 * Copyright 2003-2009, Haiku.
 * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
 * Authors:
 *		Oliver Tappe, zooey@hirschkaefer.de
 *		Adrien Destugues, pulkomandy@gmail.com
#include <new>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <AppFileInfo.h>
#include <Application.h>
#include <DataIO.h>
#include <Directory.h>
#include <File.h>
#include <FindDirectory.h>
#include <fs_attr.h>
#include <Message.h>
#include <Mime.h>
#include <Path.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <Roster.h>
#include <StackOrHeapArray.h>
#include <DefaultCatalog.h>
#include <LocaleRoster.h>
#include <cstdio>
using BPrivate::DefaultCatalog;
/*!	This file implements the default catalog-type for the opentracker locale
	kit. Alternatively, this could be used as a full add-on, but currently this
	is provided as part of liblocale.so.
namespace BPrivate {
// several attributes/resource-IDs used within the Locale Kit:
const char *kCatLangAttr = "BEOS:LOCALE_LANGUAGE";
	// name of catalog language, lives in every catalog file
const char *kCatSigAttr = "BEOS:LOCALE_SIGNATURE";
	// catalog signature, lives in every catalog file
const char *kCatFingerprintAttr = "BEOS:LOCALE_FINGERPRINT";
	// catalog fingerprint, may live in catalog file
const char *DefaultCatalog::kCatMimeType
	= "locale/x-vnd.Be.locale-catalog.default";
static int16 kCatArchiveVersion = 1;
	// version of the catalog archive structure, bump this if you change it!
/*!	Constructs a DefaultCatalog with given signature and language and reads
	the catalog from disk.
	InitCheck() will be B_OK if catalog could be loaded successfully, it will
	give an appropriate error-code otherwise.
DefaultCatalog::DefaultCatalog(const entry_ref &catalogOwner,
	const char *language, uint32 fingerprint)
	HashMapCatalog("", language, fingerprint)
	fInitCheck = B_NOT_SUPPORTED;
		"trying to load default-catalog(lang=%s) results in %s",
		language, strerror(fInitCheck));
/*!	Constructs a DefaultCatalog and reads it from the resources of the
	given entry-ref (which usually is an app- or add-on-file).
	InitCheck() will be B_OK if catalog could be loaded successfully, it will
	give an appropriate error-code otherwise.
DefaultCatalog::DefaultCatalog(entry_ref *appOrAddOnRef)
	HashMapCatalog("", "", 0)
	fInitCheck = ReadFromResource(*appOrAddOnRef);
	// fprintf(stderr,
	//	"trying to load embedded catalog from resources results in %s",
	//	strerror(fInitCheck));
/*!	Constructs an empty DefaultCatalog with given sig and language.
	This is used for editing/testing purposes.
	InitCheck() will always be B_OK.
DefaultCatalog::DefaultCatalog(const char *path, const char *signature,
	const char *language)
	HashMapCatalog(signature, language, 0),
	fInitCheck = B_OK;
DefaultCatalog::SetSignature(const entry_ref &catalogOwner)
	// Not allowed for the build-tool version.
