t*)_id;
	if (transaction != NULL)
		return transaction->id % range;
	return (uint32_t)*id % range;
static void
delete_transaction(block_cache* cache, cache_transaction* transaction)
	if (cache->last_transaction == transaction)
		cache->last_transaction = NULL;
	remove_transaction_listeners(cache, transaction);
	delete transaction;
static cache_transaction*
lookup_transaction(block_cache* cache, int32_t id)
	return (cache_transaction*)hash_lookup(cache->transaction_hash, &id);
//	#pragma mark - cached_block
/*static*/ int
cached_block::Compare(void* _cacheEntry, const void* _block)
	cached_block* cacheEntry = (cached_block*)_cacheEntry;
	const fssh_off_t* block = (const fssh_off_t*)_block;
	fssh_off_t diff = cacheEntry->block_number - *block;
	if (diff > 0)
		return 1;
	return diff < 0 ? -1 : 0;
/*static*/ uint32_t
cached_block::Hash(void* _cacheEntry, const void* _block, uint32_t range)
	cached_block* cacheEntry = (cached_block*)_cacheEntry;
	const fssh_off_t* block = (const fssh_off_t*)_block;
	if (cacheEntry != NULL)
		return cacheEntry->block_number % range;
	return (uint64_t)*block % range;
//	#pragma mark - block_cache
block_cache::block_cache(int _fd, fssh_off_t numBlocks, fssh_size_t blockSize,
	bool readOnly)
	fssh_mutex_init(&lock, "block cache");
	if (lock.sem < FSSH_B_OK)
		return lock.sem;
	hash = hash_init(128, offsetof(cached_block, next), &cached_block::Compare,
	if (hash == NULL)
		return FSSH_B_NO_MEMORY;
	transaction_hash = hash_init(16, offsetof(cache_transaction, next),
		&transaction_compare, &FSShell::transaction_hash);
	if (transaction_hash == NULL)
		return FSSH_B_NO_MEMORY;
	return FSSH_B_OK;
block_cache::Free(void* buffer)
	if (buffer == NULL)
	return malloc(block_size);
block_cache::FreeBlock(cached_block* block)
	if (block->original_data != NULL || block->parent_data != NULL) {
		fssh_panic("block_cache::FreeBlock(): %" FSSH_B_PRIdOFF
			", original %p, parent %p\n", block->block_number,
			block->original_data, block->parent_data);
	delete block;
/*! Allocates a new block for \a blockNumber, ready for use */
block_cache::NewBlock(fssh_off_t blockNumber)
	cached_block* block = new(nothrow) cached_block;
	if (block == NULL) {
		FATAL(("could not allocate block!\n"));
		return NULL;
	// if we hit the limit of blocks to cache¸ try to free one or more
	if (allocated_block_count >= kMaxBlockCount) {
			allocated_block_count - kMaxBlockCount + 1);
	block->current_data = Allocate();
	if (block->current_data == NULL) {
		FATAL(("could not allocate block data!\n"));
		delete block;
		return NULL;
	block->block_number = blockNumber;
	block->ref_count = 0;
	block->accessed = 0;
	block->transaction_next = NULL;
	block->transaction = block->previous_transaction = NULL;
	block->original_data = NULL;
	block->parent_data = NULL;
	block->is_dirty = false;
	block->unused = false;
	block->discard = false;
	block->compare = NULL;
	return block;
block_cache::RemoveUnusedBlocks(int32_t maxAccessed, int32_t count)
	TRACE(("block_cache: remove up to %ld unused blocks\n", count));
	for (block_list::Iterator iterator = unused_blocks.GetIterator();
			cached_block *block = iterator.Next();) {
		if (maxAccessed < block->accessed)
		TRACE(("  remove block %Ld, accessed %ld times\n",
			block->block_number, block->accessed));
		// this can only happen if no transactions are used
		if (block->is_dirty && !block->discard)
			write_cached_block(this, block, false);
		// remove block from lists
		if (--count <= 0)
block_cache::RemoveBlock(cached_block* block)
	hash_remove(hash, block);
/*!	Discards the block from a transaction (this method must not be called
	for blocks not part of a transaction).
block_cache::DiscardBlock(cached_block* block)
	if (block->parent_data != NULL && block->parent_data != block->current_data)
	block->parent_data = NULL;
	if (block->original_data != NULL) {
		block->original_data = NULL;
//	#pragma mark - private block functions
/*!	Removes a reference from the specified \a block. If this was the last
	reference, the block is moved into the unused list.
