* Copyright 2010, Haiku Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file may be used under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Janito V. Ferreira Filho
#include "CachedBlock.h"
#include "HTree.h"
#include <new>
#include <string.h>
#include "HTreeEntryIterator.h"
#include "Inode.h"
#include "Volume.h"
//#define TRACE_EXT2
#ifdef TRACE_EXT2
# define TRACE(x...) dprintf("\33[34mext2:\33[0m " x)
# define TRACE(x...) ;
HTreeRoot::IsValid() const
if (reserved != 0)
return false;
if (hash_version != HTREE_HASH_LEGACY
&& hash_version != HTREE_HASH_HALF_MD4
&& hash_version != HTREE_HASH_TEA)
return false;
if (root_info_length != 8)
return false;
if (indirection_levels > 1)
return false;
// TODO: Maybe we should check the false directory entries too?
return true;
HTree::HTree(Volume* volume, Inode* directory)
fBlockSize = volume->BlockSize();
fIndexed = directory->IsIndexed();
ext2_super_block superBlock = volume->SuperBlock();
fHashSeed[0] = superBlock.HashSeed(0);
fHashSeed[1] = superBlock.HashSeed(1);
fHashSeed[2] = superBlock.HashSeed(2);
fHashSeed[3] = superBlock.HashSeed(3);
TRACE("HTree::HTree() %" B_PRIx32 " %" B_PRIx32 " %" B_PRIx32 " %" B_PRIx32
"\n", fHashSeed[0], fHashSeed[1], fHashSeed[2], fHashSeed[3]);
if (fHashSeed[0] == 0 && fHashSeed[1] == 0 && fHashSeed[2] == 0
&& fHashSeed[3] == 0) {
fHashSeed[0] = 0x67452301;
fHashSeed[1] = 0xefcdab89;
fHashSeed[2] = 0x98badcfe;
fHashSeed[3] = 0x10325476;
fsblock_t blockNum;
status_t status = fDirectory->FindBlock(0, blockNum);
if (status != B_OK)
return status;
CachedBlock cached(fDirectory->GetVolume());
HTreeRoot* root = (HTreeRoot*)cached.SetTo(blockNum);
if (root == NULL)
return B_IO_ERROR;
if (!root->IsValid())
return B_BAD_DATA;
fHashVersion = root->hash_version;
return B_OK;
HTree::Lookup(const char* name, DirectoryIterator** iterator)
if (!fIndexed || (name[0] == '.'
&& (name[1] == '\0' || (name[1] == '.' && name[2] == '\0')))) {
// No HTree support or looking for trivial directories
return _FallbackToLinearIteration(iterator);
fsblock_t blockNum;
status_t status = fDirectory->FindBlock(0, blockNum);
if (status != B_OK)
return _FallbackToLinearIteration(iterator);
CachedBlock cached(fDirectory->GetVolume());
HTreeRoot* root = (HTreeRoot*)cached.SetTo(blockNum);
if (root == NULL || !root->IsValid())
return _FallbackToLinearIteration(iterator);
fHashVersion = root->hash_version;
size_t _nameLength = strlen(name);
uint8 nameLength = _nameLength >= 256 ? 255 : (uint8)_nameLength;
uint32 hash = Hash(name, nameLength);
off_t start = (off_t)root->root_info_length
+ 2 * (sizeof(HTreeFakeDirEntry) + 4);
fRootEntry = new(std::nothrow) HTreeEntryIterator(start, fDirectory);
if (fRootEntry == NULL)
return B_NO_MEMORY;
status = fRootEntry->Init();
if (status != B_OK)
return status;
bool detachRoot = false;
status = fRootEntry->Lookup(hash, (uint32)root->indirection_levels,
iterator, detachRoot);
TRACE("HTree::Lookup(): detach root: %c\n", detachRoot ? 't' : 'f');
if (detachRoot)
return status;
HTree::Hash(const char* name, uint8 length)
uint32 hash;
switch (fHashVersion) {
hash = _HashLegacy(name, length);
hash = _HashHalfMD4(name, length);
hash = _HashTEA(name, length);
panic("Hash verification succeeded but then failed?");
hash = 0;
hash = 0;
TRACE("HTree::_Hash(): filename hash 0x%" B_PRIx32 "\n", hash);
return hash & ~1;
HTree::_HashLegacy(const char* name, uint8 length)
uint32 hash = 0x12a3fe2d;
uint32 previous = 0x37abe8f9;
for (; length > 0; --length, ++name) {
uint32 next = previous + (hash ^ (*name * 7152373));
if ((next & 0x80000000) != 0)
next -= 0x7fffffff;
previous = hash;
hash = next;
return hash << 1;
/*inline*/ uint32
HTree::_MD4F(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z)
return z ^ (x & (y ^ z));
/*inline*/ uint32