DefaultCatalog::SetRawString(const CatKey& key, const char *translated)
	return fCatMap.Put(key, translated);
DefaultCatalog::ReadFromFile(const char *path)
	if (!path)
		path = fPath.String();
	BFile catalogFile;
	status_t res = catalogFile.SetTo(path, B_READ_ONLY);
	if (res != B_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "no catalog at %s\n", path);
	fPath = path;
	fprintf(stderr, "found catalog at %s\n", path);
	off_t sz = 0;
	res = catalogFile.GetSize(&sz);
	if (res != B_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "couldn't get size for catalog-file %s\n", path);
		return res;
	BStackOrHeapArray<char, 0> buf(sz);
	if (!buf.IsValid()) {
		fprintf(stderr, "couldn't allocate array of %Ld chars\n", sz);
		return B_NO_MEMORY;
	res = catalogFile.Read(buf, sz);
	if (res < B_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "couldn't read from catalog-file %s\n", path);
		return res;
	if (res < sz) {
			"only got %u instead of %Lu bytes from catalog-file %s\n", res, sz,
		return res;
	BMemoryIO memIO(buf, sz);
	res = Unflatten(&memIO);
	if (res == B_OK) {
		// some information living in member variables needs to be copied
		// to attributes. Although these attributes should have been written
		// when creating the catalog, we make sure that they exist there:
	return res;
/*!	This method is not currently being used, but it may be useful in the
DefaultCatalog::ReadFromAttribute(const entry_ref &appOrAddOnRef)
DefaultCatalog::ReadFromResource(const entry_ref &appOrAddOnRef)
DefaultCatalog::WriteToFile(const char *path)
	BFile catalogFile;
	if (path)
		fPath = path;
	status_t status = catalogFile.SetTo(fPath.String(),
	if (status != B_OK)
		return status;
	BMallocIO mallocIO;
	mallocIO.SetBlockSize(max_c(fCatMap.Size() * 20, 256));
		// set a largish block-size in order to avoid reallocs
	status = Flatten(&mallocIO);
	if (status != B_OK)
		return status;
	ssize_t bytesWritten
		= catalogFile.Write(mallocIO.Buffer(), mallocIO.BufferLength());
	if (bytesWritten < 0)
		return bytesWritten;
	if (bytesWritten != (ssize_t)mallocIO.BufferLength())
		return B_IO_ERROR;
	// set mimetype-, language- and signature-attributes:
	return B_OK;
/*!	This method is not currently being used, but it may be useful in the
DefaultCatalog::WriteToAttribute(const entry_ref &appOrAddOnRef)
DefaultCatalog::WriteToResource(const entry_ref &appOrAddOnRef)
/*!	Writes mimetype, language-name and signature of catalog into the
DefaultCatalog::UpdateAttributes(BFile& catalogFile)
	static const int bufSize = 256;
	char buf[bufSize];
	uint32 temp;
	if (catalogFile.ReadAttr("BEOS:TYPE", B_MIME_STRING_TYPE, 0, &buf,
			bufSize) <= 0
		|| strcmp(kCatMimeType, buf) != 0) {
		catalogFile.WriteAttr("BEOS:TYPE", B_MIME_STRING_TYPE, 0,
			kCatMimeType, strlen(kCatMimeType)+1);
	if (catalogFile.ReadAttr(kCatLangAttr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0,
			&buf, bufSize) <= 0
		|| fLanguageName != buf) {
		catalogFile.WriteAttr(kCatLangAttr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0,
			fLanguageName.String(), fLanguageName.Length()+1);
	if (catalogFile.ReadAttr(kCatSigAttr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0,
			&buf, bufSize) <= 0
		|| fSignature != buf) {
		catalogFile.WriteAttr(kCatSigAttr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0,
			fSignature.String(), fSignature.Length()+1);
	if (catalogFile.ReadAttr(kCatFingerprintAttr, B_UINT32_TYPE,
		0, &temp, sizeof(uint32)) <= 0) {
		catalogFile.WriteAttr(kCatFingerprintAttr, B_UINT32_TYPE,
			0, &fFingerprint, sizeof(uint32));
DefaultCatalog::Flatten(BDataIO *dataIO)
		// make sure we have the correct fingerprint before we flatten it
	status_t res;
	BMessage archive;
	uint32 count = fCatMap.Size();
	res = archive.AddString("class", "DefaultCatalog");
	if (res == B_OK)
		res = archive.AddInt32("c:sz", count);
	if (res == B_OK)
		res = archive.AddInt16("c:ver", kCatArchiveVersion);
	if (res == B_OK)