	In low memory situations, it will also free some blocks from that list,
	but not necessarily the \a block it just released.
static void
put_cached_block(block_cache* cache, cached_block* block)
	if (!block->is_dirty && block->compare != NULL
		&& memcmp(block->current_data, block->compare, cache->block_size)) {
		fssh_dprintf("new block:\n");
		fssh_dump_block((const char*)block->current_data, 256, "  ");
		fssh_dprintf("unchanged block:\n");
		fssh_dump_block((const char*)block->compare, 256, "  ");
		write_cached_block(cache, block);
		fssh_panic("block_cache: supposed to be clean block was changed!\n");
		block->compare = NULL;
	if (--block->ref_count == 0
		&& block->transaction == NULL && block->previous_transaction == NULL) {
		// This block is not used anymore, and not part of any transaction
		if (block->discard) {
		} else {
			// put this block in the list of unused blocks
			block->unused = true;
	if (cache->allocated_block_count > kMaxBlockCount) {
			cache->allocated_block_count - kMaxBlockCount);
static void
put_cached_block(block_cache* cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber)
	if (blockNumber < 0 || blockNumber >= cache->max_blocks) {
		fssh_panic("put_cached_block: invalid block number %" FSSH_B_PRIdOFF
			" (max %" FSSH_B_PRIdOFF ")", blockNumber, cache->max_blocks - 1);
	cached_block* block = (cached_block*)hash_lookup(cache->hash, &blockNumber);
	if (block != NULL)
		put_cached_block(cache, block);
/*!	Retrieves the block \a blockNumber from the hash table, if it's already
	there, or reads it from the disk.
	\param _allocated tells you whether or not a new block has been allocated
		to satisfy your request.
	\param readBlock if \c false, the block will not be read in case it was
		not already in the cache. The block you retrieve may contain random
static cached_block*
get_cached_block(block_cache* cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber, bool* _allocated,
	bool readBlock = true)
	if (blockNumber < 0 || blockNumber >= cache->max_blocks) {
		fssh_panic("get_cached_block: invalid block number %" FSSH_B_PRIdOFF
			" (max %" FSSH_B_PRIdOFF ")", blockNumber, cache->max_blocks - 1);
		return NULL;
	cached_block* block = (cached_block*)hash_lookup(cache->hash,
	*_allocated = false;
	if (block == NULL) {
		// read block into cache
		block = cache->NewBlock(blockNumber);
		if (block == NULL)
			return NULL;
		hash_insert(cache->hash, block);
		*_allocated = true;
	if (*_allocated && readBlock) {
		int32_t blockSize = cache->block_size;
		if (fssh_read_pos(cache->fd, blockNumber * blockSize, block->current_data,
				blockSize) < blockSize) {
			FATAL(("could not read block %" FSSH_B_PRIdOFF "\n", blockNumber));
			return NULL;
	if (block->unused) {
		//TRACE(("remove block %Ld from unused\n", blockNumber));
		block->unused = false;
	return block;
/*!	Returns the writable block data for the requested blockNumber.
	If \a cleared is true, the block is not read from disk; an empty block
	is returned.
