 * Copyright 2001-2015 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
 * Authors:
 *		Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de
 *		Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de
#include <Roster.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <new>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <AppFileInfo.h>
#include <Application.h>
#include <Bitmap.h>
#include <Directory.h>
#include <File.h>
#include <FindDirectory.h>
#include <fs_index.h>
#include <fs_info.h>
#include <image.h>
#include <List.h>
#include <Mime.h>
#include <Node.h>
#include <NodeInfo.h>
#include <OS.h>
#include <Path.h>
#include <Query.h>
#include <RegistrarDefs.h>
#include <String.h>
#include <Volume.h>
#include <VolumeRoster.h>
#include <locks.h>
#include <AppMisc.h>
#include <DesktopLink.h>
#include <LaunchRoster.h>
#include <MessengerPrivate.h>
#include <PortLink.h>
#include <RosterPrivate.h>
#include <ServerProtocol.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace BPrivate;
// debugging
//#define DBG(x) x
#define DBG(x)
#	define OUT printf
const BRoster* be_roster;
//	#pragma mark - Helper functions
/*!	Extracts an app_info from a BMessage.
	The function searchs for a field "app_info" typed B_REG_APP_INFO_TYPE
	and initializes \a info with the found data.
	\param message The message
	\param info A pointer to a pre-allocated app_info to be filled in with the
	       info found in the message.
	\return A status code.
	\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
	\retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a message or \a info.
static status_t
find_message_app_info(BMessage* message, app_info* info)
	status_t error = (message && info ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE);
	const flat_app_info* flatInfo = NULL;
	ssize_t size = 0;
	// find the flat app info in the message
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = message->FindData("app_info", B_REG_APP_INFO_TYPE,
			(const void**)&flatInfo, &size);
	// unflatten the flat info
	if (error == B_OK) {
		if (size == sizeof(flat_app_info)) {
			info->thread = flatInfo->thread;
			info->team = flatInfo->team;
			info->port = flatInfo->port;
			info->flags = flatInfo->flags;
			info->ref.device = flatInfo->ref_device;
			info->ref.directory = flatInfo->ref_directory;
			info->ref.name = NULL;
			memcpy(info->signature, flatInfo->signature, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH);
			if (strlen(flatInfo->ref_name) > 0)
		} else
			error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
/*!	Checks whether or not an application can be used.
	Currently it is only checked whether the application is in the trash.
	\param ref An entry_ref referring to the application executable.
	\return A status code, \c B_OK on success oir other error codes specifying
	        why the application cannot be used.
	\retval B_OK The application can be used.
	\retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND \a ref doesn't refer to and existing entry.
	\retval B_IS_A_DIRECTORY \a ref refers to a directory.
	\retval B_LAUNCH_FAILED_APP_IN_TRASH The application executable is in the
static status_t
can_app_be_used(const entry_ref* ref)
	status_t error = (ref ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE);
	// check whether the file exists and is a file.
	BEntry entry;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = entry.SetTo(ref, true);
	if (error == B_OK && !entry.Exists())
		error = B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND;
	if (error == B_OK && !entry.IsFile())
		error = B_IS_A_DIRECTORY;
	// check whether the file is in trash
	BPath trashPath;
	BDirectory directory;
	BVolume volume;
	if (error == B_OK
		&& volume.SetTo(ref->device) == B_OK
		&& find_directory(B_TRASH_DIRECTORY, &trashPath, false, &volume)
			== B_OK
		&& directory.SetTo(trashPath.Path()) == B_OK
		&& directory.Contains(&entry)) {
	return error;
/*!	Compares the supplied version infos.
	\param info1 The first info.
	\param info2 The second info.
	\return \c -1, if the first info is less than the second one, \c 1, if
	        the first one is greater than the second one, and \c 0, if both
	        are equal.
static int32
compare_version_infos(const version_info& info1, const version_info& info2)
	int32 result = 0;
	if (info1.major < info2.major)
		result = -1;
	else if (info1.major > info2.major)
		result = 1;
	else if (info1.middle < info2.middle)
		result = -1;
	else if (info1.middle > info2.middle)
		result = 1;
	else if (info1.minor < info2.minor)
		result = -1;
	else if (info1.minor > info2.minor)
		result = 1;
	else if (info1.variety < info2.variety)
		result = -1;
	else if (info1.variety > info2.variety)
		result = 1;
	else if (info1.internal < info2.internal)
		result = -1;
	else if (info1.internal > info2.internal)
		result = 1;
	return result;
/*!	Compares two applications to decide which one should be rather
	returned as a query result.
	First, it checks if both apps are in the path, and prefers the app that
	appears earlier.
	If both files have a version info, then those are compared.
	If one file has a version info, it is said to be greater. If both
	files have no version info, their modification times are compared.
	\param app1 An entry_ref referring to the first application.
	\param app2 An entry_ref referring to the second application.
	\return \c -1, if the first application version is less than the second
	        one, \c 1, if the first one is greater than the second one, and
	        \c 0, if both are equal.
static int32
compare_queried_apps(const entry_ref* app1, const entry_ref* app2)
	BPath path1(app1);
	BPath path2(app2);
	// Check search path
	const char* searchPathes = getenv("PATH");
	if (searchPathes != NULL) {
		char* searchBuffer = strdup(searchPathes);
		if (searchBuffer != NULL) {
			char* last;
			const char* path = strtok_r(searchBuffer, ":", &last);
			while (path != NULL) {
				// Check if any app path matches
				size_t length = strlen(path);
				bool found1 = !strncmp(path, path1.Path(), length)
					&& path1.Path()[length] == '/';
				bool found2 = !strncmp(path, path2.Path(), length)
					&& path2.Path()[length] == '/';;
				if (found1 != found2) {
					return found1 ? 1 : -1;
				path = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &last);
	// Check system servers folder
	BPath path;
	find_directory(B_SYSTEM_SERVERS_DIRECTORY, &path);
	BString serverPath(path.Path());
	serverPath << '/';
	size_t length = serverPath.Length();
	bool inSystem1 = !strncmp(serverPath.String(), path1.Path(), length);
	bool inSystem2 = !strncmp(serverPath.String(), path2.Path(), length);
	if (inSystem1 != inSystem2)
		return inSystem1 ? 1 : -1;
	// Check version info
	BFile file1;
	file1.SetTo(app1, B_READ_ONLY);
	BFile file2;
	file2.SetTo(app2, B_READ_ONLY);
	BAppFileInfo appFileInfo1;
	BAppFileInfo appFileInfo2;
	time_t modificationTime1 = 0;
	time_t modificationTime2 = 0;
	int32 result = 0;
	version_info versionInfo1;
	version_info versionInfo2;
	bool hasVersionInfo1 = (appFileInfo1.GetVersionInfo(
		&versionInfo1, B_APP_VERSION_KIND) == B_OK);
	bool hasVersionInfo2 = (appFileInfo2.GetVersionInfo(
		&versionInfo2, B_APP_VERSION_KIND) == B_OK);
	if (hasVersionInfo1) {
		if (hasVersionInfo2)
			result = compare_version_infos(versionInfo1, versionInfo2);
			result = 1;
	} else {
		if (hasVersionInfo2)
			result = -1;
		else if (modificationTime1 < modificationTime2)
			result = -1;
		else if (modificationTime1 > modificationTime2)
			result = 1;
	return result;
/*!	Finds an app by signature on any mounted volume.
	\param signature The app's signature.
	\param appRef A pointer to a pre-allocated entry_ref to be filled with
	       a reference to the found application's executable.
	\return A status code.
	\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
	\retval B_BAD_VALUE: \c NULL \a signature or \a appRef.
	\retval B_LAUNCH_FAILED_APP_NOT_FOUND: An application with this signature
	        could not be found.
static status_t
query_for_app(const char* signature, entry_ref* appRef)
	if (signature == NULL || appRef == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	status_t error = B_LAUNCH_FAILED_APP_NOT_FOUND;
	bool caseInsensitive = false;
	while (true) {
		// search on all volumes
		BVolumeRoster volumeRoster;
		BVolume volume;
		while (volumeRoster.GetNextVolume(&volume) == B_OK) {
			if (!volume.KnowsQuery())
			index_info info;
			if (fs_stat_index(volume.Device(), "BEOS:APP_SIG", &info) != 0) {
				// This volume doesn't seem to have the index we're looking for;
				// querying it might need a long time, and we don't care *that*
				// much...
