 * Copyright 2003-2006, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de. All rights reserved.
 * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#include <util/list.h>
#include <BytePointer.h>
#define GET_ITEM(list, item) ({ BytePointer<void> pointer((uint8*)item \
	- list->offset); &pointer; })
#define GET_LINK(list, item) ({ BytePointer<list_link> pointer((uint8*)item \
	+ list->offset); &pointer; })
/** Initializes the list with a specified offset to the link
 *	structure in the items that will be part of the list.
list_init_etc(struct list *list, int32 offset)
	list->link.next = list->link.prev = &list->link;
	list->offset = offset;
list_init(struct list *list)
	list_init_etc(list, 0);
/** Adds a link to the head of the list
list_add_link_to_head(struct list *list, void *_link)
	list_link *link = (list_link *)_link;
	link->next = list->link.next;
	link->prev = &list->link;
	list->link.next->prev = link;
	list->link.next = link;
/** Adds a link to the tail of the list
list_add_link_to_tail(struct list *list, void *_link)
	list_link *link = (list_link *)_link;
	link->next = &list->link;
	link->prev = list->link.prev;
	list->link.prev->next = link;
	list->link.prev = link;
/** Removes a link from the list it's currently in.
 *	Note: the link has to be in a list when you call this function.
list_remove_link(void *_link)
	list_link *link = (list_link *)_link;
	link->next->prev = link->prev;
	link->prev->next = link->next;
static inline list_link *
get_next_link(struct list *list, list_link *link)
	if (link->next == &list->link)
		return NULL;
	return link->next;
static inline list_link *
get_prev_link(struct list *list, list_link *link)
	if (link->prev == &list->link)
		return NULL;
	return link->prev;
/** Gets the successor for the current item. If the passed
 *	item is NULL, it returns the first entry in the list,
 *	if there is one.
 *	Returns NULL if there aren't any more items in this list.
void *
list_get_next_item(struct list *list, void *item)
	list_link *link;
	if (item == NULL)
		return list_is_empty(list) ? NULL : GET_ITEM(list, list->link.next);
	link = get_next_link(list, GET_LINK(list, item));
	return link != NULL ? GET_ITEM(list, link) : NULL;
/** Gets the predecessor for the current item. If the passed
 *	item is NULL, it returns the last entry in the list,
 *	if there is one.
 *	Returns NULL if there aren't any previous items in this list.
void *
list_get_prev_item(struct list *list, void *item)
	list_link *link;
	if (item == NULL)
		return list_is_empty(list) ? NULL : GET_ITEM(list, list->link.prev);
	link = get_prev_link(list, GET_LINK(list, item));
	return link != NULL ? GET_ITEM(list, link) : NULL;
void *
list_get_last_item(struct list *list)
	return list_is_empty(list) ? NULL : GET_ITEM(list, list->link.prev);
/** Adds an item to the end of the list.
 *	Similar to list_add_link_to_tail() but works on the item, not the link.
list_add_item(struct list *list, void *item)
	list_add_link_to_tail(list, GET_LINK(list, item));
/** Removes an item from the list.
 *	Similar to list_remove_link() but works on the item, not the link.
list_remove_item(struct list *list, void *item)
	list_remove_link(GET_LINK(list, item));
/** Inserts an item before another item in the list.
 *	If you pass NULL as \a before item, the item is added at the end of
 *	the list.
list_insert_item_before(struct list *list, void *before, void *item)
	list_link *beforeLink;
	list_link *link;
	if (before == NULL) {
		list_add_item(list, item);
	beforeLink = GET_LINK(list, before);
	link = GET_LINK(list, item);
	link->prev = beforeLink->prev;
	link->next = beforeLink;
	beforeLink->prev->next = link;
	beforeLink->prev = link;
/** Removes the first item in the list and returns it.
 *	Returns NULL if the list is empty.
void *
list_remove_head_item(struct list *list)
	list_link *link;
	if (list_is_empty(list))
		return NULL;
	list_remove_link(link = list->link.next);
	return GET_ITEM(list, link);
/** Removes the last item in the list and returns it.
 *	Returns NULL if the list is empty.
void *
list_remove_tail_item(struct list *list)
	list_link *link;
	if (list_is_empty(list))
		return NULL;
	list_remove_link(link = list->link.prev);
	return GET_ITEM(list, link);
/**	Moves the contents of the source list to the target list.
 *	The target list will be emptied before the items are moved;
 *	this is a very fast operation.
list_move_to_list(struct list *sourceList, struct list *targetList)
	if (list_is_empty(sourceList)) {
		targetList->link.next = targetList->link.prev = &targetList->link;
	*targetList = *sourceList;
	// correct link pointers to this list
	targetList->link.next->prev = &targetList->link;
	targetList->link.prev->next = &targetList->link;
	// empty source list
	sourceList->link.next = sourceList->link.prev = &sourceList->link;

V558 Function returns the pointer to temporary local object.

V558 Function returns the pointer to temporary local object.

V558 Function returns the pointer to temporary local object.

V558 Function returns the pointer to temporary local object.

V558 Function returns the pointer to temporary local object.

V558 Function returns the pointer to temporary local object.

V558 Function returns the pointer to temporary local object.