	This is the only method to insert a block into a transaction. It makes
	sure that the previous block contents are preserved in that case.
static void*
get_writable_cached_block(block_cache* cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber, fssh_off_t base,
	fssh_off_t length, int32_t transactionID, bool cleared)
	TRACE(("get_writable_cached_block(blockNumber = %Ld, transaction = %d)\n",
		blockNumber, transactionID));
	if (blockNumber < 0 || blockNumber >= cache->max_blocks) {
		fssh_panic("get_writable_cached_block: invalid block number %"
			FSSH_B_PRIdOFF " (max %" FSSH_B_PRIdOFF ")", blockNumber,
			cache->max_blocks - 1);
	bool allocated;
	cached_block* block = get_cached_block(cache, blockNumber, &allocated,
	if (block == NULL)
		return NULL;
	block->discard = false;
	// if there is no transaction support, we just return the current block
	if (transactionID == -1) {
		if (cleared)
			fssh_memset(block->current_data, 0, cache->block_size);
		block->is_dirty = true;
			// mark the block as dirty
		return block->current_data;
	cache_transaction* transaction = block->transaction;
	if (transaction != NULL && transaction->id != transactionID) {
		// TODO: we have to wait here until the other transaction is done.
		//	Maybe we should even panic, since we can't prevent any deadlocks.
		fssh_panic("get_writable_cached_block(): asked to get busy writable block (transaction %d)\n", (int)transaction->id);
		put_cached_block(cache, block);
		return NULL;
	if (transaction == NULL && transactionID != -1) {
		// get new transaction
		transaction = lookup_transaction(cache, transactionID);
		if (transaction == NULL) {
			fssh_panic("get_writable_cached_block(): invalid transaction %d!\n",
			put_cached_block(cache, block);
			return NULL;
		if (!transaction->open) {
			fssh_panic("get_writable_cached_block(): transaction already done!\n");
			put_cached_block(cache, block);
			return NULL;
		block->transaction = transaction;
		// attach the block to the transaction block list
		block->transaction_next = transaction->first_block;
		transaction->first_block = block;
	bool wasUnchanged = block->original_data == NULL
		|| block->previous_transaction != NULL;
	if (!(allocated && cleared) && block->original_data == NULL) {
		// we already have data, so we need to preserve it
		block->original_data = cache->Allocate();
		if (block->original_data == NULL) {
			FATAL(("could not allocate original_data\n"));
			put_cached_block(cache, block);
			return NULL;
		fssh_memcpy(block->original_data, block->current_data, cache->block_size);
	if (block->parent_data == block->current_data) {
		// remember any previous contents for the parent transaction
		block->parent_data = cache->Allocate();
		if (block->parent_data == NULL) {
			// TODO: maybe we should just continue the current transaction in this case...
			FATAL(("could not allocate parent\n"));
			put_cached_block(cache, block);
			return NULL;
		fssh_memcpy(block->parent_data, block->current_data, cache->block_size);
	} else if (transaction != NULL && transaction->has_sub_transaction
		&& block->parent_data == NULL && wasUnchanged)
	if (cleared)
		fssh_memset(block->current_data, 0, cache->block_size);
	block->is_dirty = true;
	return block->current_data;
/*!	Writes the specified \a block back to disk. It will always only write back
	the oldest change of the block if it is part of more than one transaction.
	It will automatically send out TRANSACTION_WRITTEN notices, as well as
	delete transactions when they are no longer used, and \a deleteTransaction
	is \c true.
static fssh_status_t
write_cached_block(block_cache* cache, cached_block* block,
	bool deleteTransaction)
	cache_transaction* previous = block->previous_transaction;
	int32_t blockSize = cache->block_size;
	void* data = previous && block->original_data
		? block->original_data : block->current_data;
		// we first need to write back changes from previous transactions
	TRACE(("write_cached_block(block %Ld)\n", block->block_number));
	fssh_ssize_t written = fssh_write_pos(cache->fd, block->block_number * blockSize,
		data, blockSize);
	if (written < blockSize) {
		FATAL(("could not write back block %" FSSH_B_PRIdOFF " (%s)\n",
			block->block_number, fssh_strerror(fssh_get_errno())));
		return FSSH_B_IO_ERROR;
	if (data == block->current_data)
		block->is_dirty = false;
	if (previous != NULL) {
		block->previous_transaction = NULL;
		if (block->original_data != NULL && block->transaction == NULL) {
			// This block is not part of a transaction, so it does not need
			// its original pointer anymore.