			BQuery query;
			if (!caseInsensitive)
			else {
				// second pass, create a case insensitive query string
				char string[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH * 4];
				strlcpy(string, "application/", sizeof(string));
				int32 length = strlen(string);
				const char* from = signature + length;
				char* to = string + length;
				for (; from[0]; from++) {
					if (isalpha(from[0])) {
						*to++ = '[';
						*to++ = tolower(from[0]);
						*to++ = toupper(from[0]);
						*to++ = ']';
					} else
						*to++ = from[0];
				to[0] = '\0';
			// walk through the query
			bool appFound = false;
			status_t foundAppError = B_OK;
			entry_ref ref;
			while (query.GetNextRef(&ref) == B_OK) {
				if ((!appFound || compare_queried_apps(appRef, &ref) < 0)
					&& (foundAppError = can_app_be_used(&ref)) == B_OK) {
					*appRef = ref;
					appFound = true;
			if (!appFound) {
				// If the query didn't return any hits, the error is
				// B_LAUNCH_FAILED_APP_NOT_FOUND, otherwise we return the
				// result of the last can_app_be_used().
				error = foundAppError != B_OK
					? foundAppError : B_LAUNCH_FAILED_APP_NOT_FOUND;
			} else
				return B_OK;
		if (!caseInsensitive)
			caseInsensitive = true;
	return error;
//	#pragma mark - app_info
	signature[0] = '\0';
//	#pragma mark - BRoster::ArgVector
class BRoster::ArgVector {
			status_t			Init(int argc, const char* const* args,
									const entry_ref* appRef,
									const entry_ref* docRef);
			void				Unset();
	inline	int					Count() const { return fArgc; }
	inline	const char* const*	Args() const { return fArgs; }
			int					fArgc;
			const char**		fArgs;
			BPath				fAppPath;
			BPath				fDocPath;
//!	Creates an uninitialized ArgVector.
//!	Frees all resources associated with the ArgVector.
/*!	Initilizes the object according to the supplied parameters.
	If the initialization succeeds, the methods Count() and Args() grant
	access to the argument count and vector created by this methods.
	\note The returned vector is valid only as long as the elements of the
	supplied \a args (if any) are valid and this object is not destroyed.
	This object retains ownership of the vector returned by Args().
	In case of error, the value returned by Args() is invalid (or \c NULL).
	The argument vector is created as follows: First element is the path
	of the entry \a appRef refers to, then follow all elements of \a args
	and then, if \a args has at least one element and \a docRef can be
	resolved to a path, the path of the entry \a docRef refers to. That is,
	if no or an empty \a args vector is supplied, the resulting argument
	vector contains only one element, the path associated with \a appRef.
	\param argc Specifies the number of elements \a args contains.
	\param args Argument vector. May be \c NULL.
	\param appRef entry_ref referring to the entry whose path shall be the
	       first element of the resulting argument vector.
	\param docRef entry_ref referring to the entry whose path shall be the
	       last element of the resulting argument vector. May be \c NULL.
	- \c B_OK: Everything went fine.
	- \c B_BAD_VALUE: \c NULL \a appRef.
	- \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND or other file system error codes: \a appRef could
	  not be resolved to a path.
	- \c B_NO_MEMORY: Not enough memory to allocate for this operation.
BRoster::ArgVector::Init(int argc, const char* const* args,
	const entry_ref* appRef, const entry_ref* docRef)
	// unset old values
	status_t error = appRef ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
	// get app path
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fAppPath.SetTo(appRef);
	// determine number of arguments
	bool hasDocArg = false;
	if (error == B_OK) {
		fArgc = 1;
		if (argc > 0 && args) {
			fArgc += argc;
			if (docRef != NULL && fDocPath.SetTo(docRef) == B_OK) {
				hasDocArg = true;
		fArgs = new(nothrow) const char*[fArgc + 1];
			// + 1 for the terminating NULL
		if (!fArgs)
			error = B_NO_MEMORY;
	// init vector
	if (error == B_OK) {
		fArgs[0] = fAppPath.Path();
		if (argc > 0 && args != NULL) {
			for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
				fArgs[i + 1] = args[i];
			if (hasDocArg)
				fArgs[fArgc - 1] = fDocPath.Path();
		// NULL terminate (e.g. required by load_image())
		fArgs[fArgc] = NULL;
	return error;
//!	Uninitializes the object.
	fArgc = 0;
	delete[] fArgs;
	fArgs = NULL;
//	#pragma mark - BRoster
//	#pragma mark - Querying for apps
BRoster::IsRunning(const char* signature) const
	return (TeamFor(signature) >= 0);
BRoster::IsRunning(entry_ref* ref) const
	return (TeamFor(ref) >= 0);
BRoster::TeamFor(const char* signature) const
	team_id team;
	app_info info;
	status_t error = GetAppInfo(signature, &info);
	if (error == B_OK)
		team = info.team;
		team = error;
	return team;
BRoster::TeamFor(entry_ref* ref) const
	team_id team;
	app_info info;
	status_t error = GetAppInfo(ref, &info);
	if (error == B_OK)
		team = info.team;
		team = error;
	return team;
BRoster::GetAppList(BList* teamIDList) const
	status_t error = (teamIDList ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE);
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_GET_APP_LIST);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK) {
		if (reply.what == B_REG_SUCCESS) {
			team_id team;
			for (int32 i = 0; reply.FindInt32("teams", i, &team) == B_OK; i++)
		} else {
			if (reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK)
				error = B_ERROR;
			DBG(OUT("Roster request unsuccessful: %s\n", strerror(error)));
	} else {
		DBG(OUT("Sending message to roster failed: %s\n", strerror(error)));
BRoster::GetAppList(const char* signature, BList* teamIDList) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	if (signature == NULL || teamIDList == NULL)
		error = B_BAD_VALUE;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_GET_APP_LIST);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddString("signature", signature);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK) {
		if (reply.what == B_REG_SUCCESS) {
			team_id team;
			for (int32 i = 0; reply.FindInt32("teams", i, &team) == B_OK; i++)
		} else if (reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK)
			error = B_ERROR;
BRoster::GetAppInfo(const char* signature, app_info* info) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	if (signature == NULL || info == NULL)
		error = B_BAD_VALUE;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_GET_APP_INFO);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddString("signature", signature);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK) {
		if (reply.what == B_REG_SUCCESS)
			error = find_message_app_info(&reply, info);
		else if (reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK)
			error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
BRoster::GetAppInfo(entry_ref* ref, app_info* info) const
	status_t error = (ref && info ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE);
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_GET_APP_INFO);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddRef("ref", ref);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK) {
		if (reply.what == B_REG_SUCCESS)
			error = find_message_app_info(&reply, info);
		else if (reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK)
			error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
BRoster::GetRunningAppInfo(team_id team, app_info* info) const
	status_t error = (info ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE);
	if (error == B_OK && team < 0)
		error = B_BAD_TEAM_ID;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_GET_APP_INFO);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddInt32("team", team);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK) {
		if (reply.what == B_REG_SUCCESS)
			error = find_message_app_info(&reply, info);
		else if (reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK)
			error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
BRoster::GetActiveAppInfo(app_info* info) const
	if (info == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_GET_APP_INFO);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	status_t error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK) {
		if (reply.what == B_REG_SUCCESS)
			error = find_message_app_info(&reply, info);
		else if (reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK)
			error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
BRoster::FindApp(const char* mimeType, entry_ref* app) const
	if (mimeType == NULL || app == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	return _ResolveApp(mimeType, NULL, app, NULL, NULL, NULL);
BRoster::FindApp(entry_ref* ref, entry_ref* app) const
	if (ref == NULL || app == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	entry_ref _ref(*ref);
	return _ResolveApp(NULL, &_ref, app, NULL, NULL, NULL);
//	#pragma mark - Launching, activating, and broadcasting to apps
BRoster::Broadcast(BMessage* message) const
	return Broadcast(message, be_app_messenger);
BRoster::Broadcast(BMessage* message, BMessenger replyTo) const
	status_t error = (message ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE);
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_BROADCAST);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddInt32("team", BPrivate::current_team());
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddMessage("message", message);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddMessenger("reply_target", replyTo);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK && reply.what != B_REG_SUCCESS
		&& reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK)
		error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
BRoster::StartWatching(BMessenger target, uint32 eventMask) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_START_WATCHING);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddMessenger("target", target);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddInt32("events", (int32)eventMask);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK && reply.what != B_REG_SUCCESS
		&& reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK)
		error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
