 * Copyright 2008, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de.
 * Copyright 2003-2010, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de.
 * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
 * Copyright 2002, Manuel J. Petit. All rights reserved.
 * Distributed under the terms of the NewOS License.
#include <libroot_private.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <runtime_loader.h>
#include <user_runtime.h>
static status_t sStatus;
	// Note, this is not thread-safe
void *
dlopen(char const *name, int mode)
	void* handle;
	image_id imageID = __gRuntimeLoader->load_library(name, mode, &handle);
	sStatus = imageID >= 0 ? B_OK : imageID;
	return imageID >= 0 ? handle : NULL;
void *
dlsym(void *handle, char const *name)
	void* location;
	status_t status;
	void* caller = NULL;
	if (handle == RTLD_NEXT)
		caller = __arch_get_caller();
	status = __gRuntimeLoader->get_library_symbol(handle, caller, name,
	sStatus = status;
	if (status < B_OK)
		return NULL;
	return location;
dlclose(void *handle)
	return sStatus = __gRuntimeLoader->unload_library(handle);
char *
	if (sStatus < B_OK)
		return strerror(sStatus);
	return NULL;
dladdr(const void *address, Dl_info *info)
	image_id image;
	char* imagePath;
	char* symbolName;
	void* location;
	image_info imageInfo;
	sStatus = __gRuntimeLoader->get_nearest_symbol_at_address(address, &image,
		&imagePath, NULL, &symbolName, NULL, &location, NULL);
	if (sStatus != B_OK)
		return 0;
	sStatus = get_image_info(image, &imageInfo);
	if (sStatus != B_OK)
		return 0;
	info->dli_fname = imagePath;
	info->dli_fbase = imageInfo.text;
	info->dli_sname = symbolName;
	info->dli_saddr = location;
	return 1;
// __libc_dl*** wrappers
// We use a mixed glibc / bsd libc, and glibc wants these
void *__libc_dlopen(const char *name);
void *__libc_dlsym(void *handle, const char *name);
void __libc_dlclose(void *handle);
void *
__libc_dlopen(const char *name)
	return dlopen(name, 0);
void *
__libc_dlsym(void *handle, const char *name)
	return dlsym(handle, name);
__libc_dlclose(void *handle)

V575 The null pointer is passed into 'dlopen' function. Inspect the second argument.