			block->original_data = NULL;
		// Has the previous transation been finished with that write?
		if (--previous->num_blocks == 0) {
			TRACE(("cache transaction %ld finished!\n", previous->id));
			notify_transaction_listeners(cache, previous, FSSH_TRANSACTION_WRITTEN);
			if (deleteTransaction) {
				hash_remove(cache->transaction_hash, previous);
				delete_transaction(cache, previous);
	if (block->transaction == NULL && block->ref_count == 0 && !block->unused) {
		// the block is no longer used
		block->unused = true;
	return FSSH_B_OK;
/*!	Waits until all pending notifications are carried out.
	Safe to be called from the block writer/notifier thread.
	You must not hold the \a cache lock when calling this function.
static void
wait_for_notifications(block_cache* cache)
// TODO: nothing to wait for here.
	fssh_mutex_init(&sNotificationsLock, "block cache notifications");
	return FSSH_B_OK;
}	// namespace FSShell
//	#pragma mark - public transaction API
using namespace FSShell;
fssh_cache_start_transaction(void* _cache)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	if (cache->last_transaction && cache->last_transaction->open) {
		fssh_panic("last transaction (%d) still open!\n",
	cache_transaction* transaction = new(nothrow) cache_transaction;
	if (transaction == NULL)
		return FSSH_B_NO_MEMORY;
	transaction->id = fssh_atomic_add(&cache->next_transaction_id, 1);
	cache->last_transaction = transaction;
	TRACE(("cache_start_transaction(): id %d started\n", transaction->id));
	hash_insert(cache->transaction_hash, transaction);
	return transaction->id;
fssh_cache_sync_transaction(void* _cache, int32_t id)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	fssh_status_t status = FSSH_B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND;
	TRACE(("cache_sync_transaction(id %d)\n", id));
	hash_iterator iterator;
	hash_open(cache->transaction_hash, &iterator);
	cache_transaction* transaction;
	while ((transaction = (cache_transaction*)hash_next(
			cache->transaction_hash, &iterator)) != NULL) {
		// close all earlier transactions which haven't been closed yet
		if (transaction->id <= id && !transaction->open) {
			// write back all of their remaining dirty blocks
			while (transaction->num_blocks > 0) {
				status = write_cached_block(cache, transaction->blocks.Head(),
				if (status != FSSH_B_OK)
					return status;
			hash_remove_current(cache->transaction_hash, &iterator);
			delete_transaction(cache, transaction);
	hash_close(cache->transaction_hash, &iterator, false);
		// make sure that all pending FSSH_TRANSACTION_WRITTEN notifications
		// are handled after we return
	return FSSH_B_OK;
fssh_cache_end_transaction(void* _cache, int32_t id,
	fssh_transaction_notification_hook hook, void* data)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	TRACE(("cache_end_transaction(id = %d)\n", id));
	cache_transaction* transaction = lookup_transaction(cache, id);
	if (transaction == NULL) {
		fssh_panic("cache_end_transaction(): invalid transaction ID\n");
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	notify_transaction_listeners(cache, transaction, FSSH_TRANSACTION_ENDED);
	if (add_transaction_listener(cache, transaction, FSSH_TRANSACTION_WRITTEN,
			hook, data) != FSSH_B_OK) {
		return FSSH_B_NO_MEMORY;
	// iterate through all blocks and free the unchanged original contents
	cached_block* block = transaction->first_block;
	cached_block* next;
	for (; block != NULL; block = next) {
		next = block->transaction_next;
		if (block->previous_transaction != NULL) {
			// need to write back pending changes
			write_cached_block(cache, block);
		if (block->discard) {
			// This block has been discarded in the transaction
		if (block->original_data != NULL) {
			block->original_data = NULL;