BRoster::StopWatching(BMessenger target) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_STOP_WATCHING);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddMessenger("target", target);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK && reply.what != B_REG_SUCCESS
		&& reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK)
		error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
BRoster::ActivateApp(team_id team) const
	BPrivate::DesktopLink link;
	status_t status = link.InitCheck();
	if (status < B_OK)
		return status;
	// prepare the message
	status_t error = link.StartMessage(AS_ACTIVATE_APP);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	error = link.Attach(link.ReceiverPort());
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	error = link.Attach(team);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	// send it
	status_t code;
	error = link.FlushWithReply(code);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	return code;
BRoster::Launch(const char* mimeType, BMessage* initialMessage,
	team_id* _appTeam) const
	if (mimeType == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	BList messageList;
	if (initialMessage != NULL)
	return _LaunchApp(mimeType, NULL, &messageList, 0, NULL,
		(const char**)environ, _appTeam, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
BRoster::Launch(const char* mimeType, BList* messageList,
	team_id* _appTeam) const
	if (mimeType == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	return _LaunchApp(mimeType, NULL, messageList, 0, NULL,
		(const char**)environ, _appTeam, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
BRoster::Launch(const char* mimeType, int argc, const char* const* args,
	team_id* _appTeam) const
	if (mimeType == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	return _LaunchApp(mimeType, NULL, NULL, argc, args, (const char**)environ,
		_appTeam, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
BRoster::Launch(const entry_ref* ref, const BMessage* initialMessage,
	team_id* _appTeam) const
	if (ref == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	BList messageList;
	if (initialMessage != NULL)
	return _LaunchApp(NULL, ref, &messageList, 0, NULL, (const char**)environ,
		_appTeam, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
BRoster::Launch(const entry_ref* ref, const BList* messageList,
	team_id* appTeam) const
	if (ref == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	return _LaunchApp(NULL, ref, messageList, 0, NULL, (const char**)environ,
		appTeam, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
BRoster::Launch(const entry_ref* ref, int argc, const char* const* args,
	team_id* appTeam) const
	if (ref == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	return _LaunchApp(NULL, ref, NULL, argc, args, (const char**)environ,
		appTeam, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
#if __GNUC__ == 2
// #pragma mark - Binary compatibility
extern "C" status_t
Launch__C7BRosterP9entry_refP8BMessagePl(BRoster* roster, entry_ref* ref,
	BMessage* initialMessage)
	return roster->BRoster::Launch(ref, initialMessage, NULL);
extern "C" status_t
Launch__C7BRosterPCciPPcPl(BRoster* roster, const char* mimeType,
	int argc, char** args, team_id* _appTeam)
	return roster->BRoster::Launch(mimeType, argc, args, _appTeam);
extern "C" status_t
Launch__C7BRosterP9entry_refiPPcPl(BRoster* roster, entry_ref* ref,
	int argc, char* const* args, team_id* _appTeam)
	return roster->BRoster::Launch(ref, argc, args, _appTeam);
#endif	// __GNUC__ == 2
//	#pragma mark - Recent document and app support
BRoster::GetRecentDocuments(BMessage* refList, int32 maxCount,
	const char* fileType, const char* signature) const
	if (refList == NULL)
	status_t error = maxCount > 0 ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
	// Use the message we've been given for both request and reply
	BMessage& message = *refList;
	BMessage& reply = *refList;
	status_t result;
	// Build and send the message, read the reply
	if (error == B_OK) {
		message.what = B_REG_GET_RECENT_DOCUMENTS;
		error = message.AddInt32("max count", maxCount);
	if (error == B_OK && fileType)
		error = message.AddString("file type", fileType);
	if (error == B_OK && signature)
		error = message.AddString("app sig", signature);
	fMessenger.SendMessage(&message, &reply);
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = reply.what == B_REG_RESULT
			? (status_t)B_OK : (status_t)B_BAD_REPLY;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = reply.FindInt32("result", &result);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = result;
	// Clear the result if an error occured
	if (error != B_OK && refList != NULL)
	// No return value, how sad :-(
	//return error;
BRoster::GetRecentDocuments(BMessage* refList, int32 maxCount,
	const char* fileTypes[], int32 fileTypesCount,
	const char* signature) const
	if (refList == NULL)
	status_t error = maxCount > 0 ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
	// Use the message we've been given for both request and reply
	BMessage& message = *refList;
	BMessage& reply = *refList;
	status_t result;
	// Build and send the message, read the reply
	if (error == B_OK) {
		message.what = B_REG_GET_RECENT_DOCUMENTS;
		error = message.AddInt32("max count", maxCount);
	if (error == B_OK && fileTypes) {
		for (int i = 0; i < fileTypesCount && error == B_OK; i++)
			error = message.AddString("file type", fileTypes[i]);
	if (error == B_OK && signature)
		error = message.AddString("app sig", signature);
	fMessenger.SendMessage(&message, &reply);
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = reply.what == B_REG_RESULT
			? (status_t)B_OK : (status_t)B_BAD_REPLY;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = reply.FindInt32("result", &result);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = result;
	// Clear the result if an error occured
	if (error != B_OK && refList != NULL)
	// No return value, how sad :-(
	//return error;
BRoster::GetRecentFolders(BMessage* refList, int32 maxCount,
	const char* signature) const
	if (refList == NULL)
	status_t error = maxCount > 0 ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
	// Use the message we've been given for both request and reply
	BMessage& message = *refList;
	BMessage& reply = *refList;
	status_t result;
	// Build and send the message, read the reply
	if (error == B_OK) {
		message.what = B_REG_GET_RECENT_FOLDERS;
		error = message.AddInt32("max count", maxCount);
	if (error == B_OK && signature)
		error = message.AddString("app sig", signature);
	fMessenger.SendMessage(&message, &reply);
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = reply.what == B_REG_RESULT
			? (status_t)B_OK : (status_t)B_BAD_REPLY;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = reply.FindInt32("result", &result);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = result;
	// Clear the result if an error occured
	if (error != B_OK && refList != NULL)
	// No return value, how sad :-(
	//return error;
BRoster::GetRecentApps(BMessage* refList, int32 maxCount) const
	if (refList == NULL)
	status_t err = maxCount > 0 ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
	// Use the message we've been given for both request and reply
	BMessage& message = *refList;
	BMessage& reply = *refList;
	status_t result;
	// Build and send the message, read the reply
	if (!err) {
		message.what = B_REG_GET_RECENT_APPS;
		err = message.AddInt32("max count", maxCount);
	fMessenger.SendMessage(&message, &reply);
	if (!err) {
		err = reply.what == B_REG_RESULT
			? (status_t)B_OK : (status_t)B_BAD_REPLY;
	if (!err)
		err = reply.FindInt32("result", &result);
	if (!err)
		err = result;
	// Clear the result if an error occured
	if (err && refList)
	// No return value, how sad :-(
	//return err;
BRoster::AddToRecentDocuments(const entry_ref* document,
	const char* signature) const
	status_t error = document ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
	// Use the message we've been given for both request and reply
	BMessage reply;
	status_t result;
	char* callingApplicationSignature = NULL;
	// If no signature is supplied, look up the signature of
	// the calling app
	if (error == B_OK && signature == NULL) {
		app_info info;
		error = GetRunningAppInfo(be_app->Team(), &info);
		if (error == B_OK)
			callingApplicationSignature = info.signature;
	// Build and send the message, read the reply
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = message.AddRef("ref", document);
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = message.AddString("app sig", signature != NULL
			? signature : callingApplicationSignature);
	fMessenger.SendMessage(&message, &reply);
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = reply.what == B_REG_RESULT
			? (status_t)B_OK : (status_t)B_BAD_REPLY;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = reply.FindInt32("result", &result);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = result;
	if (error != B_OK) {
		DBG(OUT("WARNING: BRoster::AddToRecentDocuments() failed with error "
			"0x%" B_PRIx32 "\n", error));
BRoster::AddToRecentFolders(const entry_ref* folder,
	const char* signature) const
	status_t error = folder ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE;
	// Use the message we've been given for both request and reply
	BMessage reply;
	status_t result;
	char* callingApplicationSignature = NULL;
	// If no signature is supplied, look up the signature of
	// the calling app
	if (error == B_OK && signature == NULL) {
		app_info info;
		error = GetRunningAppInfo(be_app->Team(), &info);
		if (error == B_OK)
			callingApplicationSignature = info.signature;
	// Build and send the message, read the reply
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = message.AddRef("ref", folder);
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = message.AddString("app sig",
			signature != NULL ? signature : callingApplicationSignature);
	fMessenger.SendMessage(&message, &reply);
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = reply.what == B_REG_RESULT
			? (status_t)B_OK : (status_t)B_BAD_REPLY;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = reply.FindInt32("result", &result);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = result;
	if (error != B_OK) {
		DBG(OUT("WARNING: BRoster::AddToRecentDocuments() failed with error "
			"0x%" B_PRIx32 "\n", error));
//	#pragma mark - Private or reserved
/*!	Shuts down the system.