HTree::_MD4G(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z)
return (x & y) + ((x ^ y) & z);
/*inline*/ uint32
HTree::_MD4H(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z)
return x ^ y ^ z;
/*inline*/ void
HTree::_MD4RotateVars(uint32& a, uint32& b, uint32& c, uint32& d)
uint32 oldD = d;
d = c;
c = b;
b = a;
a = oldD;
HTree::_HalfMD4Transform(uint32 buffer[4], uint32 blocks[8])
uint32 a, b, c, d;
a = buffer[0];
b = buffer[1];
c = buffer[2];
d = buffer[3];
// Round 1
uint32 shifts[4] = { 3, 7, 11, 19 };
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
a += _MD4F(b, c, d) + blocks[i];
uint32 shift = shifts[i % 4];
a = (a << shift) | (a >> (32 - shift));
_MD4RotateVars(a, b, c, d);
// Round 2
shifts[1] = 5;
shifts[2] = 9;
shifts[3] = 13;
for (int j = 1; j >= 0; --j) {
for (int i = j; i < 8; i += 2) {
a += _MD4G(b, c, d) + blocks[i] + 013240474631UL;
uint32 shift = shifts[i / 2];
a = (a << shift) | (a >> (32 - shift));
_MD4RotateVars(a, b, c, d);
// Round 3
shifts[1] = 9;
shifts[2] = 11;
shifts[3] = 15;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
a += _MD4H(b, c, d) + blocks[3 - i] + 015666365641UL;
uint32 shift = shifts[i * 2 % 4];
a = (a << shift) | (a >> (32 - shift));
_MD4RotateVars(a, b, c, d);
a += _MD4H(b, c, d) + blocks[7 - i] + 015666365641UL;
shift = shifts[(i * 2 + 1) % 4];
a = (a << shift) | (a >> (32 - shift));
_MD4RotateVars(a, b, c, d);
buffer[0] += a;
buffer[1] += b;
buffer[2] += c;
buffer[3] += d;
HTree::_HashHalfMD4(const char* name, uint8 _length)
uint32 buffer[4];
int32 length = _length;
buffer[0] = fHashSeed[0];
buffer[1] = fHashSeed[1];
buffer[2] = fHashSeed[2];
buffer[3] = fHashSeed[3];
for (; length > 0; length -= 32) {
uint32 blocks[8];
_PrepareBlocksForHash(name, (uint32)length, blocks, 8);
_HalfMD4Transform(buffer, blocks);
name += 32;
return buffer[1];
HTree::_TEATransform(uint32 buffer[4], uint32 blocks[4])
uint32 x, y;
x = buffer[0];
y = buffer[1];
uint32 a, b, c, d;
a = blocks[0];
b = blocks[1];
c = blocks[2];
d = blocks[3];
uint32 sum = 0;
for (int i = 16; i > 0; --i) {
sum += 0x9E3779B9;
x += ((y << 4) + a) ^ (y + sum) ^ ((y >> 5) + b);
y += ((x << 4) + c) ^ (x + sum) ^ ((x >> 5) + d);
buffer[0] += x;
buffer[1] += y;
HTree::_HashTEA(const char* name, uint8 _length)
uint32 buffer[4];
int32 length = _length;
buffer[0] = fHashSeed[0];
buffer[1] = fHashSeed[1];
buffer[2] = fHashSeed[2];
buffer[3] = fHashSeed[3];
for (; length > 0; length -= 16) {
uint32 blocks[4];
_PrepareBlocksForHash(name, (uint32)length, blocks, 4);
TRACE("_HashTEA %" B_PRIx32 " %" B_PRIx32 " %" B_PRIx32 "\n",
blocks[0], blocks[1], blocks[2]);
_TEATransform(buffer, blocks);
name += 16;
return buffer[0];
HTree::_PrepareBlocksForHash(const char* string, uint32 length, uint32* blocks,
uint32 numBlocks)
uint32 padding = length;
padding |= padding << 8;
padding |= padding << 16;
uint32 numBytes = numBlocks * 4;
if (length > numBytes)
length = numBytes;
uint32 completeIterations = length / 4;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < completeIterations; ++i) {
uint32 value = (padding << 8) + *(string++);
value = (value << 8) + *(string++);
value = (value << 8) + *(string++);
value = (value << 8) + *(string++);
blocks[i] = value;
if (completeIterations < numBlocks) {
uint32 remainingBytes = length % 4;
uint32 value = padding;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < remainingBytes; ++i)
value = (value << 8) + *(string++);
blocks[completeIterations] = value;
for (uint32 i = completeIterations + 1; i < numBlocks; ++i)
blocks[i] = padding;
/*inline*/ status_t
HTree::_FallbackToLinearIteration(DirectoryIterator** iterator)
*iterator = new(std::nothrow) DirectoryIterator(fDirectory);
return *iterator == NULL ? B_NO_MEMORY : B_OK;
↑ V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: fHashVersion.