		if (transaction->has_sub_transaction) {
			if (block->parent_data != block->current_data)
			block->parent_data = NULL;
		// move the block to the previous transaction list
		block->previous_transaction = transaction;
		block->transaction_next = NULL;
		block->transaction = NULL;
	transaction->open = false;
	return FSSH_B_OK;
fssh_cache_abort_transaction(void* _cache, int32_t id)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	TRACE(("cache_abort_transaction(id = %ld)\n", id));
	cache_transaction* transaction = lookup_transaction(cache, id);
	if (transaction == NULL) {
		fssh_panic("cache_abort_transaction(): invalid transaction ID\n");
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	notify_transaction_listeners(cache, transaction, FSSH_TRANSACTION_ABORTED);
	// iterate through all blocks and restore their original contents
	cached_block* block = transaction->first_block;
	cached_block* next;
	for (; block != NULL; block = next) {
		next = block->transaction_next;
		if (block->original_data != NULL) {
			TRACE(("cache_abort_transaction(id = %ld): restored contents of block %Ld\n",
				transaction->id, block->block_number));
			fssh_memcpy(block->current_data, block->original_data, cache->block_size);
			block->original_data = NULL;
		if (transaction->has_sub_transaction) {
			if (block->parent_data != block->current_data)
			block->parent_data = NULL;
		block->transaction_next = NULL;
		block->transaction = NULL;
		block->discard = false;
	hash_remove(cache->transaction_hash, transaction);
	delete_transaction(cache, transaction);
	return FSSH_B_OK;
/*!	Acknowledges the current parent transaction, and starts a new transaction
	from its sub transaction.
	The new transaction also gets a new transaction ID.
fssh_cache_detach_sub_transaction(void* _cache, int32_t id,
	fssh_transaction_notification_hook hook, void* data)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	TRACE(("cache_detach_sub_transaction(id = %d)\n", id));
	cache_transaction* transaction = lookup_transaction(cache, id);
	if (transaction == NULL) {
		fssh_panic("cache_detach_sub_transaction(): invalid transaction ID\n");
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	if (!transaction->has_sub_transaction)
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	// create a new transaction for the sub transaction
	cache_transaction* newTransaction = new(nothrow) cache_transaction;
	if (newTransaction == NULL)
		return FSSH_B_NO_MEMORY;
	newTransaction->id = fssh_atomic_add(&cache->next_transaction_id, 1);
	notify_transaction_listeners(cache, transaction, FSSH_TRANSACTION_ENDED);
	if (add_transaction_listener(cache, transaction, FSSH_TRANSACTION_WRITTEN,
			hook, data) != FSSH_B_OK) {
		delete newTransaction;
		return FSSH_B_NO_MEMORY;
	// iterate through all blocks and free the unchanged original contents
	cached_block* block = transaction->first_block;
	cached_block* last = NULL;
	cached_block* next;
	for (; block != NULL; block = next) {
		next = block->transaction_next;
		if (block->previous_transaction != NULL) {
			// need to write back pending changes
			write_cached_block(cache, block);
		if (block->discard) {
		if (block->original_data != NULL && block->parent_data != NULL) {
			// free the original data if the parent data of the transaction
			// will be made current - but keep them otherwise
			block->original_data = NULL;
		if (block->parent_data == NULL
			|| block->parent_data != block->current_data) {
			// we need to move this block over to the new transaction
			block->original_data = block->parent_data;
			if (last == NULL)
				newTransaction->first_block = block;
				last->transaction_next = block;
			block->transaction = newTransaction;
			last = block;
		} else
			block->transaction = NULL;