	When \c synchronous is \c true and the method succeeds, it doesn't return.
	\param reboot If \c true, the system will be rebooted instead of being
	       powered off.
	\param confirm If \c true, the user will be asked to confirm to shut down
	       the system.
	\param synchronous If \c false, the method will return as soon as the
	       shutdown process has been initiated successfully (or an error
	       occurred). Otherwise the method doesn't return, if successfully.
	\return A status code, \c B_OK on success or another error code in case
	        something went wrong.
	\retval B_SHUTTING_DOWN, when there's already a shutdown process in
	\retval B_SHUTDOWN_CANCELLED, when the user cancelled the shutdown process,
BRoster::_ShutDown(bool reboot, bool confirm, bool synchronous)
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_SHUT_DOWN);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddBool("reboot", reboot);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddBool("confirm", confirm);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddBool("synchronous", synchronous);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK && reply.what != B_REG_SUCCESS
		&& reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK) {
		error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
/*!	(Pre-)Registers an application with the registrar.
	This methods is invoked either to register or to pre-register an
	application. Full registration is requested by supplying \c true via
	\a fullRegistration.
	A full registration requires \a signature, \a ref, \a flags, \a team,
	\a thread and \a port to contain valid values. No token will be return
	via \a pToken.
	For a pre-registration \a signature, \a ref, \a flags must be valid.
	\a team and \a thread are optional and should be set to -1, if they are
	unknown. If no team ID is supplied, \a pToken should be valid and, if the
	the pre-registration succeeds, will be filled with a unique token assigned
	by the roster.
	In both cases the registration may fail, if single/exclusive launch is
	requested and an instance of the application is already running. Then
	\c B_ALREADY_RUNNING is returned and the team ID of the running instance
	is passed back via \a otherTeam, if supplied.
	\param signature The application's signature
	\param ref An entry_ref referring to the app's executable
	\param flags The application's flags
	\param team The application's team ID
	\param thread The application's main thread
	\param port The application's looper port
	\param fullRegistration \c true for full, \c false for pre-registration
	\param pToken A pointer to a pre-allocated uint32 into which the token
	       assigned by the registrar is written (may be \c NULL)
	\param otherTeam A pointer to a pre-allocated team_id into which the
	       team ID of the already running instance of a single/exclusive
	       launch application is written (may be \c NULL)
	\return A status code
	\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
	\retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND \a ref didn't refer to a file.
	\retval B_ALREADY_RUNNING The application requested a single/exclusive
	        launch and an instance was already running.
	\retval B_REG_ALREADY_REGISTERED An application with the team ID \a team
	        was already registered.
BRoster::_AddApplication(const char* signature, const entry_ref* ref,
	uint32 flags, team_id team, thread_id thread, port_id port,
	bool fullRegistration, uint32* pToken, team_id* otherTeam) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_ADD_APP);
	if (error == B_OK && signature != NULL)
		error = request.AddString("signature", signature);
	if (error == B_OK && ref != NULL)
		error = request.AddRef("ref", ref);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddInt32("flags", (int32)flags);
	if (error == B_OK && team >= 0)
		error = request.AddInt32("team", team);
	if (error == B_OK && thread >= 0)
		error = request.AddInt32("thread", thread);
	if (error == B_OK && port >= 0)
		error = request.AddInt32("port", port);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddBool("full_registration", fullRegistration);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK) {
		if (reply.what == B_REG_SUCCESS) {
			if (!fullRegistration && team < 0) {
				uint32 token;
				if (reply.FindInt32("token", (int32*)&token) == B_OK) {
					if (pToken != NULL)
						*pToken = token;
				} else
					error = B_ERROR;
		} else {
			if (reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK)
				error = B_ERROR;
			// get team and token from the reply
			if (otherTeam != NULL
				&& reply.FindInt32("other_team", otherTeam) != B_OK) {
				*otherTeam = -1;
			if (pToken != NULL
				&& reply.FindInt32("token", (int32*)pToken) != B_OK) {
				*pToken = 0;
	return error;
/*!	Sets an application's signature.
	The application must be registered or at pre-registered with a valid
	team ID.
	\param team The app's team ID.
	\param signature The app's new signature.
	\return A status code.
	\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
	\retval B_REG_APP_NOT_REGISTERED The supplied team ID did not identify a
	        registered application.
BRoster::_SetSignature(team_id team, const char* signature) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_SET_SIGNATURE);
	if (team >= 0)
		error = request.AddInt32("team", team);
	if (error == B_OK && signature)
		error = request.AddString("signature", signature);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK && reply.what != B_REG_SUCCESS
		&& reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK) {
		error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
//!	\todo Really needed?
BRoster::_SetThread(team_id team, thread_id thread) const
/*!	Sets the team and thread IDs of a pre-registered application.
	After an application has been pre-registered via AddApplication(), without
	supplying a team ID, the team and thread IDs have to be set using this
	\param entryToken The token identifying the application (returned by
	\param thread The app's thread ID
	\param team The app's team ID
	\return A status code.
	\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
	\retval B_REG_APP_NOT_PRE_REGISTERED The supplied token did not identify a
	        pre-registered application.
BRoster::_SetThreadAndTeam(uint32 entryToken, thread_id thread,
	team_id team, port_id* _port) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_SET_THREAD_AND_TEAM);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddInt32("token", (int32)entryToken);
	if (error == B_OK && team >= 0)
		error = request.AddInt32("team", team);
	if (error == B_OK && thread >= 0)
		error = request.AddInt32("thread", thread);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK && reply.what != B_REG_SUCCESS
		&& reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK)
		error = B_ERROR;
	if (error == B_OK && _port != NULL)
		*_port = reply.GetInt32("port", -1);
	return error;
/*!	Completes the registration process for a pre-registered application.
	After an application has been pre-registered via AddApplication() and
	after assigning it a team ID (via SetThreadAndTeam()) the application is
	still pre-registered and must complete the registration.
	\param team The app's team ID
	\param thread The app's thread ID
	\param thread The app looper port
	\return A status code.
	\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
	\retval B_REG_APP_NOT_PRE_REGISTERED \a team did not identify an existing
	        application or the identified application was already fully
BRoster::_CompleteRegistration(team_id team, thread_id thread,
	port_id port) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	if (team >= 0)
		error = request.AddInt32("team", team);
	if (error == B_OK && thread >= 0)
		error = request.AddInt32("thread", thread);
	if (error == B_OK && port >= 0)
		error = request.AddInt32("port", port);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK && reply.what != B_REG_SUCCESS
		&& reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK) {
		error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
/*!	Returns whether an application is registered.
	If the application is indeed pre-registered and \a info is not \c NULL,
	the methods fills in the app_info structure pointed to by \a info.
	\param ref An entry_ref referring to the app's executable
	\param team The app's team ID. May be -1, if \a token is given.
	\param token The app's pre-registration token. May be 0, if \a team is
	\param preRegistered: Pointer to a pre-allocated bool to be filled in
	       by this method, indicating whether or not the app was
	\param info A pointer to a pre-allocated app_info structure to be filled
	       in by this method (may be \c NULL)
	\return \c B_OK, if the application is registered and all requested
	        information could be retrieved, or another error code, if the app
	        is not registered or an error occurred.