		res = archive.AddString("c:lang", fLanguageName.String());
	if (res == B_OK)
		res = archive.AddString("c:sig", fSignature.String());
	if (res == B_OK)
		res = archive.AddInt32("c:fpr", fFingerprint);
	if (res == B_OK)
		res = archive.Flatten(dataIO);
	CatMap::Iterator iter = fCatMap.GetIterator();
	CatMap::Entry entry;
	while (res == B_OK && iter.HasNext()) {
		entry = iter.Next();
		res = archive.AddString("c:ostr", entry.key.fString.String());
		if (res == B_OK)
			res = archive.AddString("c:ctxt", entry.key.fContext.String());
		if (res == B_OK)
			res = archive.AddString("c:comt", entry.key.fComment.String());
		if (res == B_OK)
			res = archive.AddInt32("c:hash", entry.key.fHashVal);
		if (res == B_OK)
			res = archive.AddString("c:tstr", entry.value.String());
		if (res == B_OK)
			res = archive.Flatten(dataIO);
	return res;
DefaultCatalog::Unflatten(BDataIO *dataIO)
	int32 count = 0;
	int16 version;
	BMessage archiveMsg;
	status_t res = archiveMsg.Unflatten(dataIO);
	if (res == B_OK) {
		res = archiveMsg.FindInt16("c:ver", &version)
			|| archiveMsg.FindInt32("c:sz", &count);
	if (res == B_OK) {
		fLanguageName = archiveMsg.FindString("c:lang");
		fSignature = archiveMsg.FindString("c:sig");
		uint32 foundFingerprint = archiveMsg.FindInt32("c:fpr");
		// if a specific fingerprint has been requested and the catalog does in
		// fact have a fingerprint, both are compared. If they mismatch, we do
		// not accept this catalog:
		if (foundFingerprint != 0 && fFingerprint != 0
			&& foundFingerprint != fFingerprint) {
			fprintf(stderr, "default-catalog(sig=%s, lang=%s) "
				"has mismatching fingerprint (%d instead of the requested %d)"
				", so this catalog is skipped.\n",
				fSignature.String(), fLanguageName.String(), foundFingerprint,
		} else
			fFingerprint = foundFingerprint;
	if (res == B_OK && count > 0) {
		CatKey key;
		const char *keyStr;
		const char *keyCtx;
		const char *keyCmt;
		const char *translated;
		// fCatMap.resize(count);
			// There is no resize method in Haiku Hash Map to prealloc space
		for (int i=0; res == B_OK && i < count; ++i) {
			res = archiveMsg.Unflatten(dataIO);
			if (res == B_OK)
				res = archiveMsg.FindString("c:ostr", &keyStr);
			if (res == B_OK)
				res = archiveMsg.FindString("c:ctxt", &keyCtx);
			if (res == B_OK)
				res = archiveMsg.FindString("c:comt", &keyCmt);
			if (res == B_OK)
				res = archiveMsg.FindInt32("c:hash", (int32*)&key.fHashVal);
			if (res == B_OK)
				res = archiveMsg.FindString("c:tstr", &translated);
			if (res == B_OK) {
				key.fString = keyStr;
				key.fContext = keyCtx;
				key.fComment = keyCmt;
				fCatMap.Put(key, translated);
		uint32 checkFP = ComputeFingerprint();
		if (fFingerprint != checkFP) {
			fprintf(stderr, "default-catalog(sig=%s, lang=%s) "
				"has wrong fingerprint after load (%d instead of %d). "
				"The catalog data may be corrupted, so this catalog is "
				fSignature.String(), fLanguageName.String(), checkFP,
			return B_BAD_DATA;
	return res;
BCatalogData *
DefaultCatalog::Instantiate(const entry_ref &catalogOwner, const char *language,
	uint32 fingerprint)
	DefaultCatalog *catalog
		= new(std::nothrow) DefaultCatalog(catalogOwner, language, fingerprint);
	if (catalog && catalog->InitCheck() != B_OK) {
		delete catalog;
		return NULL;
	return catalog;
BCatalogData *
DefaultCatalog::Create(const char *signature, const char *language)
	DefaultCatalog *catalog
		= new(std::nothrow) DefaultCatalog("", signature, language);
	if (catalog && catalog->InitCheck() != B_OK) {
		delete catalog;
		return NULL;
	return catalog;
const uint8 DefaultCatalog::kDefaultCatalogAddOnPriority = 1;
	// give highest priority to our embedded catalog-add-on
} // namespace BPrivate

V576 Potentially incorrect format string is passed to the 'fprintf' function. Prefix 'L' is not applicable to conversion specifier 'u'.

V576 Potentially incorrect format string is passed to the 'fprintf' function. Prefix 'L' is not applicable to conversion specifier 'd'.