		if (block->parent_data != NULL) {
			// move the block to the previous transaction list
			block->previous_transaction = transaction;
			block->parent_data = NULL;
		block->transaction_next = NULL;
	newTransaction->num_blocks = transaction->sub_num_blocks;
	transaction->open = false;
	transaction->has_sub_transaction = false;
	transaction->num_blocks = transaction->main_num_blocks;
	transaction->sub_num_blocks = 0;
	hash_insert(cache->transaction_hash, newTransaction);
	cache->last_transaction = newTransaction;
	return newTransaction->id;
fssh_cache_abort_sub_transaction(void* _cache, int32_t id)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	TRACE(("cache_abort_sub_transaction(id = %ld)\n", id));
	cache_transaction* transaction = lookup_transaction(cache, id);
	if (transaction == NULL) {
		fssh_panic("cache_abort_sub_transaction(): invalid transaction ID\n");
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	if (!transaction->has_sub_transaction)
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	notify_transaction_listeners(cache, transaction, FSSH_TRANSACTION_ABORTED);
	// revert all changes back to the version of the parent
	cached_block* block = transaction->first_block;
	cached_block* next;
	for (; block != NULL; block = next) {
		next = block->transaction_next;
		if (block->parent_data == NULL) {
			if (block->original_data != NULL) {
				// the parent transaction didn't change the block, but the sub
				// transaction did - we need to revert from the original data
				fssh_memcpy(block->current_data, block->original_data,
		} else if (block->parent_data != block->current_data) {
			// the block has been changed and must be restored
			TRACE(("cache_abort_sub_transaction(id = %ld): restored contents of block %Ld\n",
				transaction->id, block->block_number));
			fssh_memcpy(block->current_data, block->parent_data,
		block->parent_data = NULL;
		block->discard = false;
	// all subsequent changes will go into the main transaction
	transaction->has_sub_transaction = false;
	transaction->sub_num_blocks = 0;
	return FSSH_B_OK;
fssh_cache_start_sub_transaction(void* _cache, int32_t id)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	TRACE(("cache_start_sub_transaction(id = %d)\n", id));
	cache_transaction* transaction = lookup_transaction(cache, id);
	if (transaction == NULL) {
		fssh_panic("cache_start_sub_transaction(): invalid transaction ID %d\n", (int)id);
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	notify_transaction_listeners(cache, transaction, FSSH_TRANSACTION_ENDED);
	// move all changed blocks up to the parent
	cached_block* block = transaction->first_block;
	cached_block* last = NULL;
	cached_block* next;
	for (; block != NULL; block = next) {
		next = block->transaction_next;
		if (block->discard) {
			// This block has been discarded in the parent transaction
			if (last != NULL)
				last->transaction_next = next;
				transaction->first_block = next;
		if (transaction->has_sub_transaction
			&& block->parent_data != NULL
			&& block->parent_data != block->current_data) {
			// there already is an older sub transaction - we acknowledge
			// its changes and move its blocks up to the parent
		// we "allocate" the parent data lazily, that means, we don't copy
		// the data (and allocate memory for it) until we need to
		block->parent_data = block->current_data;
		last = block;
	// all subsequent changes will go into the sub transaction
	transaction->has_sub_transaction = true;
	transaction->main_num_blocks = transaction->num_blocks;
	transaction->sub_num_blocks = 0;
	return FSSH_B_OK;
/*!	Adds a transaction listener that gets notified when the transaction
	is ended or aborted.
	The listener gets automatically removed in this case.