BRoster::_IsAppRegistered(const entry_ref* ref, team_id team,
	uint32 token, bool* preRegistered, app_info* info) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_IS_APP_REGISTERED);
	if (ref)
		error = request.AddRef("ref", ref);
	if (error == B_OK && team >= 0)
		error = request.AddInt32("team", team);
	if (error == B_OK && token > 0)
		error = request.AddInt32("token", (int32)token);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	bool isRegistered = false;
	bool isPreRegistered = false;
	if (error == B_OK) {
		if (reply.what == B_REG_SUCCESS) {
			if (reply.FindBool("registered", &isRegistered) != B_OK
				|| !isRegistered
				|| reply.FindBool("pre-registered", &isPreRegistered) != B_OK) {
				error = B_ERROR;
			if (error == B_OK && preRegistered)
				*preRegistered = isPreRegistered;
			if (error == B_OK && info)
				error = find_message_app_info(&reply, info);
		} else if (reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK)
			error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
/*!	Completely unregisters a pre-registered application.
	This method can only be used to unregister applications that don't have
	a team ID assigned yet. All other applications must be unregistered via
	\param entryToken The token identifying the application (returned by
	\return A status code.
	\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
	\retval B_REG_APP_NOT_PRE_REGISTERED The supplied token did not identify
	        a pre-registered application.
BRoster::_RemovePreRegApp(uint32 entryToken) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddInt32("token", (int32)entryToken);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK && reply.what != B_REG_SUCCESS
		&& reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK) {
		error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
/*!	Unregisters a (pre-)registered application.
	This method must be used to unregister applications that already have
	a team ID assigned, i.e. also for pre-registered application for which
	SetThreadAndTeam() has already been invoked.
	\param team The app's team ID
	\return A status code.
	\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
	\retval B_REG_APP_NOT_REGISTERED The supplied team ID does not identify a
	        (pre-)registered application.
BRoster::_RemoveApp(team_id team) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_REMOVE_APP);
	if (team >= 0)
		error = request.AddInt32("team", team);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	if (error == B_OK && reply.what != B_REG_SUCCESS
		&& reply.FindInt32("error", &error) != B_OK) {
		error = B_ERROR;
	return error;
BRoster::_ApplicationCrashed(team_id team)
	BPrivate::DesktopLink link;
	if (link.InitCheck() != B_OK)
	if (link.StartMessage(AS_APP_CRASHED) == B_OK
		&& link.Attach(team) == B_OK) {
/*!	Tells the registrar which application is currently active.
	It's called from within the app_server when the active application is
	As it's called in the event loop, it must run asynchronously and cannot
	wait for a reply.
BRoster::_UpdateActiveApp(team_id team) const
	if (team < B_OK)
		return B_BAD_TEAM_ID;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_UPDATE_ACTIVE_APP);
	status_t status = request.AddInt32("team", team);
	if (status < B_OK)
		return status;
	// send the request
	return fMessenger.SendMessage(&request);
/*!	Launches the application associated with the supplied MIME type or
	the entry referred to by the supplied entry_ref.
	The application to be started is searched the same way FindApp() does it.
	At least one of \a mimeType or \a ref must not be \c NULL. If \a mimeType
	is supplied, \a ref is ignored for finding the application.
	If \a ref does refer to an application executable, that application is
	launched. Otherwise the respective application is searched and launched,
	and \a ref is sent to it in a \c B_REFS_RECEIVED message, unless other
	arguments are passed via \a argc and \a args -- then the entry_ref is
	converted into a path (C-string) and added to the argument vector.
	\a messageList contains messages to be sent to the application
	"on launch", i.e. before ReadyToRun() is invoked on the BApplication
	object. The caller retains ownership of the supplied BList and the
	contained BMessages. In case the method fails with \c B_ALREADY_RUNNING
	the messages are delivered to the already running instance. The same
	applies to the \c B_REFS_RECEIVED message.
	The supplied \a argc and \a args are (if containing at least one argument)
	put into a \c B_ARGV_RECEIVED message and sent to the launched application
	"on launch". The caller retains ownership of the supplied \a args.
	In case the method fails with \c B_ALREADY_RUNNING the message is
	delivered to the already running instance. The same applies to the
	\c B_REFS_RECEIVED message, if no arguments are supplied via \a argc and
	If \a launchSuspended is set to true, the main thread of the loaded app
	(returned in \a appThread) is kept in the suspended state and not
	automatically resumed.
	\param mimeType MIME type for which the application shall be launched.
	       May be \c NULL.
	\param ref entry_ref referring to the file for which an application shall
	       be launched. May be \c NULL.
	\param messageList Optional list of messages to be sent to the application
	       "on launch". May be \c NULL.
	\param argc Specifies the number of elements in \a args.
	\param args An array of C-strings to be sent as B_ARGV_RECEIVED messaged
	       to the launched application.
	\param appTeam Pointer to a pre-allocated team_id variable to be set to
	       the team ID of the launched application.
	\param appThread Pointer to a pre-allocated thread_id variable to
		   be set to the thread ID of the launched main thread.
	\param launchSuspended Indicates whether to keep the app thread in the
		   suspended state or resume it.
	\return A status code.
	\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
	\retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a mimeType
	\retval B_LAUNCH_FAILED_NO_PREFERRED_APP Neither with the supplied type
	        nor with its supertype (if the supplied isn't a supertype itself)
	        a preferred application is associated.
	\retval B_LAUNCH_FAILED_APP_NOT_FOUND The supplied type is not installed
	        or its preferred application could not be found.
	\retval B_LAUNCH_FAILED_APP_IN_TRASH The supplied type's preferred
	        application was in the trash.
	\retval B_LAUNCH_FAILED_EXECUTABLE The found application was not
BRoster::_LaunchApp(const char* mimeType, const entry_ref* ref,
	const BList* messageList, int argc, const char* const* args,
	const char** environment, team_id* _appTeam, thread_id* _appThread,
	port_id* _appPort, uint32* _appToken, bool launchSuspended) const
	if (_appTeam != NULL) {
		// we're supposed to set _appTeam to -1 on error; we'll
		// reset it later if everything goes well
		*_appTeam = -1;
	if (mimeType == NULL && ref == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	// use a mutable copy of the document entry_ref
	entry_ref _docRef;
	entry_ref* docRef = NULL;
	if (ref != NULL) {
		_docRef = *ref;
		docRef = &_docRef;
	uint32 otherAppFlags = B_REG_DEFAULT_APP_FLAGS;
	uint32 appFlags = B_REG_DEFAULT_APP_FLAGS;
	bool alreadyRunning = false;
	bool wasDocument = true;
	status_t error = B_OK;
	ArgVector argVector;
	team_id team = -1;
	thread_id appThread = -1;
	port_id appPort = -1;
	uint32 appToken = 0;
	while (true) {
		// find the app
		entry_ref appRef;
		char signature[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH];
		error = _ResolveApp(mimeType, docRef, &appRef, signature,
			&appFlags, &wasDocument);
		DBG(OUT("  find app: %s (%" B_PRIx32 ") %s \n", strerror(error), error,
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
		// build an argument vector
		error = argVector.Init(argc, args, &appRef,
			wasDocument ? docRef : NULL);
		DBG(OUT("  build argv: %s (%" B_PRIx32 ")\n", strerror(error), error));
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
		// pre-register the app (but ignore scipts)
		app_info appInfo;
		bool isScript = wasDocument && docRef != NULL && *docRef == appRef;
		if (!isScript && !fNoRegistrar) {
			error = _AddApplication(signature, &appRef, appFlags, -1, -1, -1,
				false, &appToken, &team);
			if (error == B_ALREADY_RUNNING) {
				DBG(OUT("  already running\n"));
				alreadyRunning = true;
				// get the app flags for the running application
				error = _IsAppRegistered(&appRef, team, appToken, NULL,
				if (error == B_OK) {
					otherAppFlags = appInfo.flags;
					appPort = appInfo.port;
					team = appInfo.team;
			DBG(OUT("  pre-register: %s (%" B_PRIx32 ")\n", strerror(error),
		// launch the app
		if (error == B_OK && !alreadyRunning) {
			DBG(OUT("  token: %" B_PRIu32 "\n", appToken));
			// load the app image
			appThread = load_image(argVector.Count(),
				const_cast<const char**>(argVector.Args()), environment);
			// get the app team
			if (appThread >= 0) {
				thread_info threadInfo;
				error = get_thread_info(appThread, &threadInfo);
				if (error == B_OK)
					team = threadInfo.team;
			} else if (wasDocument && appThread == B_NOT_AN_EXECUTABLE)
				error = appThread;
			DBG(OUT("  load image: %s (%" B_PRIx32 ")\n", strerror(error),
			// finish the registration
			if (error == B_OK && !isScript && !fNoRegistrar)
				error = _SetThreadAndTeam(appToken, appThread, team, &appPort);
			DBG(OUT("  set thread and team: %s (%" B_PRIx32 ")\n",
				strerror(error), error));
			// resume the launched team
			if (error == B_OK && !launchSuspended)
				error = resume_thread(appThread);
			DBG(OUT("  resume thread: %s (%" B_PRIx32 ")\n", strerror(error),
			// on error: kill the launched team and unregister the app
			if (error != B_OK) {
				if (appThread >= 0)
				if (!isScript) {
					if (!fNoRegistrar)
					if (!wasDocument) {
						// Remove app hint if it's this one
						BMimeType appType(signature);
						entry_ref hintRef;
						if (appType.InitCheck() == B_OK
							&& appType.GetAppHint(&hintRef) == B_OK
							&& appRef == hintRef) {
							// try again
		// Don't try again
	if (alreadyRunning && current_team() == team) {
		// The target team is calling us, so we don't send it the message
		// to prevent an endless loop
		error = B_BAD_VALUE;
	// send "on launch" messages
	if (error == B_OK && !fNoRegistrar) {
		// If the target app is B_ARGV_ONLY, only if it is newly launched
		// messages are sent to it (namely B_ARGV_RECEIVED and B_READY_TO_RUN).