fssh_cache_add_transaction_listener(void* _cache, int32_t id, int32_t events,
	fssh_transaction_notification_hook hookFunction, void* data)
	// TODO: this is currently not used in a critical context in BFS
	return FSSH_B_OK;
fssh_cache_remove_transaction_listener(void* _cache, int32_t id,
	fssh_transaction_notification_hook hookFunction, void* data)
	// TODO: this is currently not used in a critical context in BFS
	return FSSH_B_OK;
fssh_cache_next_block_in_transaction(void* _cache, int32_t id, bool mainOnly,
	long* _cookie, fssh_off_t* _blockNumber, void** _data,
	void** _unchangedData)
	cached_block* block = (cached_block*)*_cookie;
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	cache_transaction* transaction = lookup_transaction(cache, id);
	if (transaction == NULL || !transaction->open)
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	if (block == NULL)
		block = transaction->first_block;
		block = block->transaction_next;
	if (transaction->has_sub_transaction) {
		if (mainOnly) {
			// find next block that the parent changed
			while (block != NULL && block->parent_data == NULL)
				block = block->transaction_next;
		} else {
			// find next non-discarded block
			while (block != NULL && block->discard)
				block = block->transaction_next;
	if (block == NULL)
	if (_blockNumber)
		*_blockNumber = block->block_number;
	if (_data)
		*_data = mainOnly ? block->parent_data : block->current_data;
	if (_unchangedData)
		*_unchangedData = block->original_data;
	*_cookie = (fssh_addr_t)block;
	return FSSH_B_OK;
fssh_cache_blocks_in_transaction(void* _cache, int32_t id)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	cache_transaction* transaction = lookup_transaction(cache, id);
	if (transaction == NULL)
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	return transaction->num_blocks;
fssh_cache_blocks_in_main_transaction(void* _cache, int32_t id)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	cache_transaction* transaction = lookup_transaction(cache, id);
	if (transaction == NULL)
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	return transaction->main_num_blocks;
fssh_cache_blocks_in_sub_transaction(void* _cache, int32_t id)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	cache_transaction* transaction = lookup_transaction(cache, id);
	if (transaction == NULL)
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	return transaction->sub_num_blocks;
fssh_cache_has_block_in_transaction(void* _cache, int32_t id,
	fssh_off_t blockNumber)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	cached_block* block = (cached_block*)hash_lookup(cache->hash, &blockNumber);
	return (block != NULL && block->transaction != NULL
		&& block->transaction->id == id);
//	#pragma mark - public block cache API
fssh_block_cache_delete(void* _cache, bool allowWrites)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	if (allowWrites)
	// free all blocks
	uint32_t cookie = 0;
	cached_block* block;
	while ((block = (cached_block*)hash_remove_first(cache->hash,
			&cookie)) != NULL) {
	// free all transactions (they will all be aborted)
	cookie = 0;
	cache_transaction* transaction;
	while ((transaction = (cache_transaction*)hash_remove_first(
			cache->transaction_hash, &cookie)) != NULL) {
		delete transaction;
	delete cache;
fssh_block_cache_create(int fd, fssh_off_t numBlocks, fssh_size_t blockSize, bool readOnly)
	block_cache* cache = new(std::nothrow) block_cache(fd, numBlocks, blockSize,
	if (cache == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if (cache->Init() != FSSH_B_OK) {
		delete cache;
		return NULL;
	return cache;
fssh_block_cache_sync(void* _cache)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	// we will sync all dirty blocks to disk that have a completed
	// transaction or no transaction only
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	hash_iterator iterator;
	hash_open(cache->hash, &iterator);
	cached_block* block;
	while ((block = (cached_block*)hash_next(cache->hash, &iterator)) != NULL) {
		if (block->previous_transaction != NULL
			|| (block->transaction == NULL && block->is_dirty)) {
			fssh_status_t status = write_cached_block(cache, block);
			if (status != FSSH_B_OK)
				return status;
	hash_close(cache->hash, &iterator, false);
	return FSSH_B_OK;
fssh_block_cache_sync_etc(void* _cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber,
	fssh_size_t numBlocks)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	// we will sync all dirty blocks to disk that have a completed
	// transaction or no transaction only
	if (blockNumber < 0 || blockNumber >= cache->max_blocks) {
		fssh_panic("block_cache_sync_etc: invalid block number %" FSSH_B_PRIdOFF
			" (max %" FSSH_B_PRIdOFF ")", blockNumber, cache->max_blocks - 1);
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	for (; numBlocks > 0; numBlocks--, blockNumber++) {
		cached_block* block = (cached_block*)hash_lookup(cache->hash,
		if (block == NULL)
		if (block->previous_transaction != NULL
			|| (block->transaction == NULL && block->is_dirty)) {
			fssh_status_t status = write_cached_block(cache, block);
			if (status != FSSH_B_OK)
				return status;
	return FSSH_B_OK;
fssh_block_cache_discard(void* _cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber,
	fssh_size_t numBlocks)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	for (; numBlocks > 0; numBlocks--, blockNumber++) {
		cached_block* block = (cached_block*)hash_lookup(cache->hash,
		if (block == NULL)
		if (block->previous_transaction != NULL)
			write_cached_block(cache, block);
		if (block->unused) {
		} else {
			if (block->transaction != NULL && block->parent_data != NULL
				&& block->parent_data != block->current_data) {
				fssh_panic("Discarded block %" FSSH_B_PRIdOFF " has already "
					"been changed in this transaction!", blockNumber);
			// mark it as discarded (in the current transaction only, if any)
			block->discard = true;
fssh_block_cache_make_writable(void* _cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber,
	int32_t transaction)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	if (cache->read_only)
		fssh_panic("tried to make block writable on a read-only cache!");
	// TODO: this can be done better!