		// An already running B_ARGV_ONLY app won't get any messages.
		bool argvOnly = (appFlags & B_ARGV_ONLY) != 0
			|| (alreadyRunning && (otherAppFlags & B_ARGV_ONLY) != 0);
		const BList* _messageList = (argvOnly ? NULL : messageList);
		// don't send ref, if it refers to the app or is included in the
		// argument vector
		const entry_ref* _ref = argvOnly || !wasDocument
			|| argVector.Count() > 1 ? NULL : docRef;
		if (!(argvOnly && alreadyRunning)) {
			_SendToRunning(team, argVector.Count(), argVector.Args(),
				_messageList, _ref, alreadyRunning);
	// set return values
	if (error == B_OK) {
		if (alreadyRunning)
		else if (_appTeam)
			*_appTeam = team;
		if (_appThread != NULL)
			*_appThread = appThread;
		if (_appPort != NULL)
			*_appPort = appPort;
		if (_appToken != NULL)
			*_appToken = appToken;
	DBG(OUT("BRoster::_LaunchApp() done: %s (%" B_PRIx32 ")\n",
		strerror(error), error));
	return error;
BRoster::_SetAppFlags(team_id team, uint32 flags) const
BRoster::_DumpRoster() const
/*!	Finds an application associated with a MIME type or a file.
	It does also supply the caller with some more information about the
	application, like signature, app flags and whether the supplied
	MIME type/entry_ref already identified an application.
	At least one of \a inType or \a ref must not be \c NULL. If \a inType is
	supplied, \a ref is ignored.
	If \a ref refers to a link, it is updated with the entry_ref for the
	resolved entry.
	\see FindApp() for how the application is searched.
	\a signature is set to a string with length 0, if the found
	application has no signature.
	\param inType The MIME type for which an application shall be found.
	       May be \c NULL.
	\param ref The file for which an application shall be found.
	       May be \c NULL.
	\param appRef A pointer to a pre-allocated entry_ref to be filled with
	       a reference to the found application's executable. May be \c NULL.
	\param signature A pointer to a pre-allocated char buffer of at
	       least size \c B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH to be filled with the signature of
	       the found application. May be \c NULL.
	\param appFlags A pointer to a pre-allocated uint32 variable to be filled
	       with the app flags of the found application. May be \c NULL.
	\param wasDocument A pointer to a pre-allocated bool variable to be set to
	       \c true, if the supplied file was not identifying an application,
	       to \c false otherwise. Has no meaning, if a \a inType is supplied.
	       May be \c NULL.
	\return A status code.
	\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
	\retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a inType and \a ref.
	\see FindApp() for other error codes.
BRoster::_ResolveApp(const char* inType, entry_ref* ref,
	entry_ref* _appRef, char* _signature, uint32* _appFlags,
	bool* _wasDocument) const
	if ((inType == NULL && ref == NULL)
		|| (inType != NULL && strlen(inType) >= B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH))
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	// find the app
	BMimeType appMeta;
	BFile appFile;
	entry_ref appRef;
	status_t error;
	if (inType != NULL) {
		error = _TranslateType(inType, &appMeta, &appRef, &appFile);
		if (_wasDocument != NULL)
			*_wasDocument = !(appMeta == inType);
	} else {
		error = _TranslateRef(ref, &appMeta, &appRef, &appFile,
	// create meta mime
	if (!fNoRegistrar && error == B_OK) {
		BPath path;
		if (path.SetTo(&appRef) == B_OK)
			create_app_meta_mime(path.Path(), false, true, false);
	// set the app hint on the type -- but only if the file has the
	// respective signature, otherwise unset the app hint
	BAppFileInfo appFileInfo;
	if (!fNoRegistrar && error == B_OK) {
		char signature[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH];
		if (appFileInfo.SetTo(&appFile) == B_OK
			&& appFileInfo.GetSignature(signature) == B_OK) {
			if (!strcasecmp(appMeta.Type(), signature)) {
				// Only set the app hint if there is none yet
				entry_ref dummyRef;
				if (appMeta.GetAppHint(&dummyRef) != B_OK)
			} else {
		} else
	// set the return values
	if (error == B_OK) {
		if (_appRef)
			*_appRef = appRef;
		if (_signature != NULL) {
			// there's no warranty, that appMeta is valid
			if (appMeta.IsValid()) {
				strlcpy(_signature, appMeta.Type(),
			} else
				_signature[0] = '\0';
		if (_appFlags != NULL) {
			// if an error occurs here, we don't care and just set a default
			// value
			if (appFileInfo.InitCheck() != B_OK
				|| appFileInfo.GetAppFlags(_appFlags) != B_OK) {
				*_appFlags = B_REG_DEFAULT_APP_FLAGS;
	} else {
		// unset the ref on error
		if (_appRef != NULL)
			*_appRef = appRef;
	return error;
/*!	\brief Finds an application associated with a file.
	\a appMeta is left unmodified, if the file is executable, but has no
	\see FindApp() for how the application is searched.
	If \a ref refers to a link, it is updated with the entry_ref for the
	resolved entry.
	\param ref The file for which an application shall be found.
	\param appMeta A pointer to a pre-allocated BMimeType to be set to the
	       signature of the found application.
	\param appRef A pointer to a pre-allocated entry_ref to be filled with
	       a reference to the found application's executable.
	\param appFile A pointer to a pre-allocated BFile to be set to the
	       executable of the found application.
	\param wasDocument A pointer to a pre-allocated bool variable to be set to
	       \c true, if the supplied file was not identifying an application,
	       to \c false otherwise. May be \c NULL.
	\return A status code.
	\retval B_OK: Everything went fine.
	\retval B_BAD_VALUE: \c NULL \a ref, \a appMeta, \a appRef or \a appFile.
	\see FindApp() for other error codes.