	void* block = get_writable_cached_block(cache, blockNumber,
		blockNumber, 1, transaction, false);
	if (block != NULL) {
		put_cached_block((block_cache*)_cache, blockNumber);
		return FSSH_B_OK;
	return FSSH_B_ERROR;
fssh_block_cache_get_writable_etc(void* _cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber, fssh_off_t base,
	fssh_off_t length, int32_t transaction)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	TRACE(("block_cache_get_writable_etc(block = %Ld, transaction = %ld)\n",
		blockNumber, transaction));
	if (cache->read_only)
		fssh_panic("tried to get writable block on a read-only cache!");
	return get_writable_cached_block(cache, blockNumber, base, length,
		transaction, false);
fssh_block_cache_get_writable(void* _cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber,
	int32_t transaction)
	return fssh_block_cache_get_writable_etc(_cache, blockNumber,
		blockNumber, 1, transaction);
fssh_block_cache_get_empty(void* _cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber,
	int32_t transaction)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	TRACE(("block_cache_get_empty(block = %Ld, transaction = %ld)\n",
		blockNumber, transaction));
	if (cache->read_only)
		fssh_panic("tried to get empty writable block on a read-only cache!");
	return get_writable_cached_block((block_cache*)_cache, blockNumber,
		blockNumber, 1, transaction, true);
const void*
fssh_block_cache_get_etc(void* _cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber, fssh_off_t base,
	fssh_off_t length)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	bool allocated;
	cached_block* block = get_cached_block(cache, blockNumber, &allocated);
	if (block == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if (block->compare == NULL)
		block->compare = cache->Allocate();
	if (block->compare != NULL)
		memcpy(block->compare, block->current_data, cache->block_size);
	return block->current_data;
const void*
fssh_block_cache_get(void* _cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber)
	return fssh_block_cache_get_etc(_cache, blockNumber, blockNumber, 1);
/*!	Changes the internal status of a writable block to \a dirty. This can be
	helpful in case you realize you don't need to change that block anymore
	for whatever reason.
	Note, you must only use this function on blocks that were acquired
fssh_block_cache_set_dirty(void* _cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber, bool dirty,
	int32_t transaction)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	cached_block* block = (cached_block*)hash_lookup(cache->hash,
	if (block == NULL)
		return FSSH_B_BAD_VALUE;
	if (block->is_dirty == dirty) {
		// there is nothing to do for us
		return FSSH_B_OK;
	// TODO: not yet implemented
	if (dirty)
		fssh_panic("block_cache_set_dirty(): not yet implemented that way!\n");
	return FSSH_B_OK;
fssh_block_cache_put(void* _cache, fssh_off_t blockNumber)
	block_cache* cache = (block_cache*)_cache;
	MutexLocker locker(&cache->lock);
	put_cached_block(cache, blockNumber);

V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: lock.

V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: next, id.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'fssh_panic' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'fssh_panic' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'fssh_panic' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'fssh_panic' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'fssh_panic' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'fssh_panic' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'fssh_panic' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'fssh_panic' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'fssh_panic' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'fssh_panic' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'fssh_panic' function. The memsize type argument is expected.

V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'fssh_panic' function. The memsize type argument is expected.