BRoster::_TranslateRef(entry_ref* ref, BMimeType* appMeta,
	entry_ref* appRef, BFile* appFile, bool* _wasDocument) const
	if (ref == NULL || appMeta == NULL || appRef == NULL || appFile == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	// resolve ref, if necessary
	BEntry entry;
	status_t error = entry.SetTo(ref, false);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	if (entry.IsSymLink()) {
		// ref refers to a link
		if (entry.SetTo(ref, true) != B_OK || entry.GetRef(ref) != B_OK)
	// init node
	BNode node;
	error = node.SetTo(ref);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	// get permissions
	mode_t permissions;
	error = node.GetPermissions(&permissions);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	if ((permissions & S_IXUSR) != 0 && node.IsFile()) {
		// node is executable and a file
		error = appFile->SetTo(ref, B_READ_ONLY);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
		// get the app's signature via a BAppFileInfo
		BAppFileInfo appFileInfo;
		error = appFileInfo.SetTo(appFile);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
		// don't worry, if the file doesn't have a signature, just
		// unset the supplied object
		char type[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH];
		if (appFileInfo.GetSignature(type) == B_OK) {
			error = appMeta->SetTo(type);
			if (error != B_OK)
				return error;
		} else
		// If the file type indicates that the file is an application, we've
		// definitely got what we're looking for.
		bool isDocument = true;
		if (_GetFileType(ref, &appFileInfo, type) == B_OK
			&& strcasecmp(type, B_APP_MIME_TYPE) == 0) {
			isDocument = false;
		// If our file is not an application executable, we probably have a
		// script. Check whether the file has a preferred application set. If
		// so, we fall through and use the preferred app instead. Otherwise
		// we're done.
		char preferredApp[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH];
		if (!isDocument || appFileInfo.GetPreferredApp(preferredApp) != B_OK) {
			*appRef = *ref;
			if (_wasDocument != NULL)
				*_wasDocument = isDocument;
			return B_OK;
		// Executable file, but not an application, and it has a preferred
		// application set. Fall through...
	// the node is not exectuable or not a file
	// init a node info
	BNodeInfo nodeInfo;
	error = nodeInfo.SetTo(&node);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	// if the file has a preferred app, let _TranslateType() find
	// it for us
	char preferredApp[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH];
	if (nodeInfo.GetPreferredApp(preferredApp) == B_OK
		&& _TranslateType(preferredApp, appMeta, appRef, appFile) == B_OK) {
		if (_wasDocument != NULL)
			*_wasDocument = true;
		return B_OK;
	// no preferred app or existing one was not found -- we
	// need to get the file's type
	// get the type from the file
	char fileType[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH];
	error = _GetFileType(ref, &nodeInfo, fileType);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	// now let _TranslateType() do the actual work
	error = _TranslateType(fileType, appMeta, appRef, appFile);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	if (_wasDocument != NULL)
		*_wasDocument = true;
	return B_OK;
/*!	Finds an application associated with a MIME type.
	\see FindApp() for how the application is searched.
	\param mimeType The MIME type for which an application shall be found.
	\param appMeta A pointer to a pre-allocated BMimeType to be set to the
	       signature of the found application.
	\param appRef A pointer to a pre-allocated entry_ref to be filled with
	       a reference to the found application's executable.
	\param appFile A pointer to a pre-allocated BFile to be set to the
	       executable of the found application.
	\return A status code.
	\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
	\retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a mimeType, \a appMeta, \a appRef or
	        \a appFile.
	\see FindApp() for other error codes.
BRoster::_TranslateType(const char* mimeType, BMimeType* appMeta,
	entry_ref* appRef, BFile* appFile) const
	if (mimeType == NULL || appMeta == NULL || appRef == NULL
		|| appFile == NULL || strlen(mimeType) >= B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH) {
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	// Create a BMimeType and check, if the type is installed.
	BMimeType type;
	status_t error = type.SetTo(mimeType);
	// Get the preferred apps from the sub and super type.
	char primarySignature[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH];
	char secondarySignature[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH];
	primarySignature[0] = '\0';
	secondarySignature[0] = '\0';
	if (error == B_OK) {
		BMimeType superType;
		if (type.GetSupertype(&superType) == B_OK)
		if (type.IsInstalled()) {
			if (type.GetPreferredApp(primarySignature) != B_OK) {
				// The type is installed, but has no preferred app.
				primarySignature[0] = '\0';
			} else if (!strcmp(primarySignature, secondarySignature)) {
				// Both types have the same preferred app, there is
				// no point in testing it twice.
				secondarySignature[0] = '\0';
		} else {
			// The type is not installed. We assume it is an app signature.
			strlcpy(primarySignature, mimeType, sizeof(primarySignature));
	// We will use this BMessage "signatures" to hold all supporting apps
	// so we can iterator over them in the preferred order. We include
	// the supporting apps in such a way that the configured preferred
	// applications for the MIME type are in front of other supporting
	// applications for the sub and the super type respectively.
	const char* kSigField = "applications";
	BMessage signatures;
	bool addedSecondarySignature = false;
	if (error == B_OK) {
		if (primarySignature[0] != '\0')
			error = signatures.AddString(kSigField, primarySignature);
		else {
			// If there is a preferred app configured for the super type,
			// but no preferred type for the sub-type, add the preferred
			// super type handler in front of any other handlers. This way
			// we fall-back to non-preferred but supporting apps only in the
			// case when there is a preferred handler for the sub-type but
			// it cannot be resolved (misconfiguration).
			if (secondarySignature[0] != '\0') {
				error = signatures.AddString(kSigField, secondarySignature);
				addedSecondarySignature = true;
	BMessage supportingSignatures;
	if (error == B_OK
		&& type.GetSupportingApps(&supportingSignatures) == B_OK) {
		int32 subCount;
		if (supportingSignatures.FindInt32("be:sub", &subCount) != B_OK)
			subCount = 0;
		// Add all signatures with direct support for the sub-type.
		const char* supportingType;
		if (!addedSecondarySignature) {
			// Try to add the secondarySignature in front of all other
			// supporting apps, if we find it among those.
			for (int32 i = 0; error == B_OK && i < subCount
					&& supportingSignatures.FindString(kSigField, i,
						&supportingType) == B_OK; i++) {
				if (strcmp(primarySignature, supportingType) != 0
					&& strcmp(secondarySignature, supportingType) == 0) {
					error = signatures.AddString(kSigField, supportingType);
					addedSecondarySignature = true;
		for (int32 i = 0; error == B_OK && i < subCount
				&& supportingSignatures.FindString(kSigField, i,
					&supportingType) == B_OK; i++) {
			if (strcmp(primarySignature, supportingType) != 0
				&& strcmp(secondarySignature, supportingType) != 0) {
				error = signatures.AddString(kSigField, supportingType);
		// Add the preferred type of the super type here before adding
		// the other types supporting the super type, but only if we have
		// not already added it in case there was no preferred app for the
		// sub-type configured.
		if (error == B_OK && !addedSecondarySignature
			&& secondarySignature[0] != '\0') {
			error = signatures.AddString(kSigField, secondarySignature);
		// Add all signatures with support for the super-type.
		for (int32 i = subCount; error == B_OK
				&& supportingSignatures.FindString(kSigField, i,
					&supportingType) == B_OK; i++) {
			// Don't add the signature if it's one of the preferred apps
			// already.
			if (strcmp(primarySignature, supportingType) != 0
				&& strcmp(secondarySignature, supportingType) != 0) {
				error = signatures.AddString(kSigField, supportingType);
	} else {
		// Failed to get supporting apps, just add the preferred apps.
		if (error == B_OK && secondarySignature[0] != '\0')
			error = signatures.AddString(kSigField, secondarySignature);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	// Set an error in case we can't resolve a single supporting app.
	// See if we can find a good application that is valid from the messege.
	const char* signature;
	for (int32 i = 0;
		signatures.FindString(kSigField, i, &signature) == B_OK; i++) {
		if (signature[0] == '\0')
		error = appMeta->SetTo(signature);
		// Check, whether the signature is installed and has an app hint
		bool appFound = false;
		if (error == B_OK && appMeta->GetAppHint(appRef) == B_OK) {
			// Resolve symbolic links, if necessary
			BEntry entry;
			if (entry.SetTo(appRef, true) == B_OK && entry.IsFile()
				&& entry.GetRef(appRef) == B_OK) {
				appFound = true;
			} else {
				// Bad app hint -- remove it
		// In case there is no app hint or it is invalid, we need to query for
		// the app.
		if (error == B_OK && !appFound)
			error = query_for_app(appMeta->Type(), appRef);
		if (error == B_OK)
			error = appFile->SetTo(appRef, B_READ_ONLY);
		// check, whether the app can be used
		if (error == B_OK)
			error = can_app_be_used(appRef);
		if (error == B_OK)
	return error;
/*!	Gets the type of a file either from the node info or by sniffing.
	The method first tries to get the file type from the supplied node info. If
	that didn't work, the given entry ref is sniffed.
	\param file An entry_ref referring to the file in question.
	\param nodeInfo A BNodeInfo initialized to the file.
	\param mimeType A pointer to a pre-allocated char buffer of at least size
	       \c B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH to be filled with the MIME type sniffed for
	       the file.
	\return A status code.
	\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
	\retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a file, \a nodeInfo or \a mimeType.
BRoster::_GetFileType(const entry_ref* file, BNodeInfo* nodeInfo,
	char* mimeType) const
	// first try the node info
	if (nodeInfo->GetType(mimeType) == B_OK)
		return B_OK;
	if (fNoRegistrar)
		return B_NO_INIT;
	// Try to update the file's MIME info and just read the updated type.
	// If that fails, sniff manually.
	BPath path;
	if (path.SetTo(file) != B_OK
		|| update_mime_info(path.Path(), false, true, false) != B_OK
		|| nodeInfo->GetType(mimeType) != B_OK) {
		BMimeType type;
		status_t error = BMimeType::GuessMimeType(file, &type);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
		if (!type.IsValid())
			return B_BAD_VALUE;
		strlcpy(mimeType, type.Type(), B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH);
	return B_OK;
/*!	Sends messages to a running team.
	In particular those messages are \c B_ARGV_RECEIVED, \c B_REFS_RECEIVED,
	\c B_READY_TO_RUN and other, arbitrary, ones.
	If \a messageList is not \c NULL or empty, those messages are sent first,
	then follow \c B_ARGV_RECEIVED, \c B_REFS_RECEIVED and finally
	\c B_ARGV_RECEIVED is sent only, if \a args is not \c NULL and contains
	more than one element. \c B_REFS_RECEIVED is sent only, if \a ref is not
	\c NULL.
	The ownership of all supplied objects retains to the caller.
	\param team The team ID of the target application.
	\param argc Number of elements in \a args.
	\param args Argument vector to be sent to the target. May be \c NULL.
	\param messageList List of BMessages to be sent to the target. May be
	       \c NULL or empty.
	\param ref entry_ref to be sent to the target. May be \c NULL.
	\param alreadyRunning \c true, if the target app is not newly launched,
	       but was already running, \c false otherwise (a \c B_READY_TO_RUN
	       message will be sent in this case).
	\return \c B_OK if everything went fine, or an error code otherwise.
BRoster::_SendToRunning(team_id team, int argc, const char* const* args,
	const BList* messageList, const entry_ref* ref,
	bool alreadyRunning) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// Construct a messenger to the app: We can't use the public constructor,
	// since the target application may be B_ARGV_ONLY.
	app_info info;
	error = GetRunningAppInfo(team, &info);
	if (error == B_OK) {
		BMessenger messenger;
		BMessenger::Private(messenger).SetTo(team, info.port,
		// send messages from the list
		if (messageList != NULL) {
			for (int32 i = 0;
					BMessage* message = (BMessage*)messageList->ItemAt(i);
					i++) {
		// (if already running)
		if (args != NULL && argc > 1) {
			BMessage message(B_ARGV_RECEIVED);
			message.AddInt32("argc", argc);
			for (int32 i = 0; i < argc; i++)
				message.AddString("argv", args[i]);
			// also add current working directory
			char cwd[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH];
			if (getcwd(cwd, B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH) != NULL)
				message.AddString("cwd", cwd);
		} else if (ref != NULL) {
			DBG(OUT("_SendToRunning : B_REFS_RECEIVED\n"));
			BMessage message(B_REFS_RECEIVED);
			message.AddRef("refs", ref);
		} else if (alreadyRunning && (!messageList || messageList->IsEmpty()))
		if (!alreadyRunning) {
			// send B_READY_TO_RUN
			DBG(OUT("_SendToRunning : B_READY_TO_RUN\n"));
	return error;
/*!	Allows to use certain functionality of the BRoster class without
	accessing the registrar.
BRoster::_SetWithoutRegistrar(bool noRegistrar)
	fNoRegistrar = noRegistrar;
	// find the registrar port
	BMessage data;
	if (BLaunchRoster().GetData(B_REGISTRAR_SIGNATURE, data) == B_OK) {
		port_id port = data.GetInt32("port", -1);
		team_id team = data.GetInt32("team", -1);
		if (port >= 0 && team != current_team()) {
			// Make sure we aren't the registrar ourselves.
			DBG(OUT("  found roster port\n"));
			BMessenger::Private(fMessenger).SetTo(team, port,
	port_id rosterPort = find_port(B_REGISTRAR_PORT_NAME);
	port_info info;
	if (rosterPort >= 0 && get_port_info(rosterPort, &info) == B_OK) {
		DBG(OUT("  found roster port\n"));
		BMessenger::Private(fMessenger).SetTo(info.team, rosterPort,
	DBG(OUT("BRoster::InitMessengers() done\n"));
/*static*/ status_t
BRoster::_InitMimeMessenger(void* data)
	BRoster* roster = (BRoster*)data;
	// ask for the MIME messenger
	// Generous 1s + 5s timeouts. It could actually be synchronous, but
	// timeouts allow us to debug the registrar main thread.
	BMessage request(B_REG_GET_MIME_MESSENGER);
	BMessage reply;
	status_t error = roster->fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply,
		1000000LL, 5000000LL);
	if (error == B_OK && reply.what == B_REG_SUCCESS) {
		DBG(OUT("  got reply from roster\n"));
			reply.FindMessenger("messenger", &roster->fMimeMessenger);
	} else {
		DBG(OUT("  no (useful) reply from roster: error: %" B_PRIx32 ": %s\n",
			error, strerror(error)));
		if (error == B_OK)
	return error;
	__init_once(&fMimeMessengerInitOnce, &_InitMimeMessenger, this);
	return fMimeMessenger;
/*!	Sends a request to the roster to add the application with the
	given signature to the front of the recent apps list.
BRoster::_AddToRecentApps(const char* signature) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_ADD_TO_RECENT_APPS);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddString("app sig", signature);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	status_t result;
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = reply.what == B_REG_RESULT
			? (status_t)B_OK : (status_t)B_BAD_REPLY;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = reply.FindInt32("result", &result);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = result;
	// Nothing to return... how sad :-(
	//return error;
//!	Sends a request to the roster to clear the recent documents list.
BRoster::_ClearRecentDocuments() const
	BMessage reply;
	fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
//!	Sends a request to the roster to clear the recent documents list.
BRoster::_ClearRecentFolders() const
	BMessage reply;
	fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
//! \brief Sends a request to the roster to clear the recent documents list.
BRoster::_ClearRecentApps() const
	BMessage request(B_REG_CLEAR_RECENT_APPS);
	BMessage reply;
	fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
/*!	Loads the system's recently used document, folder, and
	application lists from the specified file.
	\note The current lists are cleared before loading the new lists
	\param filename The name of the file to load from
BRoster::_LoadRecentLists(const char* filename) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_LOAD_RECENT_LISTS);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddString("filename", filename);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	status_t result;
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = reply.what == B_REG_RESULT
			? (status_t)B_OK : (status_t)B_BAD_REPLY;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = reply.FindInt32("result", &result);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = result;
	// Nothing to return... how sad :-(
	//return error;
/*!	Saves the system's recently used document, folder, and
	application lists to the specified file.
	\param filename The name of the file to save to
BRoster::_SaveRecentLists(const char* filename) const
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// compose the request message
	BMessage request(B_REG_SAVE_RECENT_LISTS);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = request.AddString("filename", filename);
	// send the request
	BMessage reply;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = fMessenger.SendMessage(&request, &reply);
	// evaluate the reply
	status_t result;
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = reply.what == B_REG_RESULT
			? (status_t)B_OK : (status_t)B_BAD_REPLY;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = reply.FindInt32("result", &result);
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = result;
	// Nothing to return... how sad :-(
	//return error;

V547 Expression 'error == ((int) 0)' is always true.

V547 Expression 'error == ((int) 0)' is always true.

V547 Expression 'error == ((int) 0)' is always true.

V547 Expression 'error == ((int) 0)' is always true.

V547 Expression 'error == ((int) 0)' is always true.

V547 Expression 'error == ((int) 0)' is always true.

V547 Expression 'error == ((int) 0)' is always true.

V547 Expression 'error == ((int) 0)' is always true.